Implementation and Monitoring. This section of the HSE Management Plan shall include the following:
Implementation and Monitoring. 1. The contact points designated in Article 14.2 are responsible for managing and developing the cooperation under this Chapter and the Work Programme. To this effect, they cooperate and coordinate with other relevant national and international entities as appropriate.
2. The contact points shall report to the Joint Committee on the implementation of this Chapter and the Work Programme. They may make recommendations as appropriate.
3. The Joint Committee shall periodically review the implementation of this Chapter and the Work Programme. It may discuss any issue related to this Chapter and the Work Programme, make recommendations or take decisions by mutual agreement.
4. Chapter 15 shall not apply to this Chapter. Any difference or dispute between the Parties concerning the interpretation and/or implementation of any of the provisions of this Chapter and of the Work Programme shall be settled through consultations between the Parties. Consultations shall take place in the Joint Committee.
Implementation and Monitoring. 1. The Parties, for each area of engagement, shall promote effective cooperation arrangements and shall carry out the related activities at the most appropriate domestic, regional, multi-country and continental level. To that end, they recognise the role of regional and continental organisations in implementing this Protocol and shall seek to reinforce the involvement of relevant stakeholders.
2. The Parties shall monitor the implementation of this Protocol, including through a multi-stakeholder approach. They may review it on a regular basis and, as appropriate, may revise and expand its scope in existing and new areas of engagement, in accordance with the procedure in Article 99(5) of the General Part of this Agreement.
Implementation and Monitoring. A. Implementation. JCMSC shall begin implementing this Agreement immediately upon the Effective Date. If JCMSC cannot fully implement the reforms required by this Agreement within the allotted time, JCMSC shall notify the United States in writing. All training and reform attempts initiated following issuance of the Report of Findings, but before the Effective Date, shall be considered in the Monitors’ and Facility Consultant’s compliance assessments.
Implementation and Monitoring. 1. The Parties shall implement their commitments at the most appropriate level, in accordance with their respective policy frameworks. They shall develop and apply measures to maximise the impact of the implementation of this Protocol and reinforce the involvement of all interested stakeholders.
2. The Parties shall monitor and review this Protocol to ensure that implementation adheres fully to the principle of genuine partnership and accords with its strategic priorities. They may review it on a regular basis and, as mutually agreed, expand its scope, notably to new areas of engagement, in line with the procedure in Article 99 of the General Part of this Agreement. Part II. KEY AREAS OF COOPERATION
Implementation and Monitoring. Project implementation begins after approval by the IAEA Board of Governors and after allocation of resources required for implementation. The IAEA will inform national coordinators of approved projects. In implementing ARCAL-proposed projects, infrastructure, institutions and experience available in the region must be used as much as possible, particularly if they are outcomes of the Agreement. States Parties to ARCAL will contribute to project implementation either in kind or in cash and/or by providing logistical support for activities carried out in their respective countries. The lead coordinator (DTM) will draw up a half-yearly project monitoring report (Annex 4: Project Progress Report) in order to monitor implementation progress, problems and difficulties. The report will be submitted to the national coordinator who will submit it officially to the IAEA, not later than 31 January and 31 July of each year, and will upload the documents to the Platform. The lead country coordinator will deliver a copy of the project progress report to the thematic area coordinator for use as inputs to ATCB decision-making. Similarly, after coordination meetings, the lead project coordinator shall submit the respective report to the national coordinator, copied to participating project coordinators. The following information will be provided if requested:
1. references on difficulties arising during project implementation, identifying the root causes;
2. details of activities, with emphasis on achievements and results;
3. publicity on activities generated by action taken.
Implementation and Monitoring. This section of the HSE Management Plan shall include the following:
2.9.1. Stop work policy;
2.9.2. Incident reporting, recording and investigation;
2.9.3. Procedure review; and
2.9.4. Management of change.
Implementation and Monitoring. 6.5.1. Oversight, management and monitoring of the implementation of this Agreement will be undertaken by the Chief Executive Officer and the Organisation’s Board of Directors.
Implementation and Monitoring. Within 6 months from the signature of the Memorandum, the Sides intend to develop a Strategic Partnership Roadmap. The Roadmap should identify concrete actions for cooperation agreed by the Sides, along the four areas of work identified above as well as the corresponding working arrangements. The Sides intend to organise a regular biennial high - level meeting (at ministerial level) to take stock of the Partnership progress, discuss possible new strategic collaboration directions and endorse the Partnership Roadmap for the upcoming period. The Sides furthermore intend to create a dedicated working group consisting of senior officials, experts and respective actors (as specified in the Partnership Roadmap), where any matters of relevance to the Partnership's implementation should be discussed. The Sides envisage regular meetings of the Working Group, with progress being reported to the Cooperation Committee in trade configuration under the EPCA and during the biennial high-level meeting. In the process of implementing the Roadmap, the Sides intend to work together to achieve common goals in accordance with the statutory objectives and interests of each of the Sides to the Partnership, strive to build their relationships based on equality,
Implementation and Monitoring. 1. The Parties designate the following Focal Points responsible for the implementation and follow-up of the issues related to this Chapter:
(a) in the case of Chile, the Directorate General for Bilateral Affairs of the Undersecretariat for International Economic Relations, or its successor, and
(b) in the case of Ecuador, the Directorate of International Cooperation of the Ministry of Production, Foreign Trade, Investment and Fisheries, or its successor.
2. Each Party shall promptly notify the other Party of any changes to its Focal Point, as well as details of the relevant officials.
3. The responsibilities of the Focal Points will include:
(a) monitor the implementation of this Chapter and make recommendations on its future development and, to this end, shall, within three (3) years after the date of entry into force of this Agreement, review its operation and effectiveness in the light of experience gained;
(b) establish priorities for economic-trade cooperation activities defined between the Parties, which may be part of a plan of work;
(c) facilitate the discussions, requests, exchange of information and implementation of the cooperative activities set out in the different chapters of this Agreement;
(d) consult and, as appropriate, coordinate with the competent governmental authorities of the Parties on matters related to this Chapter, and
(e) others as may be agreed by the Parties.
4. The Focal Points may meet periodically and in parallel with the meetings of the Commission, in person or by any technological means, and shall prepare annual reports of their activities, unless otherwise agreed by the Parties.