Staking and Guying. Remove all support guy wires, strapping and stakes from plants which have gone through one complete growing season.
Staking and Guying. When trees attain a trunk caliper of 4", consider removing existing stakes and guy wires or ties. If the trees are still unstable, consider replacing them. Stakes and guys are to be inspected at least twice per year to prevent the girdling of trunks or branches and to prevent rubbing that causes bark wounds. Eye screws in specimen tree trunks are preferred to protective, looped wire and hose.
Staking and Guying a. CONTRACTOR shall maintain stakes and guys and replace, as needed, with approved materials.
b. CONTRACTOR shall replace tree ties, as needed, to provide support without chafing bark.
c. Additional stakes or ties shall be set, as needed, to prevent wind damage.
d. CONTRACTOR shall remove stakes that are no longer needed for trees with sufficient trunk caliper at the direction of CITY.
Staking and Guying. A. Trees that are guyed shall have their guys and stakes removed after 8-months or at as required by the Owner’s Representative.
B. Tree guying shall utilize the tree staking and guying materials specified. Guying to be tied in such a manner as to create a minimum 12-inch loop to prevent girdling.
A. Trees and palms shall stand plumb after staking or guying.
B. Stakes shall be driven to sufficient depth to hold the tree rigid.
Staking and Guying. All staking materials, except for replacements, shall be removed by the earlier of the expiration of any applicable warranty period or one year from installation. Staking and guying attachment materials shall be securely fastened and closely monitored so that they do not create public hazards.