Common use of TEACHER EVALUATION Clause in Contracts

TEACHER EVALUATION. A. All teaching staff: 1. Evaluations shall be conducted by the teacher's immediate supervisor. 2. Monday and Friday evaluations will occur by mutual consent only. 3. The teaching performance shall be observed and a written evaluation made on form E (see Exhibit 2). 4. A total of thirty (30) consecutive minutes is required for each observation. 5. All monitoring or observation of the work of a teacher shall be conducted openly and with full knowledge of the teacher. 6. The use of eavesdropping, closed circuit television, public address or audio systems and similar surveillance devices shall be strictly prohibited. 7. Following the last observation the building principal will notify the teacher in writing, at least 24 hours in advance of a conference. 8. The building principal will hold a verbal post-evaluation conference within ten (10) working days of the last observation. 9. A duplicate copy of Form E shall be submitted to the teacher at the time of the formal conference, which shall be held within five (5) days of the verbal conference. 10. A representative of the Association, chosen by the teacher, may attend any evaluation conference. 11. Forms signed by the building principal and the teacher shall indicate only receipt of the evaluation, not necessarily agreement. 12. Teachers have the right to respond to their evaluations, in writing, and have it attached to their official evaluations to be placed in their personnel file. 13. Intent to put objections in writing should be made known to the building principal within ten (10) working days after receipt of the evaluation. 14. All evaluations shall be based upon valid criteria for evaluation of professional growth as determined by the District with the recommendation of the Association (Form E – Exhibit 2). B. Tenure teachers shall be evaluated at least once every three (3) years based upon at least two (2) observations during the school year of the evaluation. C. Non-tenure teachers: 1. Shall be observed at least once every semester of probation. The observations must be at least sixty days apart unless a shorter period of time is mutually agreed upon by the administrator and teacher. 2. A pre-announced, informal observation of the performance of each non-tenure teacher shall take place during the first eight (8) weeks of the first semester of employment, followed by a review of this observation. 3. An individualized development plan will be given to the non-tenure teacher before the formal observation.

Appears in 3 contracts

Samples: Master Agreement, Master Agreement, Master Agreement

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TEACHER EVALUATION. A. All teaching staff: 118.01 The Board and Association agree that the evaluation process for teachers is essential to successful instructional programs for students. Evaluations It is further agreed that teacher evaluation is a responsibility of the Board and Administration and shall be conducted undertaken with the primary intent of improving the instructional skill of the teacher. Should the desired level of competency not be achieved by a teacher, the evaluation record may be used as a basis for a recommendation for termination following all due process actions. 18.02 Teachers shall assist in the development of evaluation criteria. This criteria shall be provided to all teachers no later than September 30 and shall include an explanation and discussion of the evaluation process. (Appd. 4/18/13) 18.03 Beginning during the month of September and continuing through April, all teachers shall be evaluated. Teachers newly hired by the teacher's immediate supervisor. 2. Monday and Friday evaluations will occur by mutual consent only. 3. The teaching performance district (probationary teachers) employed for a full school year (one day over half their contract period) shall be observed and a written minimum of two (2) times during the year; other contract teachers shall be formally observed at least once each year. Teachers are encouraged to seek assistance to improve their instruction through their principal or a supervisor in a special area 18.04 All formal observations of teachers for purposes of evaluation made on form E (see Exhibit 2). 4. A total of thirty (30) consecutive minutes is required for each observation. 5. All monitoring or observation of the work of a teacher shall be conducted openly and with the full knowledge of the teacher.. (Appd. 4/18/13) 6. The use of eavesdropping, closed circuit television, public address or audio systems and similar surveillance devices 18.05 All informal observations used for evaluation purposes shall be strictly prohibited. 7. Following the last observation the building principal will notify made available to the teacher in writingwriting or electronically. (Appd. 4/18/13) 18.06 Forms for reporting formal and informal observations will include the dates and places of such observations, at least 24 hours in advance of a conference. 8. The building principal will hold a verbal post-evaluation conference within ten (10) working days the evaluator's assessment of the last observation. 9. A duplicate copy of Form E shall be submitted teacher's strengths and weakness, the evaluator's recommendations to the teacher at the time of the formal conference, which shall be held within five (5) days of the verbal conference. 10. A representative of the Association, chosen by the teacher, may attend any evaluation conference. 11. Forms signed by the building principal and the teacher shall indicate only receipt resultant progress of the evaluation, not necessarily agreement.teacher. (Appd. 4/18/13) 12. Teachers have the right to respond to their evaluations, in writing, and have it attached to their official evaluations to be placed in their personnel file. 13. Intent to put objections in writing should be made known to the building principal within ten (10) working days after receipt of the evaluation. 14. All 18.07 Although disputes concerning evaluations shall be based upon valid criteria for evaluation of professional growth as determined by the District with the recommendation of the Association (Form E – Exhibit 2).exempt from the B. Tenure teachers shall be evaluated at least once every three (3) years based upon at least two (2) observations during the school year of the evaluation. C. Non-tenure teachers: 1. Shall be observed at least once every semester of probation. The observations must be at least sixty days apart unless a shorter period of time is mutually agreed upon by the administrator and teacher. 2. A pre-announced, informal observation of the performance of each non-tenure 18.08 Each teacher shall take place during have the first eight right, upon request, to inspect, review, 18.09 Evaluation (8) weeks for hiring, firing, promotion, demotions and certification) of Sumter County School Board Bargaining Unit employees is only accomplished by administrative personnel. However, the first semester parties to this Agreement realize that the certification of employment, followed by a review entry level instructional personnel is of this observation. 3. An individualized development plan will be given vital concern to the non-tenure total teaching profession and hereby agree to work cooperatively in the Sumter School District Beginning Teacher and Alternative Certification Programs. (Appd. 4/18/13) 18.10 Parental Input in Teacher Evaluation – Parents are invited to provide school administrators constructive feedback regarding teacher before the formal observation.performance when appropriate. (Ratified 10/5/98)

