Summary of Literature Review Sample Clauses

Summary of Literature Review. Introduction/Background
Summary of Literature Review. The research team realized the existence of a large number of research papers from the academic side that explore many areas that address the potential of transit smart card data such as passenger behavior analysis and market segmentation, system performance assessment, impact analysis of policy changes or service improvement, and data processing (such as trip purpose inference, etc.). Earlier projects were mostly focused on implementation and operational issues of smart card and AFC technologies, while newer studies have focused more on the uses of AFC data, and they can be wide-ranging. In general, transit agencies can benefit from the efficient use of AFC data to better understand the service needs of the transit users. For instance, AFC data can be used to assess the needs of special populations like older adults and people with disabilities by examining the preferred origins and destinations or the days and times of transit use. Furthermore, combining AFC data with other transit intelligent transportation systems (ITS) data can enhance the datasets available for decision making. To provide ideas on the potential uses of the AFC data, the following subjects were included: improving services for special populations, smart card applications, fare evasion, measuring activity similarity, inferring origin-destination demand, assessing transit loyalty, uses of electronic fare payment records, data for bus service and operations planning, travel behavior analysis, and mobility patterns of seniors, children and students, and adults. In addition, the use of data mining and big data techniques have been widely recognized as a powerful instrument to analyze large-scale data, identify patterns, and derive meaningful information that can be used to support planning and predictive analysis. The use of big data can be grouped into six categories: Service/Performance, Travel Behavior, Travel Demand, Management, Resilience and Health/Safety, and Other Topics. The selected work in this research study also included relevant North American and International experiences in the use of AFC data. The research identified innovative uses of the data and results from research studies in section 2.4. In this area, it is worthwhile mentioning the work of international researchers, as there is a vast amount of information that covers a variety of useful topics relevant to the use of AFC data. Although there is a wide variety of topics to cover, the areas captured in this research s...
Summary of Literature Review. The two literature review stages provided a useful starting point for developing a dynamic NextFood framework for sustainability impact evaluation. A table with the revised models in terms of how they resonate with the NextFood Sustainability Impact Framework is given in the Annex. Of particular relevance were the notion of “productive interaction” and the a priori categorization of impacts as product- and process-related. To further develop these components, we drew on expert reflections concerning evaluation of impact from interview and workshop materials.
Summary of Literature Review. In the literature review the focus was of course, in the quality. Different views of quality from the management to improving quality. Also, supply chain perspective was reviewed from the quality to information sharing. It should be noted that there is lot of research material on this topic and this literature review gives only a peek at what can be found on the subject. Important areas regarding this study were revealed. At first Quality management were reviewed in general. There could be found many slightly different definitions of quality. This is of course due the long history of quality research and all the time increasing importance of the subject to companies. To mention a few definitions for example Xxxxx (1980) defines quality as: Fitness of purpose or use and ISO 8402 (1986) standard as: The totality of features and characteristics of a product or service that hear its ability to satisfy stated or implied needs. Perspectives of quality were introduced. Those are useful to companies when they are planning supply chain cooperation. Xxxxxx (1988) reviewed perspectives as follows: xxxx- scendental-, user-, product-, producer- and value perspective. Depending on situation in company some of these perspectives are more important than another and company can focus on these areas for example by means of TQM. For implementing TQM there could be found different kinds of frameworks from the literature. For example, Xxxxxxxxx Award Criteria gives 7 major criteria which helps companies to evaluate status of quality. Also, authors such as Xxxxxx, Xxxxx and Xxxxxx have their slightly different perspectives on TQM. After implementing quality procedures like TQM work towards better quality is of course not over. Good quality needs continuous improvement and control. For that there is for example European Foundation for Quality Management (EFQM) model which is an in- strument for TQM. To mention some other methodologies there are: Xxxx, Xxxxxx’x system of profound knowledge, The Improvement Model Framework Continuous Pro- cess Improvement, Six Sigma and the PDCA cycle. These ones are widely known, and it is easy to find information and guidance to implementation if necessary. Demand for implementing quality instruments has generated whole new business area of providing quality implementation by the consultants. It is not enough to manage quality internally in company. Also, the quality in the supply- ing firms needs managing as well as in supply chain in general. ...
Summary of Literature Review. Chapter 2 sought to provide a detailed review of the literature related to Central Office Supports for Principals as Learning Leaders and the Impact on Student Achievement. The literature was divided into five themes relevant to the study: 1) principals as learning leaders; 2) the influences of effective leadership; 3) central office structures to create the conditions for principals to serve as learning leaders; 4) mentoring to equip and retain principals to serve as learning leaders; and 5) the relationship between trust and successful mentoring that promotes principals as learning leaders. As we have seen, the role of the school principal has evolved over time from that of plant manager to instructional leader and more recently to that of a learning leader. These learning leaders have immense responsibilities to establish and sustain collaborative cultures focused on learning vs. teaching (XxXxxx, 2002). Research acknowledges the vital role and influence of the school leader on student achievement (Xxxxxxx et al., 2005) as well as the fact that central office support of principals increases effectiveness, job satisfaction, and ultimately student achievement (Xxxxx et al., 2010). One of the primary modes of central office support for principals is through mentoring programs, which traditionally were utilized for teachers but have been shown to be very effective for school leaders (Xxxxxx, 2004; Xxxxxx et al., 2012). As we learned, “good principals are made, not born” (Xxxxx & Xxxxxxx, 2010, p. 3). And finally, the literature behind the concept of trust, between and among all stakeholders (principals, central office leaders, and mentors) was reviewed. Not only is trust paramount in all relationships (Xxxxx, 2006), the principal is charged with building it on his or her campus, and the mentor and central office staff are charged with providing the supports that enable the principal to be successful at it!
