Stone Sample Clauses

Stone. Stone for all purposes shall be the best of its kind, sound and durable, free from flaws and from soft, weathered or decomposed parts. In general the stones should be of uniform size to avoid voids between stones. The stone and the quarry from which it is obtained shall be subject to the approval of the Engineer before being used or placed. All the stone shall have a specific gravity of not less than 2.5. Rock used for stone pitching shall be sound durable rock selected from the harder rock from the required excavations or other approved sources. The rock shall not be less than 150 mm thick and shall be properly bedded to a uniform surface on an approved bedding material. The exposed surface of each stone shall be approximately flat and of an area not less than 0.03 m2.
Stone. Amend the Sub-Clause as follows:
Stone. Minimum stone size for this Project shall be VDOT RBS Class AI. In addition, riprap stone shall consist of fresh, sound, hard, dense, durable rock which shall be separated from bedrock by quarrying. The stone shall be free from open or incipient cracks, seams, fissures and structural planes of weakness, and other defects that would tend to increase deterioration by natural causes. See Plans for stone sizes.
Stone. (a) Stone masonry shall consist of laying all rip rap, rubble work, with or without mortar, setting all cut stone, marble, slate or stone work (meaning as to stone, any work manufactured from such foreign or domestic products as are specified and used in the interior or on the exterior of buildings by architects and customarily called, "stone" in the trade). (b) Cutting all shoddies, broken ashlar, or random ashlar that is roughly dressed upon the beds and joints and range ashlar not over ten (10) inches in height; the dressing of all jambs, corners and ringstones that are roughly dressed upon the beds, joints or reveals and the cutting of a draft upon same for plumbing purposes only; and the cleaning, cutting of joints and pointing of stone work. (c) This is to apply to all work on buildings, sewers, bridges, railroads, bulkheads, breakwaters, jetties, playgrounds, parks, landscaping and curbing of other public works and to all kinds of stone, particularly to the product of the locality where the work is being done and the same shall be considered stone masonry. (d) Stonemasons shall have the right to use all tools which they consider necessary in the performance of their work. Cleaning, grouting, pointing and other work necessary to achieve and complete the work under the foregoing category shall be the work of the Stonemason. Bricklayers Standard Industrial Agreement May 01, 2010 to April 30, 2016 APPENDIX "B"
Stone. 06 SPI 10 -01 The Contractor shall place #57 stone in accordance with the details in the plans and the following provision. # 57 Stone 1005
Stone. Stone shall be of best quality, locally available obtained from approved quarries or from boulders after chiselling and hammer dressing. Stone shall be hard, sound,durable and free from weathering, decay and defects like cavities, crack flaw, sand holes, injurious veins,patches of loose or soft materials and other similar defects that may adversely affect its strength andappearance. It shall be of uniform colour and texture. Generally stone shall not contain crypto crystalline silica or chert, mica and other deleterious materials like iron oxide, organic impurities, etc. Stone boulders (in their original rounded shape) shall not be used in the stone masonry work.the length of stone for stone masonry shall not exceed three times the height and the breadth on base shall not be greater than three - fourth the thickness of wall. Height of stone may be upto 30cm. Stones for random rubble masonry may be of any size and shape but shall be not less than 15 cm inany direction.
Stone. Stone can be classified into two categories: Siliceous stones and calcareous stones. Siliceous stones such as granite and slate are more durable and relatively easy to clean, while calcareous stones, such as marble, limestone and onyx, are more porous and sensitive to acidic cleaning products. As stone is a natural material, markings and color will vary. Stone tops are sealed or polished to be stain resistant. Many common foods and drinks contain acids that will etch or dull the surface of many stones. Use placemats or felt spots under china, ceramics, silver, and any other objects that may scratch the surface. Clean stone surfaces with a soft cloth and a few drops of stone soap or a light detergent combined with warm water. Too much cleaner or soap may leave a film or cause streaks. Rinse the surface thoroughly after cleaning and dry with a soft cloth. For spills, blot with a soft cloth immediately to prevent the stain from being absorbed by the stone. Flush with water and mild soap and rinse well. Dry the area with a soft cloth. We recommend that stained or soiled stone be professionally cleaned by a stone cleaner or a refinisher.
StoneThe Contractor shall visit various stone quarries operating in the nearby region and ascertain the levels and areas in which stone of good and acceptable quality is likely to be available. It is for the Contractor to investigate his own quarries which will yield stone in sufficient quantities and of required quality for the works. However, if a quarry location ascertained by the Contractor does not yield adequate and suitable stone, no claim will be entertained and other quarry locations will have to be investigated and established by the Contractor at his own cost and risk. The quality of stone from all quarries shall be got approved by the Engineer-in-charge before using it on the work. The contractor shall have to make arrangements at his own cost for construction and maintenance of all roads leading to and fro from the stone quarries as required by him.
Stone. Granite or limestone accents will be provided at areas of the building. The stone material will be 1 1/4" thick mounted on a structural stud framing system. 04000 MASONRY
Stone. Stone for concrete shall be hard clean stone broken to the sizes specified and containing all the fine material except that about 1/16 inch and less which may be used as sand, provided it does not contain a large proportion of dust or very fine particles. Care is to be taken to keep broken stone evenly graded.