SIGNIFICANT ISSUES. A system or component that is considered significantly deficient, inoperable or is unsafe. SAFETY HAZARD - Denotes a condition that is unsafe and in need of prompt attention.
SIGNIFICANT ISSUES. Issues related to the proposed modifications to incorporate effective Outdoor Recreation for Close Custody Management Control Unit offenders will be addressed in a comprehensive analysis by CDOC and design professionals during the design phase, which is currently not a part of this Project Request. Significant issues to deal with include, but are not limited to, the following: • Upgrading the Perimeter Security Barrier; • Offender Movement to and from the Outdoor Recreation Yards; • Managing Different Offender Populations; and • Working Within a Secure Operating Facility.
SIGNIFICANT ISSUES. Even though there are not many identified stakeholders, the significant issues are still underrepresented in the mapping. More should be done in finding stakeholders relevant to the EU JAV significant issues.
SIGNIFICANT ISSUES. All significant issues are represented from the identified stakeholders. Vaccine hesitancyis the issue relevant to most stakeholders, from all stakeholder categories,not least because of the recent measles outbreak. The issues with the least relevant stakeholders are Vaccine demand forecasting and supply information with 9 and Vaccine research and development with 5 relevant stakeholders. 5.16 Serbia International and European organisations, Donors (ECDC, WHO Europe, EMA, OECD) Authorities, policy & decision makers (Ministries of Health, Public health agencies) Research and Academia (Research institutes, Universities, Life and human science experts Relevant Authorities, policy & decision makers (Ministries of Health, Public health agencies) RS5 Institute of Public health of Vojvodina Pharmaceutical Industry and manufacturers’ representatives (Vaccine Europe, EFPIA) 5.16.1 Dominant (power high, net gain/loss high, legitimacy high) 5.16.2 Vulnerable (legitimacy and net gain/loss high, power low or none)
SIGNIFICANT ISSUES. The issues of Children’s & Adults’ Vaccination and ofSeasonal Vaccinations are the two issues relevant to most stakeholders (11 and 10 respectively). Vaccine research and development is following, being relevant to 8 stakeholders, including almost all the Universities. Finally, Vaccine hesitancy and Vaccine demand forecasting and supply information are relevant to 5 and 4 stakeholders. Vaccine hesitancy has also preoccupied the media. The project should investigate other characteristics of the stakeholders in order to find the most appropriate level and means of engagement.
SIGNIFICANT ISSUES. All identified stakeholders have a relevance to Children’s & Adults’ Vaccination, Seasonal Vaccinations, and Vaccine hesitancy. Vaccine demand forecasting and supply information is relevant to three stakeholders across the categories and mainly to authorities, while Vaccine research and development is only relevant to the pharmaceutical sector.
SIGNIFICANT ISSUES. All EU JAV significant issues are represented in the stakeholder mapping, and relevant to almost all dominant stakeholders. The issue of Vaccine research and developmentis particularly relevant to stakeholders in the Vulnerable and Marginal categories of stakeholders. As mentioned before, the project should take special care into collaborating with these stakeholders on this issue, putting more effort on finding the most suitable way of collaboration.
SIGNIFICANT ISSUES. The issues of Children’s & Adults’ Vaccination, Seasonal Vaccinations and Vaccine hesitancy are well represented, since they are relevant issues to all stakeholders. However, Vaccine demand forecasting and supply information and Vaccine research and development are relevant to only2 dominant stakeholders. 5.19 Spain Table 0-17Spanish national stakeholders Issues ESP2 Institute of Health Xxxxxx XXX 5.19.1 Dominant (power high, net gain/loss high, legitimacy high) 5.19.2 Influential power and legitimacy high, net gain/loss low or none
SIGNIFICANT ISSUES. All significant issues are represented by relevant stakeholders in the mapping. The issue of Vaccine hesitancyseems to be relevant to most stakeholders, most possibly due to outbreaks of measles in recent years.
SIGNIFICANT ISSUES. All significant issues are represented by relevant stakeholders in the mapping. Vaccine hesitancy is the issue relevant to most stakeholders (54), having gained more interest due to the recent outbreaks of measles and flu. Almost all stakeholders in the Dominant category are relevant to all the significant issues. Stakeholder Children’s & Adults’ Vaccination Seasonal Vaccinations Vaccine hesitancy Vaccine demand forecasting and supply information Vaccine research and development Level of engagement Authorities, policy & decision makers (Ministries of Health, Public health agencies) Involve; Collaborate GR2 Hellenic Center for Disease Control & Prevention x x x x GR3 Ministry of Health, General Sectretariat of Public Health x x x x x GR4 National Immunization Committee x x x x x GR5 National Organization of Healthcare Services Provision x GR6 National Drug Organization x x GR7 Ministry of Education, Research and Religious Affairs x x GR8 Ministry for Migration Policy x x x GR9 National School of Public Health x x x x x GR10 Medical School, National and Kapodestrian University of Athens x x x x GR11 Medical School, Aristotelian University of Thessaloniki x x x x GR12 Medical School, University of Patras x x x x GR13 Medical School, University of Ioannina x x x x GR14 Medical School, University of Crete x x x x GR15 Medical School, University of Thessaly x x x x GR16 Medical School, Democretus University of Thrace x x x x GR18 Institute of Child's Health x x x GR19 HELMSIC x x x x GR21 Pharmacy Department, National and Kapodestrian University of Athens x GR22 Pharmacy Department, Aristotelian University of Thessaloniki x GR23 Pharmacy Department, University of Patras x GR24 Nursing Department, National and Kapodestrian University of Athens x x x x GR25 Nursing Department, University of Peloponnese x x x x GR29 Scientific Society of Hellenic Medical Students x x x x GR30 Hellenic Pasteur Institute x GR33 Hellenic Medical Association x x x x GR34 Medical Association of Athens x x x x GR35 Hellenic Society for Infectious Diseases x x x x GR36 Hellenic Pediatric Society x x x x x GR37 Hellenic Society for Infectious Diseases Control x x x x GR38 Panhellenic Pharmaceutical Association x x x x x GR39 Hellenic College of Pediatricians x x x x x GR42 Hellenic Obstetrical and Gynaecological Society x x GR43 Hellenic Pediatric Academy x x x x x GR44 Hellenic Society for Paediatric Infectious Diseases x x x x x GR46 Hellenic Association of Pharmaceutical Companies "SFEE...