Student Code of Conduct definition

Student Code of Conduct means the District/Charter School approved document which specifies the rights and responsibilities of students, defines conduct that disrupts/threatens a positive/safe school environment, standardizes procedures for consequences, disciplinary action, and defines due process and grievance procedures.
Student Code of Conduct means a written policy of expectations adopted by the LEA, SAU, or private provider of special education.
Student Code of Conduct means HFC's Student Code of Conduct, as enforced by the Office of the Vice President of Student Affairs/ Designee (Student Conduct and Compliance).

Examples of Student Code of Conduct in a sentence

  • Dual credit students must comply with College policies and procedures including, the Student Code of Conduct as outlined in the College Catalog.

  • I understand that violation of these provisions may result in suspension or revocation of access to the District’s technology resources or other disciplinary action in accordance with the Student Code of Conduct.

  • Students who misuse VHJSD’s technology resources will be subject to discipline which may include loss of access to VHJSD technology resources and/or other appropriate disciplinary or legal action in accordance with the Student Code of Conduct and applicable laws.

  • When, in the professional judgment of a bargaining unit member, a student is by their behavior seriously disrupting school activity or instruction to the detriment of other students, the bargaining unit member shall follow the level of responses outlined in the Student Code of Conduct.

  • The plan will include the response levels and interventions as outlined in the Student Code of Conduct.

More Definitions of Student Code of Conduct

Student Code of Conduct means the HCC student rights and responsibilities.
Student Code of Conduct means the Coast Community College District Policy Regarding Student Code of Conduct and Disciplinary Procedures.
Student Code of Conduct means the College’s published set of non-academic expectations and requirements for Students’ behavior that includes the College’s procedures, practices, and remedies for addressing Student non-academic misconduct.
Student Code of Conduct means HFC's Student Code of Conduct, as enforced by the Office of Student Conduct and Compliance. Found on link below.
Student Code of Conduct means LCC's Student Code of Conduct, as enforced by the Office of Student Compliance.
Student Code of Conduct means the Coast Community College District Board Policy/Administrative Procedure (BP 5500 and AP 5500, respectively).
Student Code of Conduct means HFC's Student Code of Conduct, as enforced by the Office of the Vice President of Student Affairs/ Designee (Student Conduct and Compliance). “Conflict Resolution” means a process of resolving a dispute or disagreement. It mainly aims at reconciling opposing arguments in a manner that promotes and protects the human rights of all parties concerned. Conflict Resolution will only be offered if both parties voluntarily agree to the alternate process as long as the parties are not a threat to themselves or others. Students who are determined by the Student Conduct Officer/Designee and/or the BIT team to have displayed behavior that would not be resolved through conflict resolution and/or whose situation rises to the level of an Interim Suspension is not eligible for this process.