Appears in 2 contracts

Samples: Collective Bargaining Agreement, Collective Bargaining Agreement

TEACHER EVALUATION. A. All teaching staff: 1. Evaluations shall be conducted by the teacher's immediate supervisor. 2. Monday and Friday evaluations will occur by mutual consent only. 3. The teaching performance shall be observed and a formal/written evaluation made on form E (see Exhibit 2). 4. A total of thirty (30) consecutive minutes is required for each observation. 5. All monitoring or observation of the work of a teacher shall be conducted openly in person and with the full knowledge of the teacher. No formal classroom observations will be made during the first fifteen (15) and the final twenty (20) days of pupil instruction in a school year. 6B. Teacher evaluation shall be by formal/written observation. No formal/written observation shall be for less than thirty (30) minutes. At least one (1), but not more than three (3) formal/written observations shall result in a formal/written evaluation document presented to each teacher evaluated. Informal visitations are permissible to the administration at anytime. If a tenure teacher has been placed on an Individualized Development Plan the evaluation may be supplemented by up to three (3) informal observations in addition to the range of formal/written observations specified above. If a tenure teacher’s most recent evaluation work performance rating was “satisfactory”, the formal/written observations in the next evaluation shall be limited to two (2). C. No formal/written observation shall substantially interfere with the teaching-learning process. Each observation shall be preceded by not less than forty-eight (48) hours notice, except for probationary teachers or tenure teachers on an Individualized Development Plan who will receive not less than twenty-four (24) hours notice. D. Each teacher, upon his/her employment or at the beginning of the school year, whichever is later, shall be apprised of the specific criteria on which he/she will be evaluated. The use of eavesdropping, closed circuit television, public address or audio systems and similar surveillance devices criteria shall be strictly prohibitedlimited to the following areas: 1. Knowledge of subject matter. 72. Following Techniques of instruction. 3. Classroom management. 4. Relationships with pupils, parents and professional colleagues. 5. The teacher's mental and physical ability to perform essential job functions, based upon assessment by health care professional(s). The Board and the last observation Association recognize that the building principal will notify ability of pupils to progress and mature academically is a combined result of school, home, economic, and social environment and that teachers alone cannot be held accountable for all aspects of the teacher academic achievement of the pupil in writing, at least 24 hours the classroom. Standardized test results of academic progress of students shall not be used in advance any way as evaluative of the quality of a conferenceteacher's services or fitness for retention. 8E. The Association and the Board of Education may by mutual agreement change the evaluation process and the evaluation form. The building principal When changes are made and agreed to, they will hold a verbal post-evaluation conference be presented to the membership within ten (10) working calendar days. F. Teaching assignments outside the teacher's area of certification shall not be evaluated. G. Written/formal evaluations shall be by personal observation in the classroom, conducted by the teacher's immediate supervisor(s) or mutually agreed upon district administrator(s). H. All formal/written observations shall be reduced to writing and given to the teacher within twelve (12) school days of the last observationclassroom observation(s). If an administrator believes a teacher is doing unacceptable work, the reasons therefore shall be set forth in specific terms and shall identify specific ways in which the teacher is to improve and the assistance to be given by the administration. In subsequent observation reports, failure to again note a prior specific deficiency which was repeated and observed shall be interpreted to mean that adequate improvement has taken place. 9. A duplicate copy of Form E shall be submitted to the teacher at the time of the formal conferenceI. Following such formal/written evaluation, which shall be held within five (5) days of include a conference with the verbal conference. 10. A representative of the Associationevaluator, chosen by the teacher, may attend any evaluation conference. 