Sources to Pay for Ongoing Park Maintenance Costs Sample Clauses

Sources to Pay for Ongoing Park Maintenance Costs. Developer and the Agency understand that the City and the Agency are responsible for Ongoing Park Maintenance, and financing Ongoing Park Maintenance is of paramount importance to the City, the Agency, and Developer. Therefore, Xxxxxxxxx agrees to establish a Maintenance CFD and supporting framework to finance Ongoing Park Maintenance. The supporting framework may include assessments through a property owners association. A Maintenance CFD may be part of a CFD formed to finance Qualified Project Costs and Additional Community Facilities, so long as the term of the Maintenance CFD is perpetual, and Maintenance Special Taxes will be separately calculated and collected (e.g., as “Special Tax B”) against Taxable Parcels. Under the CFD Act, Maintenance Special Taxes cannot finance Qualified Project Costs or Additional Community Facilities or be pledged or used to pay CFD Bonds. The Agency agrees to use Maintenance Special Taxes only to pay for Ongoing Park Maintenance within the Project Site. All Maintenance CFDs will have perpetual terms and levy Maintenance Special Taxes in perpetuity.
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Related to Sources to Pay for Ongoing Park Maintenance Costs

  • Routine Maintenance Services PM1.03.2-1 Respond immediately to restrict all access to Highway Crossing Infrastructure, as directed by the Province.

  • Operating and Maintenance Costs The Participating Generator shall be responsible for all its costs incurred in connection with operating and maintaining the Generating Units identified in Schedule 1 for the purpose of meeting its obligations under this Agreement.

  • Service Costs Service Costs are direct and indirect expenditures incurred in support of Petroleum Operations in the Contract Area, including expenditures on warehouses, piers, marine vessels, vehicles, motorized rolling equipment, aircraft, fire and security stations, workshops, water and sewerage plants, power plants, housing, community and recreational facilities and furniture and tools and equipment used in these activities. Service Costs in any Year shall include the costs incurred in such Year to purchase and/or construct the said facilities as well as the annual costs of maintaining and operating the same, each to be identified separately. All Service Costs shall be regularly allocated as specified in Sections 2.2.5, 2.3.5 and 2.4 to Exploration Costs, Development Costs and Production Costs and shall be separately shown under each of these categories. Where Service Costs are made in respect of shared facilities, the basis of allocation of costs to Petroleum Operations hereunder shall be specified.

  • Assistance expenses The Parties shall waive all claims on each other for the reimbursement of expenses incurred in accordance with this Chapter, except, as appropriate, for expenses related to experts and witnesses and to interpreters and translators who are not public officials.

  • Additional Services Compensation Additional Services Compensation shall be the fees determined in accordance with Article 7 to be paid by the Owner to the Professional Consultant in connection with the performance of Additional Services.

  • Operating and Maintenance Expenses Subject to the provisions herein addressing the use of facilities by others, and except for operations and maintenance expenses associated with modifications made for providing interconnection or transmission service to a third party and such third party pays for such expenses, the Interconnection Customer shall be responsible for all reasonable expenses including overheads, associated with: (1) owning, operating, maintaining, repairing, and replacing the Interconnection Customer’s Interconnection Facilities; and (2) operation, maintenance, repair and replacement of the Participating TO’s Interconnection Facilities.

  • Uniform Maintenance Allowance 22.1 The City provides uniforms or uniform allowance for employees represented by the Association. The City will continue to replace, repair and maintain uniforms worn in the line of duty. The average cost of the uniforms/uniform allowances are reported as special compensation (for those employees defined as “classic employees” by the Public Employees’ Pension Reform Act of 2013 for retirement calculation purposes and is currently reported as $17 per pay period.

  • Additional Expenses The Underwriter will pay all expenses (e.g., shipping, postage and courier costs) associated with the delivery of the Prospectus to prospective investors and investors, other than the costs of delivery to the Underwriter's facilities, provided, that if courier services (other than overnight delivery services utilized in the ordinary course of business) are required to ensure that the Prospectus is delivered to investors on the day immediately preceding the Closing Date, the Company will pay such courier expenses. If the foregoing is in accordance with your understanding of our agreement, please sign and return to the undersigned a counterpart hereof, whereupon this letter and your acceptance shall represent a binding agreement between the Underwriter and the Company. Very truly yours, PAINEWEBBER INCORPORATED By:____________________________ Name: Title: The foregoing Agreement is hereby confirmed and accepted as of the date hereof. GE CAPITAL MORTGAGE SERVICES, INC. By:____________________________ Name: Title:

  • Janitorial Services or Building Maintenance Services If this Agreement is for janitorial or building maintenance services, this section is applicable. If this Agreement requires Contractor to perform Services at a new site, Contractor shall retain for sixty (60) days all employees currently employed at that site by any previous contractor that performed the same services at the site. Contractor shall provide upon request information sufficient to identify employees providing janitorial or building maintenance services at each site and to make the necessary notifications required under Labor Code section 1060 et seq.

  • Disbursements to Contractors to Pay Costs of the Project The Recipient shall require that as work on the Project and as specified in its contract is performed a Contractor shall promptly submit a detailed project specific invoice to the Project Manager. Within three (3) Business Days following receipt of such invoice from a Contractor, the Project Manager shall review the invoice and, if found to be accurate, shall so certify in writing, forwarding such certification together with a copy of the invoice to the Chief Fiscal Officer. Within five (5) Business Days following receipt of such invoice and certification from the Project Manager, the Chief Fiscal Officer shall conduct such reviews as he considers appropriate and, if he approves such invoice, shall submit to the Director a Disbursement Request together with the information and certifications required by this Section 6(b). The dollar amount set forth in the Disbursement Request shall be calculated based on the Participation Percentage as set forth originally in Appendix D of this Agreement or as may be adjusted from time to time to account for changed conditions in the project financing scheme. Within five (5) Business Days following receipt of the Disbursement Request and all required information and certifications, the Director shall, if such items are deemed by the Director to be accurate and completed, initiate a voucher in accordance with applicable State requirements for the payment of the amount set forth in the Disbursement Request. Upon receipt of a warrant from the Auditor of State drawn in connection with a voucher initiated in accordance with the terms of the preceding sentence, the Director shall forward it by regular first class United States mail or electronic funds transfer, to the contractor or other authorized recipient designated in the Disbursement Request. Prior to any disbursement from the Fund, the following documents shall be submitted to the Director by the Recipient:

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