Special Provisions Data Fees Professional Customers. The following policies and offerings are applicable only to Data Fees for Professional Customers.
Special Provisions Data Fees Professional Customers. The following policies and offerings are applicable only to Data Fees for Professional Customers. Lump Sum, Special Fees, Campaign For a monthly fee of 5,686.00€ the Customer is granted a non-exclusive and non- transferable right to disseminate Real-time Data of Frankfurt Specialist Trading (Frankfurt Floor – market identifier code “FRA”) in Open User Groups In addition, the Customer has to pay the respective Distribution Licence Fees. The Customer shall itself be responsible for gaining access to the Real-time Data from the Frankfurt Specialist Trading (Frankfurt Floor) as contained in the Information Products Frankfurt Pre- and Post-Trade, Xetra® Core, Xetra® Ultra or Xetra® Order by Order. By the installation of appropriate mechanisms, the Customer shall ensure that only Information with the market identifier code “FRA” is extracted. For the access of the following Information Products without automatic update Deutsche Börse AG offers reduced Data Fees: ▪ Xetra® Ultra Level 2 ▪ Xetra® Ultra Level 1 ▪ Xetra® Core Level 2 ▪ Xetra® Core Level 1 ▪ Xetra® ETFs & ETPs (available as of 1 Jul. 2023) ▪ Eurex® Ultra ▪ Eurex® Core ▪ STOXX® Indices ▪ DAX® Indices and Xetra® ETF (available until 30 Jun. 2023) ▪ DAX® Indices (available as of 1 Jul. 2023) ▪ Volatility Indices (available until 30 Jun. 2023) ▪ STOXX® DAX® Volatility Indices (available as of 1 Jul. 2023) ▪ Regional Exchanges Germany The Data Fees per Access ID per Information Product without automatic update amount to 40% of the respective stated prices for the relevant Information Product in Section C 1.2. For the Internal Usage of the following Information Products without automatic update, the Customer can choose a lump sum that allows an unlimited number of entitled Access IDs. Information Product Monthly lump sum (in €) ▪ Xetra® Ultra Level 2 70,494.00€/Month ▪ Xetra® Ultra Level 1 58,458.00€/Month ▪ Xetra® Core Level 2 65,336.00€/Month ▪ Xetra® Core Level 1 27,080.00€/Month ▪ Xetra® ETFs & ETPs (available as of 1 Jul. 2023) 1,797.00€/Month ▪ Eurex® Ultra 21,492.00€/Month ▪ Eurex® Core 21,492.00€/Month ▪ STOXX® Indices 5,390.00€/Month ▪ DAX® Indices and Xetra® ETF (available until 30 Jun. 2023) 3,594.00€/Month ▪ DAX® Indices (available as of 1 Jul. 2023) 3,594.00€/Month ▪ Volatility Indices 702.00€/Month ▪ Regional Exchanges Germany 2,686.00€/Month The amount is charged on a monthly basis in advance. For the Internal Usage of Information within a news business, i.e. provision of Information to repor...