STUDENT PERFORMANCE AND ACADEMIC IMPROVEMENT GOALS. The Principal acknowledges that pursuant to Section 10-23.8a of The School Code, this multi-year Agreement is subject to performance-based goals, which are linked to student performance and academic improvement attributable to the responsibilities and duties of the Principal. The Principal's student performance and academic improvement goals are attached hereto as Appendix B. As part of the Principal's annual evaluation, the Principal and Superintendent shall meet to review the Principal's progress towards meeting the student performance and academic improvement goals. The Superintendent will review and assess the Principal's overall performance on an annual basis based upon the student performance and academic improvement goals, and any other objectives established by the Board. The Board reserves the right to annually adjust or modify the student performance and academic improvement goals listed herein and to establish other goals and objectives for the Principal.
STUDENT PERFORMANCE AND ACADEMIC IMPROVEMENT GOALS. This Contract is a performance-based contract linked to student performance and academic improvement of the schools within the District. The SUPERINTENDENT will strive to meet the goals during the term of this Contract. The parties agree the goals and indicators are linked to the student performance and academic improvement of the schools within the District. Annually, the SUPERINTENDENT, with the assistance of his administrative team, will
STUDENT PERFORMANCE AND ACADEMIC IMPROVEMENT GOALS. The Superintendent acknowledges that this multi-year contract is a performance-based contract which includes the goals and indicators of student performance and academic improvement determined by the Board to measure the performance and effectiveness of the Superintendent as mandated under Section 5/10-23.8 of The School Code. As part of the Superintendent’s annual performance evaluation, the parties shall meet to review the Superintendent’s progress towards attainment of the student performance and academic improvement goals established by the Board. The goals and indicators of student performance and academic improvement will be a part of this Agreement as Appendix A. The Board will review and assess the Superintendent's performance based upon the student performance and academic improvement goals set forth in Appendix A, and any other performance goals and objectives established by the Board. This Agreement may be extended by mutual agreement of the Board and Superintendent only if the performance goals set forth in Appendix A are successfully attained by the Superintendent based upon the Board’s review and assessment of the Superintendent’s performance.
STUDENT PERFORMANCE AND ACADEMIC IMPROVEMENT GOALS. The Superintendent acknowledges that this multi-year Contract is a performance- based contract which must include the goals and indicators of student performance and academic improvement determined by the Board to measure the performance and effectiveness of the Superintendent as mandated under Section 5/10-23.8 of The School Code. As part of the Superintendent's annual performance evaluation, the parties shall meet to review the Superintendent's progress towards attainment of the student performance and academic improvement goals established by the Board. The Board and Superintendent recognize that this multi-year Superintendent Contract must include student performance and academic improvement goals prior to the effective date of the Contract. Accordingly, the Superintendent's student performance and academic improvement goals are attached hereto as Appendix A. The Board will review and assess the Superintendent's performance based upon the performance goals, and any other evaluation criteria established by the Board. This Contract may be extended at the end of any contract year by mutual agreement of the Board and Superintendent if the student performance and academic improvement goals are successfully attained by the Superintendent based upon the Board's review and assessment of the Superintendent's performance.
STUDENT PERFORMANCE AND ACADEMIC IMPROVEMENT GOALS. The Principal, in consultation with the Superintendent, shall develop the Principal’s goals for the Contract Year. The Parties agree that these goals will be linked to student performance and academic improvement and will be submitted to the Board for its approval and attached hereto and made part hereof as Exhibit A. In the event that the Principal, Superintendent and Board fail to agree on the goals to be included in said document, the Superintendent and the Board shall establish the goals.
STUDENT PERFORMANCE AND ACADEMIC IMPROVEMENT GOALS. The Administrator acknowledges that pursuant to Section 10-23.8a of The School Code, this multi-year Agreement is subject to performance-based goals which are linked to student performance and academic improvement attributable to the responsibilities and duties of the Administrator. The Administrator’s student performance and academic improvement goals for the 2021-2022 contract year will be developed and approved by the Board and incorporated into Appendix B by contract amendment prior to July 1, 2021. As part of the Administrator’s annual evaluation, the Administrator and Superintendent or designee shall meet to review the Administrator’s progress towards meeting the student performance and academic improvement goals. The Superintendent or designee will review and assess the Administrator’s overall performance based upon the student performance and academic improvement goals, and any other objectives established by the Board. The Board reserves the right to annually adjust or modify the student performance and academic improvement goals listed herein and to establish other goals and objectives for the Administrator.
STUDENT PERFORMANCE AND ACADEMIC IMPROVEMENT GOALS. The Superintendent acknowledges that this multi-year contract is a performance-based contract which includes the goals and indicators of student performance and academic improvement de- termined by the Board to measure the performance and effectiveness of the Superintendent as mandated under Section 5/10-23.8 of The School Code (105 ILCS 5/10-23.8). As part of the Su- perintendent’s annual performance evaluation, the parties shall meet to review the Superinten- dent’s progress towards attainment of the student performance and academic improvement goals established by the Board. The goals and indicators of student performance and academic im- provement are set forth in Appendix A of this Agreement, a copy of which is attached hereto and hereby incorporated by reference as though fully set forth herein. The Board will review and assess the Superintendent's performance based upon the student per- formance and academic improvement goals set forth in Appendix A, and any other performance goals and objectives established by the Board. This contract may be extended at the end of any contract year upon mutual agreement only if the performance goals set forth in Appendix A are successfully attained by the Superintendent based upon the Board’s review and assessment of the Superintendent’s performance.
STUDENT PERFORMANCE AND ACADEMIC IMPROVEMENT GOALS. The Chief Operating Officer acknowledges that pursuant to Section 10-23.8a of The School Code, this multi-year Agreement is subject to performance-based goals which are linked to student performance and academic improvement attributable to the responsibilities and duties of the Chief Operating Officer. The Chief Operating Officer’s student performance and academic improvement goals are attached hereto as Appendix B. As part of the Chief Operating Officer’s annual evaluation, the Chief Operating Officer and Superintendent shall meet to review the Chief Operating Officer’s progress towards meeting the student performance and academic improvement goals. The Superintendent will review and assess the Chief Operating Officer’s overall performance on an annual basis based upon the student performance and academic improvement goals, and any other objectives established by the Board. The Board reserves the right to annually adjust or modify the student performance and academic improvement goals listed herein and to establish other goals and objectives for the Chief Operating Officer.