11. Forms signed by the building principal and the teacher shall indicate only receipt sign and be given a copy of the evaluation report prepared by the evaluator. In no case shall the teacher's signature be construed to mean that he/she necessarily agrees or disagrees with the content of the evaluation. A teacher may submit a self-evaluation if desired. If a teacher disagrees with the evaluation, not necessarily agreement. 12. Teachers have the right to respond to their evaluationsteacher shall submit a written response within fifteen (15) school days, in writing, and have it which response shall be attached to their official the file copy of the evaluation in question. All formal/written evaluations are to be placed in their the teacher's personnel file. 13J. At least 60 days before the end of each school year the Board shall provide the probationary teacher with a definite written statement as to whether or not his/her work has been satisfactory. Intent Failure to put objections submit a written statement shall be considered as conclusive evidence that the teacher's work is satisfactory. A probationary teacher shall be employed for the ensuing year unless notified in writing should be made known to at least 60 days before the building principal within ten (10) working days after receipt end of the evaluation. 14school year that his/her services will be discontinued due to unsatisfactory service. All evaluations For purposes of this provision, the "end" of the school year shall be June 30. If a probationary teacher's service is being measured under the anniversary date method, consistent with the Tenure Act, the "end" of the school year is the teacher's anniversary date of employment. The above notification requirement pertaining to probationary teachers shall not apply to staff reduction. The Board shall ensure that each probationary teacher is provided with an Individualized Development Plan (IDP) developed by appropriate administrative personnel in consultation with the individual teacher and that the teacher is provided with at least an annual year end performance evaluation each year during the teacher's probationary period. The annual year end performance evaluation shall be based on, but it not limited to, at least 2 classroom formal/written observations held at least 60 days apart, unless a shorter interval between the 2 classroom observations is mutually agreed upon valid criteria for evaluation of professional growth as determined by the District with teacher and the recommendation administration, and shall include at least an assessment of the Association (Form E – Exhibit 2)teacher's progress in meeting the goals of his or her Individualized Development Plan. B. Tenure teachers K. The Board shall be evaluated ensure a teacher on continuing tenure is provided with a performance evaluation at least once every three (3) years and, if the teacher has received a less than satisfactory performance evaluation, the school district shall provide the teacher with an Individualized Development Plan developed by appropriate administrative personnel in consultation with the individual teacher. Except as otherwise provided in paragraph B of this Article, the performance evaluation shall be based upon on, but is not limited to, at least two (2) 2 classroom observations conducted during the school year period covered by the evaluation and, if the teacher has an Individualized Development Plan, shall include at least an assessment of the evaluationteacher's progress in meeting the goals of his or her Individualized Development Plan. C. Non-tenure teachers:L. Each teacher's evaluation shall include at the conclusion of the report, the statement: "Considering all factors, the work performance of this teacher is satisfactory; 1. Shall be observed at least once every semester M. For those teachers (as defined in Article 1 of probation. The observations must be at least sixty days apart unless a shorter period of time is mutually agreed upon the Agreement) who are not covered by the administrator and teacher. 2. A pre-announcedTeachers’ Tenure Act, informal observation the provisions of this Agreement referring to probationary teachers shall also apply to those bargaining unit members not covered by the performance of each non-tenure teacher shall take place during Teachers’ Tenure Act who are in the first eight (8) weeks of the first semester four years of employment, followed by a review in this bargaining unit, with the Board. Similarly, the provisions of this observationAgreement referring to tenure teachers shall also apply to those bargaining unit members not covered by the Teachers’ Tenure Act who have completed four or more years of employment with the Board as a member of this bargaining unit. 3. An individualized development plan will be given to the non-tenure teacher before the formal observation.

