Federal Medicaid System Security Requirements Compliance Party shall provide a security plan, risk assessment, and security controls review document within three months of the start date of this Agreement (and update it annually thereafter) in order to support audit compliance with 45 CFR 95.621 subpart F, ADP System Security Requirements and Review Process.
Statutory and Regulatory Compliance Contractor shall comply with all laws and regulations applicable to the Community Development Block Grant-Disaster Recovery funds appropriated by the Disaster Relief Appropriations Act, 2013 (Pub. L. 113-2), including but not limited to the applicable Office of Management and Budget Circulars, which may impact the administration of funds and/or set forth certain cost principles, including the allowability of certain expenses.
MINIMUM WAGE LAWS 35 A. Pursuant to the United States of America Fair Labor Standards Act of 1938, as amended, and 36 State of California Labor Code, §1178.5, CONTRACTOR shall pay no less than the greater of the 37 federal or California Minimum Wage to all its employees that directly or indirectly provide services 1 pursuant to this Agreement, in any manner whatsoever. CONTRACTOR shall require and verify that 2 all its contractors or other persons providing services pursuant to this Agreement on behalf of 3 CONTRACTOR also pay their employees no less than the greater of the federal or California Minimum 4 Wage.