Student Removal From and Return to Classroom Sample Clauses

Student Removal From and Return to Classroom. When a teacher refers a student(s) to the principal or his/her designee for disciplinary action, the student(s) shall be retained in the principal's or his/her designee's office for the remainder of that period. In elementary classes, a period shall be defined as one (1) hour. In cases where a student is returned to class prior to the end of the period, the student will be accompanied by the principal or adult designee. Upon request, the principal or designee will inform the teacher of the action taken at a time when it will not interrupt instruction. A student(s) returning to the classroom from a discipline referral unaccompanied by an adult shall remain the responsibility of the principal or his/her designee until the student(s) reaches the classroom. Any student(s) who displays violent behavior toward themselves or others should be removed from the classroom until disciplinary action has been taken. 1. Student Discipline at each school site will be implemented in accordance with the Board’s approved Student Code of Conduct. In no way is this meant to interfere with the principal’s right to determine student discipline within the Code of Conduct or under statute. 2. Students displaying violent behavior toward faculty and staff as determined by the school administrator/designee shall be disciplined in accordance with the Student Code of Conduct and the student will not be returned to the referring staff member’s class for the remainder of the day the infraction took place. The staff member referring the student(s) must be sent in writing the disciplinary action taken within 24 hours of the final disposition.
Student Removal From and Return to Classroom. 24 When a teacher refers a student(s) to the principal or his/her designee for disciplinary action, 25 the student(s) shall be retained in the principal's or his/her designee's office for the remainder 26 of that period, in the elementary classes a period shall be defined as one (1) hour or the 27 principal or his/her designee defined as an adult person assigned by the principal shall 28 accompany the student(s) upon his/her return to class. A student(s) returning to the classroom 29 from a discipline referral unaccompanied by an adult shall remain the responsibility of the 30 principal or his/her designee until the student(s) reaches the classroom. Any student(s) who 31 displays violent behavior toward themselves or others should be removed from the classroom 32 until disciplinary action has been taken. 33 1. Student Discipline at each school site will be implemented in accordance with the 34 Board’s approved Student Code of Conduct. In no way is this meant to interfere with 35 the principal’s right to determine student discipline within the Code of Conduct or 36 under statute. 37 2. Students displaying violent behavior toward faculty and staff as determined by the 38 school administrator/designee shall be disciplined in accordance with the Student Code 39 of Conduct and the student will not be returned to the referring staff member’s class 40 for the remainder of the day the infraction took place. The staff member referring the 41 student(s) must be sent in writing the disciplinary action taken within 24 hours of the 42 final disposition. 43 GENERAL PROTECTIONS 44

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