Target Group/Beneficiaries Sample Clauses
Target Group/Beneficiaries. People living in conditions of poverty (about 70% of the population); • Xxxxxxxxxxxx children under 5 years of age; • People with active tuberculosis and their families and neighbors; • People living with HIV/AIDS (PLWHA) with HIV/TB co-infection; • Prisoners; • Government and private not-for-profit healthcare workers; and • General Population.
Target Group/Beneficiaries. Female sex workers (FSWs); Men who have sex with men (MSM); Beach boys; Drug users (DUs); and People living with HIV.
Target Group/Beneficiaries. Five border districts (population 234,633); Ten epidemic prone districts (population 234,630); and Hard to reach population (population 36,000 living in the fifteen districts mentioned above).
Target Group/Beneficiaries. The boxes below contain a brief summary of the Program’s beneficiaries and key essential targets. Example: No. of SAC treated for Schistosomiasis Example: 2,500,000 each year. Example: No. of endemic districts mapped Example: 12 of 12, 100% mapped by date.
Target Group/Beneficiaries. The Proposal of the Bhutan CCM as approved by the Global Fund envisions that, at the end of year 5 of the Program, should there be a continuation of funding of the Program in Phase 2, increased access to HIV prevention services will have reached: • 90,000 in-school youth, • 17,000 out-of-school youth, • 25,000 uniformed personnel and their families, • 6,000 religious leaders and monks, • 22,000 transport workers, and • more than 500 most-at-risk individuals (primarily substance users and sex workers).
Target Group/Beneficiaries. Youth aged 10 – 24 years old; Pregnant women; Sex workers; Men who have sex with men; PLWHA and their families; Orphans; HIV positive women and newborn infants; Medical staff and social workers; Ministry of Health staff from provincial directorates; and General population.
Target Group/Beneficiaries. Adults and children living with HIV/AIDS receiving ARV treatment Key and vulnerable populations including sex workers and their clients, MSM, and refugees and IDPs General population at risk of HIV/AIDS Health sector overall (through improved coordination, human resources, and information systems)
Target Group/Beneficiaries. The RBF model aims to improve access to key services, with a particular focus on pregnant women and children under the age of five, as well as preventive and curative services for HIV, TB and malaria. Through the RBF credits, the mechanism also benefits healthcare personnel and community health workers who receive financial rewards on their salaries based on increased coverage and quality of services to target populations.
Target Group/Beneficiaries. The boxes below contain a brief summary of the Program’s beneficiaries and key essential targets. Number of School Aged Children treated for soil transmitted helminths and lymphatic filariasis: At least 1,261,555 individuals. Number of School Aged Children treated for schistosomiasis: Number to be determined following the 2014 mapping exercise. Number of pregnant and lactating women treated for Soil transmitted helminths and lymphatic filariasis: At least 390,249 individuals. Number of pregnant and lactating women treated for schistosomiasis: Number to be determined following the 2014 mapping exercise. Number of children age 1-5 years treated for soil transmitted helminths and lymphatic filariasis: At least 624,399 individuals. Number of children age 1-5 years treated for schistosomiasis: Number to be determined following the 2014 mapping exercise. Number of people 15 years old and above, not counting pregnant and lactating women treated for soil transmitted helminths and lymphatic filariasis and schistosomiasis: Number to be determined following the 2014 mapping exercise. Number of health workers trained in NTD case management 1,068 (2 from each health facility) Number of health facilities that are supported with capacity building and supervision 534 Numbers to be trained: 100 Trainer of Trainers; 6,381 Teachers Annually; Number of Community Drug Distributers: (to be determined) Number of schools supported with WASHED interventions and provided with hygiene packs: 2,127
Target Group/Beneficiaries. The Program will reach: • Psychologically and economically vulnerable populations, which include young people in or out of school, young girls, women, children, sex workers and their clients, inmates, drug users, migrants, wives of migrants, and military personnel. Their number is estimated at 600,000 vulnerable young people and 100,000 people engaged in risky behavior; • People living with HIV/AIDS newly added to the caseload at referral centers throughout Algeria and their families; • Community- and association-based resource persons • Health professionals • Non-governmental organizations