SOFTWARE COPYRIGHT. Any software used by Provider in connection with the Services and any software provided to End-User in conjunction with providing the Services are protected by copyright law and international treaty provisions. End-User may not copy the software or any portion of it.
SOFTWARE COPYRIGHT. All software and data provided on the ESM’s network, mainframe and workstations may not be copied or distributed without prior, written justification and authorisation by the ESM.
SOFTWARE COPYRIGHT. The Software is protected by copyright law and international treaty provisions. The Software is subject to the terms and conditions in licenses of third parties, and hellospoke will use commercially reasonable efforts to pass through licenses for Software sublicensed to Customer in providing hellospoke’s Services. Customer has no right to inspect, possess, use, copy, or attempt to discover the source code (or any portion thereof) used to create any Software, except to the extent that Customer is expressly permitted to decompile the Software under applicable law and Customer notifies hellospoke of Customer’s intention to decompile the Software and Customer’s reason to do so.
SOFTWARE COPYRIGHT. 11.1. Any software used by Xxxxx Group to provide the Service and any software provided to you in conjunction with providing the Service is protected by copyright law and international treaty provisions. You may not copy the software or any portion of it.
SOFTWARE COPYRIGHT. Any software used by CloudWyze in connection with the Services and any software provided to Customer in conjunction with providing the Services are protected by copyright law and international treaty provisions. Customer may not copy the software or any portion of it.
SOFTWARE COPYRIGHT. Unless otherwise agreed in writing by Discover Me Design, the copyright and all other rights relating to any software provided to the Customer by or on behalf of Discover Me Design pursuant to this Agreement (the "Intellectual Property") will remain the property of Discover Me Design or where applicable its licensors.
SOFTWARE COPYRIGHT. Any software used by LITECLOUD to provide the Service and any software provided to you in conjunction with providing the Service is protected by copyright law and international treaty provisions. You may not copy the software or any portion of it.
SOFTWARE COPYRIGHT. Upon our due diligence search with the information published on the CPCC mini-platform for copyright registration, we find that as of the date of this report, ZBG Education and its branches and controlled subsidiaries have the following copyrighted software: No. Owner of Copyright Software Name Registration No. Date of Completion of Development First Publication Date 1 ZBG Education ACCA Helper Software [Shortened name: ACCA Assistant] V1.0 2018SR415195 Jan. 1, 2018 Jan. 1, 2018 2 ZBG Education ZBG Classroom Software V1.0 2018SR096870 Dec. 25, 2017 Dec. 25, 2017 3 ZBG Education ZBG Education Call Center System [Shortened name: 2019SR1006158 Sep. 20, 2018 Sep. 20, 2018 No. Owner of Copyright Software Name Registration No. Date of Completion of Development First Publication Date ZBG Education Call Center] V6.4.2 4 ZBG Education ZBG Mall System [Shortened name: ZBG Mall] V2.0 2019SR0877652 Nov. 1, 2017 Nov. 1, 2017 5 ZBG Education ZBG Education Payment Center Platform [Shortened name: Payment Center] V1.0 2019SR0980026 Apr. 1, 2019 Apr. 1, 2019 6 ZBG Education ZBG Education Teaching Management System [Shortened name: Teaching Management System] V1.0 2019SR1006586 Sep. 1, 2018 Sep. 1, 2018 7 ZBG Education ZBG Education ACCA Assistant Platform [Shortened name: ACCA Assistant Platform] V2.6.3 2019SR1045145 Apr. 1, 2019 Apr. 1, 2019 8 ZBG Education ZBG Education Question- answering System [Shortened name: Question- answering System] V2.6.0 2019SR1064957 May 28, 2019 May 28, 2019 9 ZBG Education ZBG Financial and Commercial MOOC Platform [Shortened name: Financial and Commercial MOOC Platform] V1.0 2019SR1104831 Apr. 16, 2019 Apr. 16, 2019
SOFTWARE COPYRIGHT. All copyright / intellectual property rights of the Software and the Documentation belong to the Licensor and they are protected by Intellectual and Artistic Works Law, Turkish Penal Code, Industrial Property Law, Turkish Commercial Code, and other relevant legislation. Unlawful copying and other similar acts other than those within the scope of usage license are subject to sanction with imprisonment of up to five years and large amounts of judicial fines, determined according to the type of the action. The User may not disassemble, copy, reverse engineer, alter the order, or use the Sofware in any other manner without the express written consent of Licensor, even for the purpose of achieving inter-operation with other software. The User may not make the Software available to third parties. The User has no right to process or modify the Software or the Third Party Software. In the event that the Software is processed in violation of this clause, the intellectual property rights of the changed and processed Software shall be within the sole right of the Licensor. The alteration of the materials and documents related to the Software, intellectual property right declarations that announce rights on the Software and/or Third Party Software, removal, obfuscation or alteration of other features through commercial and/or service brands, usage to achieve other ends, copying, and reproduction are all also prohibited and such actions mean the violation of the copyright. The User is responsible for obtaining the license to use the database, operating system, network and similar software belonging to Third Parties on which the Software operates.
SOFTWARE COPYRIGHT. Any software used by Voipia or it’s vendors and underlying carriers to provide the IP Phone Service or other Voipia Services and any software provided to the End User in conjunction with providing said Services are protected by copyright law and international treaty provisions. End user may not copy the software or any portion of it.