State Aid Law Sample Clauses
State Aid Law. (a) The Grant Recipient has undertaken its own independent assessment of the compatibility of the Project with State Aid Law and confirms to the Secretary of State that the Project is structured so it is compliant with State Aid Law. Where the Secretary of State has provided its views on any aspect of State Aid Law, the Grant Recipient confirms that it has considered this information alongside all other sources of State Aid Law available at the time of entering into this Funding Agreement (including regulations and decisions published on the European Commission website) in undertaking its own assessment of the Project's compliance. The Secretary of State has taken into account the Grant Recipient's representations on State Aid Law compliance in deciding to offer the Grant.
(b) The Grant Recipient shall procure and maintain the necessary expertise and resources to deliver the Project in accordance with the State Aid Law for the full term of the Project. The Grant Recipient agrees to maintain appropriate records of compliance with the State Aid Law and agrees to take all reasonable steps to assist the Secretary of State to comply with State Aid Law requirements and respond to any investigation(s) instigated by the European Commission into the Project or by the European Court of Auditors.
(c) A finding of State Aid non-compliance in respect of the Project by the European Commission or a Court of competent jurisdiction may lead to Grant Recipient being ordered to repay the Grant with interest in accordance with the European Commission's reference rates.
State Aid Law. (a) The ERDF Recipient has undertaken its own independent assessment of the compatibility of the Project with State Aid Law and confirms to the Secretary of State that the Project is structured and shall be implemented so it is compliant with State Aid Law. In respect of the National European Regional Development Fund State Aid Law Guidance and in situations where the Secretary of State has provided its views on any aspect of State Aid Law, the ERDF Recipient confirms that it has considered this information alongside all other sources of State Aid Law available at the time of entering into this Funding Agreement (including regulations and decisions published on the European Commission website) in undertaking its own assessment of the Project's compliance. The Secretary of State has taken into account the ERDF Recipient's representations on State Aid Law compliance in deciding to offer the ERDF Contribution.
(b) The ERDF Recipient shall procure and maintain the necessary expertise and resources to deliver the Project in accordance with State Aid Law for the full term of the Project. The ERDF Recipient agrees to maintain appropriate records of compliance with the State Aid Law and agrees to take all reasonable steps to assist the Secretary of State to comply with State Aid Law requirements including responding to any investigation(s) instigated by the European Commission into the Project.
(c) A finding of State Aid non-compliance in respect of the Project by the European Commission or a Court of competent jurisdiction may lead to ERDF Recipient being ordered to repay the ERDF Contribution with interest in accordance with the European Commission's reference rates.