Sub-Agreements Party shall not assign, subcontract or subgrant the performance of this Agreement or any portion thereof to any other Party without the prior written approval of the State. Party shall be responsible and liable to the State for all acts or omissions of subcontractors and any other person performing work under this Agreement pursuant to an agreement with Party or any subcontractor.
HHSC Agreements A. To pay the Contractor for services provided under the Contract type specified in Section I of this Contract in amounts and under conditions determined by HHSC as defined in this Contract, the applicable Contractor manual, handbook, policy letter or program rules and standards and in accordance with applicable laws and regulations for all eligible persons receiving such services under Title XIX and or Title XX. B. To pay the Contractor within time limits set by HHSC and in accordance with applicable laws and regulations after a proper claim for payment is submitted and approved for payment in accordance with HHSC's Claims Administrator billing guidelines. C. To adjust payments to the Contractor to compensate for prior overpayment or underpayment. D. To give the Contractor reasonable notice of any impending change in its status as a participating Contractor, except that nothing in this section shall be construed to deny HHSC the right, for failure to comply with this Contract or regulations published in the Texas Register, to terminate this Contract, suspend payments or take any other legal remedy available to HHSC. E. To provide a hearing, in accordance with TAC, Title 1, Part 15, Chapter 357, Subchapter I, or its successor to the Contractor in the event HHSC imposes an adverse action on the Contractor under this Contract. F. To make available to the Contractor the applicable Contractor manual and any changes to that manual that change the requirements for participation. G. That a religious organization that contracts with HHSC does not by contracting with HHSC lose the exemption provided under Section 702 of the Civil Rights Act [42 U.S.C. §2000E-1(a)] regarding employment practices. A religious or charitable organization is eligible to be a Contractor on the same basis as any other private organization. The Contractor retains its independence from state and local governments, including the Contractor's control over the definition, development, practice and expression of its charitable or religious beliefs. Except as provided by federal law, HHSC shall not interpret this Contract to require a charitable or religious organization to alter its form of internal governance or remove religious art, icons, scripture or other symbols. Furthermore, if a religious or charitable organization segregates the government funds provided under this Contract, then only the financial assistance provided by these funds will be subject to audit. However, neither HHSC's selection of a charitable or faith-based Contractor nor the expenditure of funds under this Contract is an endorsement of the Contractor's charitable or religious character, practices or expression. The purpose of this Contract is the provision of community services. No state expenditures have as their objective the funding of sectarian worship, instruction or proselytization, and no state funds shall be expended for these purposes.