Appears in 1 contract

Samples: Master Agreement

TEACHER EVALUATION. A. All teaching staff: 1. Evaluations shall be conducted by the teacher's immediate supervisor. 2. Monday and Friday evaluations will occur by mutual consent only. 3. The teaching performance shall be observed and a formal/written evaluation made on form E (see Exhibit 2). 4. A total of thirty (30) consecutive minutes is required for each observation. 5. All monitoring or observation of the work of a teacher shall be conducted openly in person and with the full knowledge of the teacher. No formal classroom observations will be made during the first fifteen (15) and the final twenty (20) days of pupil instruction in a school year. 6B. Teacher evaluation shall be by formal/written observation. No formal/written observation shall be for less than thirty (30) minutes. At least one (1), but not more than three (3) formal/written observations shall result in a formal/written evaluation document presented to each teacher evaluated. Informal visitations are permissible to the administration at anytime. If a tenure teacher has been placed on an Individualized Development Plan the evaluation may be supplemented by up to three (3) informal observations in addition to the range of formal/written observations specified above. If a tenure teacher’s most recent evaluation work performance rating was “satisfactory”, the formal/written observations in the next evaluation shall be limited to two (2). C. No formal/written observation shall substantially interfere with the teaching-learning process. Each observation shall be preceded by not less than forty-eight (48) hours notice, except for probationary teachers or tenure teachers on an Individualized Development Plan who will receive not less than twenty-four (24) hours notice. D. Each teacher, upon his/her employment or at the beginning of the school year, whichever is later, shall be apprised of the specific criteria on which he/she will be evaluated. The use of eavesdropping, closed circuit television, public address or audio systems and similar surveillance devices criteria shall be strictly prohibitedlimited to the following areas: 1. Knowledge of subject matter. 72. Following Techniques of instruction. 3. Classroom management. 4. Relationships with pupils, parents and professional colleagues. 5. The teacher's mental and physical ability to perform essential job functions, based upon assessment by health care professional(s). The Board and the last observation Association recognize that the building principal will notify ability of pupils to progress and mature academically is a combined result of school, home, economic, and social environment and that teachers alone cannot be held accountable for all aspects of the teacher academic achievement of the pupil in writing, at least 24 hours the classroom. Standardized test results of academic progress of students shall not be used in advance any way as evaluative of the quality of a conferenceteacher's services or fitness for retention. 8E. The Association and the Board of Education may by mutual agreement change the evaluation process and the evaluation form. The building principal When changes are made and agreed to, they will hold a verbal post-evaluation conference be presented to the membership within ten (10) working calendar days. F. Teaching assignments outside the teacher's area of certification shall not be evaluated. G. Written/formal evaluations shall be by personal observation in the classroom, conducted by the teacher's immediate supervisor(s) or mutually agreed upon district administrator(s). H. All formal/written observations shall be reduced to writing and given to the teacher within twelve (12) school days of the last observationclassroom observation(s). If an administrator believes a teacher is doing unacceptable work, the reasons therefore shall be set forth in specific terms and shall identify specific ways in which the teacher is to improve and the assistance to be given by the administration. In subsequent observation reports, failure to again note a prior specific deficiency which was repeated and observed shall be interpreted to mean that adequate improvement has taken place. 9. A duplicate copy of Form E shall be submitted to the teacher at the time of the formal conferenceI. Following such formal/written evaluation, which shall be held within five (5) days of include a conference with the verbal conference. 10. A representative of the Associationevaluator, chosen by the teacher, may attend any evaluation conference. 11. Forms signed by the building principal and the teacher shall indicate only receipt sign and be given a copy of the evaluation report prepared by the evaluator. In no case shall the teacher's signature be construed to mean that he/she necessarily agrees or disagrees with the content of the evaluation. A teacher may submit a self-evaluation if desired. If a teacher disagrees with the evaluation, not necessarily agreement. 12. Teachers have the right to respond to their evaluationsteacher shall submit a written response within fifteen (15) school days, in writing, and have it which response shall be attached to their official the file copy of the evaluation in question. All formal/written evaluations are to be placed in their the teacher's personnel file. 13J. At least 60 days before the end of each school year the Board shall provide the probationary teacher with a definite written statement as to whether or not his/her work has been satisfactory. Intent Failure to put objections submit a written statement shall be considered as conclusive evidence that the teacher's work is satisfactory. A probationary teacher shall be employed for the ensuing year unless notified in writing should be made known to at least 60 days before the building principal within ten (10) working days after receipt end of the evaluation. 14school year that his/her services will be discontinued due to unsatisfactory service. All evaluations For purposes of this provision, the "end" of the school year shall be June 30. If a probationary teacher's service is being measured under the anniversary date method, consistent with the Tenure Act, the "end" of the school year is the teacher's anniversary date of employment. The above notification requirement pertaining to probationary teachers shall not apply to staff reduction. The Board shall ensure that each probationary teacher is provided with an Individualized Development Plan (IDP) developed by appropriate administrative personnel in consultation with the individual teacher and that the teacher is provided with at least an annual year end performance evaluation each year during the teacher's probationary period. The annual year end performance evaluation shall be based on, but it not limited to, at least 2 classroom formal/written observations held at least 60 days apart, unless a shorter interval between the 2 classroom observations is mutually agreed upon valid criteria for evaluation of professional growth as determined by the District with teacher and the recommendation administration, and shall include at least an assessment of the Association (Form E – Exhibit 2)teacher's progress in meeting the goals of his or her Individualized Development Plan. B. Tenure teachers K. The Board shall be evaluated ensure a teacher on continuing tenure is provided with a performance evaluation at least once every three (3) years and, if the teacher has received a less than satisfactory performance evaluation, the school district shall provide the teacher with an Individualized Development Plan developed by appropriate administrative personnel in consultation with the individual teacher. Except as otherwise provided in paragraph B of this Article, one performance evaluation shall be based upon on, but is not limited to, at least two (2) 2 classroom observations conducted during the school year period covered by the evaluation and, if the teacher has an Individualized Development Plan, shall include at least an assessment of the evaluationteacher's progress in meeting the goals of his or her Individualized Development Plan. C. Non-tenure teachers:L. Each teacher's evaluation shall include at the conclusion of the report, the statement: "Considering all factors, the work performance of this teacher is satisfactory; 1. Shall be observed at least once every semester M. For those teachers (as defined in Article 1 of probation. The observations must be at least sixty days apart unless a shorter period of time is mutually agreed upon the Agreement) who are not covered by the administrator and teacher. 2. A pre-announcedTeachers’ Tenure Act, informal observation the provisions of this Agreement referring to probationary teachers shall also apply to those bargaining unit members not covered by the performance of each non-tenure teacher shall take place during Teachers’ Tenure Act who are in the first eight (8) weeks of the first semester four years of employment, followed by a review in this bargaining unit, with the Board. Similarly, the provisions of this observationAgreement referring to tenure teachers shall also apply to those bargaining unit members not covered by the Teachers’ Tenure Act who have completed four or more years of employment with the Board as a member of this bargaining unit. 3. An individualized development plan will be given to the non-tenure teacher before the formal observation.