Summary of Literature Review. The United States contains only 5% of world’s population, but almost 25% of its prisoners (Alexander, 2010). While mass incarceration has made a major xxxx on our society as a whole, its xxxx on minority communities is the most troubling. It is expected that one in three young black men (Sentencing Project 2013) and three in four young black man in the nation’s capital, Washington D.C., (Alexander 2010) can expect to spend time in prison if current trends continue. In 1930, 22% of all of those admitted to prison were black; by 1992, this percentage had climbed to 51%. (Xxxxxxx 1999). Drug offenses alone account for two-thirds of the rise in federal incarceration and half the rise in state incarceration from 1985 to 2000 (Alexander, 2010). Drug arresting procedures that targeted low-income communities of color and sentencing policies that put more people in prison for longer have been the major factors responsible for mass incarceration (Alexander, 2010; Raphael & Xxxxx, 2013). As discussed, the driving factor for the “War on Drugs” and the “Tough on Crime” era was the rising public punitiveness from the 1960s through the 1980s, which were influenced by the news media’s overrepresentation of violent crimes, sensational coverage of drugs, and the news media’s association of crimes with African Americans and minorities. Furthermore, incarceration contributes to the perpetuation of an oppressive cycle towards minorities not only by the mass imprisonment of African American and Latino men and women, but by the obstacles in place for ex-convicts to re-enter society including employment discrimination, housing discrimination, denial of the right to vote, denial of food stamps and other public benefits, and exclusion from jury service (Alexander, 2010). These obstacles, in turn, increase the recidivism rate (Raphael and Xxxxx 2013). Incarcerated people are treated as second class citizens, exploited by the massive web of corporations that rely on prisons as an industry and maintain mass incarceration by playing as major obstacles for criminal justice reform (Xxxxx and Xxxxxxx 2010). Public opinion polls have shown that there has been an increasing desire for reform from the public and increasing support for rehabilitation, despite consistent support for punitive policies as well (Opportunity Agenda, 2014; Thielo, 2015). An analysis of public opinion shows that, although the public remains punitive, the public’s attitudes towards drug offenders has become less puni...
Summary of Literature Review. The emerging Key knowledge issue from cooperative legal framework in a devolved system of governance was the dynamic nature of education management in two levels of government that require continues consultation among all stakeholders. Secondly for a devolved system to remain relevant, continues legal and policy framework review may be adopted with objective being need based. The perspectives of decentralized system of governance also bring to fore issues of resources mobilization and allocation by the stakeholders, public participation in decision making, hierarchy of checks and balances is critical. Literature controversies noted remain on structural level of administration by individual counties. This could be informed by the social and economic demand of that county which is based on their local goals. The gaps remain on lack of dynamic and robust legal and policy framework that bring on board resources related issues, participation and checks and balance in provision education services in the two levels of government.
Summary of Literature Review. While there are rich and abundant theoretical discussions linking women’s autonomy and reproductive health in the literature, there is a surprisingly limited volume of research on the empirical associations between autonomy and contraceptive use in India. Considering the existing studies, the relationship between autonomy and contraception uptake is largely positive albeit with important nuances, often shaped by study setting and methodological factors. There has been a lack of consensus on operationally defining autonomy, with a tendency to emphasize women’s individual freedoms without recognizing the strong kinship structures prevalent in India and the need to contextualize those measures. Moreover, there is a dearth of regional diversity in the research, which is an important aspect for research pertinent to India and elicits a need for state-stratified research, beyond the conventionally used Uttar Pradesh and Tamil Nadu dichotomy. Additionally, most of the existing research is based on cross-sectional data despite the recognition of autonomy as a dynamic concept in the South-Asian setting. To summarize, future research in India should prioritize investigating the effects of dynamic autonomy on contraceptive practices and attempt to study this relationship across socioeconomically diverse states.
Summary of Literature Review. The ways in which individuals internalize societal norms and gender roles construct feminine and masculine identities and leads to differences in health behaviors (Airhihenbuwa & Xxxxxxx, 2004; Xxxxxx, et al., 2010). Men are less likely than women to adopt behaviors that promote wellbeing as a result of gender identities surrounding masculinity. Furthermore, these social norms are constructed and influenced by the broad sociocultural context. Due to the interaction between gender identities and the social context, many of these ideas are transforming. In order to ensure that public health interventions are effective, it is imperative that these interpersonal relations are understood.
Summary of Literature Review. Introduction/Background Overview of Imaging Modalities Discussion of Imaging Modalities by Variant Variant 1: Dyspnea due to heart failure. Ischemia not excluded.