Sustained. The allegation is supported by sufficient evidence to justify a reasonable conclusion that the allegation is factual.
Sustained. Not sustained After sustaining any violation, the AAB will:
Sustained. The allegation, in part or in whole, was supported by proper and sufficient evidence.
Sustained in that the allegation is supported by sufficient evidence to indicate that the employee did commit one or more of the alleged acts.
Sustained. The investigation disclosed sufficient evidence to prove clearly the allegation made in the complaint.
Sustained. Incident occurred and was either contrary to the Towing Policy, Towing Agreement, State Laws, or City Ordinances.
Sustained. A finding or conclusion that an allegation is supported by a preponderance of evidence.
Sustained. The allegation is supported by sufficient evidence.
Sustained. (Other): The investigation revealed that the employee committed a violation other than the original allegation(s). Each other finding must list a classification and have an incident violation cited.
Sustained. The discipline as imposed by the Chief of Police shall remain in place.