Sick Leave Days Subject to paragraphs C9.
Paid Sick Leave For those jurisdictions that have passed or will pass legislation requiring Paid Sick Leave, Paid Sick Time will be billed back to Client at the straight-time bill rate for all hours taken by any Consultant assigned to Client. This section is not applicable until the effective date of such legislation has been reached.
Sick Days All employees shall be entitled to two (2) paid sick days each calendar year, upon completion of six (6) months of employment with the Employer. Employees are entitled to one additional paid sick day for each completed five (5) year term of service with the Employer, to a maximum annual entitlement of five (5) paid sick days. Pay for sick days is equal to eight (8) hours at an employee’s regular hourly rate of pay. Sick days cannot be carried over or paid out if not used within the calendar year.
Vacation, Holidays and Sick Leave During the Term, the Executive shall be entitled to paid vacation, paid holidays and sick leave in accordance with the Company's standard policies for its senior executive officers.
Leave Days 1. Each full-time teacher employed under regular contract shall be entitled to an annual allotment of thirteen (13) leave days. Such allotment shall be credited the first day of each school year and unused days shall be accumulated as sick leave to a total of one hundred eighty-two and one half (182.5) days. The teacher’s accumulated sick days may be used following use of 13 days and a doctor’s note with approval by Superintendent. Certificated staff with an accumulation of 182.5 days of accumulated sick leave shall be compensated at the end of each school year at the rate of the current daily certified substitute pay per each unused day above the 182.5 day accumulation. Such payments shall be made in July of each year. This money shall be placed in the teacher’s 403(b). If school corporation revenue in the Education Fund exceeds expenditures in the calendar year by an amount between $6,000 and $24,000, then the amount of that excess (minus compensation pay), not to exceed $18,000, shall be made available to fund a buyback of unused accumulated sick leave days on the following terms: Teachers shall have the option of selling up to ten (10) days, per round, of unused accumulated sick leave back to the school corporation at the daily rate of pay for a certified substitute teacher. This option will be offered to teachers in accordance with their seniority (total years of continuous service at Western Xxxxx) in the school corporation, with the teacher with the most seniority having priority to exercise the option, and it shall be available only to the extent of the total amount of money available as set forth above. Payment for these days shall be deposited in the individual teacher’s 403(b) plan, and upon payment those sick leave days shall no longer be available to the selling teacher. Said days must have been earned while the teacher has been employed in the school corporation. To participate in the program a teacher must maintain at all times a minimum balance of one hundred (100) days of accumulated sick leave. This method shall continue in successive rounds until the available money remaining less than daily rate of pay for a certified substitute teacher. If more money is available to the school corporation than is needed to fund the buy-backs exercised under this program, the school corporation may retain such money in its Education Fund. After selling a cumulative amount of eighty (80) days, teachers will receive a guaranteed buyback of any leave days over one hundred (100) remaining at the end of each school year. 2. A teacher employed under regular contract for only a portion of the school year shall be entitled to a proportional number of days (beginning the day they return to full-time status), and unused days shall be accumulative as specified herein. 3. Teachers shall be permitted to take one-half (1/2) day of paid leave which shall be recorded as one-half (1/2) day of paid leave. 4. Certificated staff may, in any academic year, utilize up to five (5) accumulated sick days for emergency family illness or injury (providing a written doctor’s note). The staff member must first use all 13 leave days and submit the request to the superintendent. These five days may be used for the medical emergency of only a spouse, children, mother, father, mother-in-law or father-in-law.
Sick Leave Use An employee shall be granted sick leave with pay to the extent of the employee's accumulation for absences necessitated by the following conditions:
Sick Leave The employee is eligible for long term disability benefits if provided for in the Collective Agreement. An employee will not receive pay for the first two (2) weeks of any period of absence due to a legitimate illness. The employee may utilize the paid holiday bank as income replacement for absences due to illness, as described in Article (c) above. An employee who is eligible may apply for Employment Insurance for weeks three (3) through seventeen (17) for any absence due to a legitimate illness. The Home will provide the employee with Disability Income Protection as per Article 14.01 (c) for weeks eighteen (18) through thirty (30) for any absence due to a legitimate illness. Employees may be required to provide medical proof of illness for any absence of a scheduled shift, which is neither vacation nor an approved leave of absence.
Sick Leave Abuse When the Employer suspects sick leave abuse, the employee will be provided the opportunity to explain the circumstances surrounding their sick leave use prior to disciplining the employee, or making reference to sick leave use in the employee’s performance evaluation. The Employer may not adopt or enforce any policy that counts the use of paid sick leave time as an absence that may lead to or result in disciplinary action for an authorized purpose. The Employer may not discriminate or retaliate against an employee for the use of paid sick leave for an authorized purpose.
Sick Leave Policy It is the policy of the State of Ohio to not unreasonably deny sick leave to employees when requested. It is also the policy of the State to take corrective action for unauthorized use of sick leave and/or abuse of sick leave. It is further the policy of the State that when corrective and/or disciplinary action is taken, it will be applied progressively and consistently. It is the desire of the State of Ohio that when discipline is applied it will serve the purpose of correcting the performance of the employee.
Sick Leave Verification Process a. The new school district shall provide the employee with the necessary verification form at the time the employee receives confirmation of employment in the school district. b. An employee must initiate the sick leave verification process and forward the necessary verification forms to the previous school district(s) within ninety (90) days of commencing employment with the new school district. c. The previous school district(s) shall make every reasonable effort to retrieve and verify the sick leave credits which the employee seeks to port.