Appears in 1 contract

Samples: Master Agreement

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TEACHER EVALUATION. A. All teaching staff: Section 1. Evaluations The evaluation and assessment of the performance of each teacher is solely the responsibility of the administration and may not be delegated. Instructional bargaining unit members who assume the duties and responsibilities of intern principals shall be considered administrative personnel rather than instructional bargaining unit personnel during the time of such assignment. Section 2. It is agreed further that the primary objective of the program to evaluate teaching performance is to improve the quality of instruction and to encourage professional growth. Section 3. Teaching performance shall be evaluated in light of all evidence pertinent to the discharge of the teacher's professional responsibilities and his exercise of professional judgment. Section 4. The designated administrator shall orient all teachers under his supervision to the evaluation procedures and criteria during the first six (6) weeks of employment. A. The teaching performance of non-tenured teachers will be formally assessed once (1) each semester on the adopted assessment form. Tenured teacherc and Profeccional Service Contract teacherc chall be accecced once (1) each year. B. Non-tenured teachers will be observed for evaluation at least once each semester before the formal assessment if no unacceptable areas of performance are noted and at least twice each semester before the written assessment if any unacceptable areas of performance are identified. Tenured teachers and Professional Service Contract teachers will be observed at least once (1) each year before the formal written assessment. This observation of the tenured teachers will be at least twenty (20) minutes in length. Observations related to formal assessments shall be conducted by the teacher's immediate supervisor. 2. Monday and Friday evaluations will occur by mutual consent only. 3. The teaching performance shall be observed and a written evaluation made on form E (see Exhibit 2). 4. A total of thirty (30) consecutive minutes is required for each observation. 5. All monitoring or observation of the work of a teacher shall be conducted openly and with full knowledge of the teacher. 6. The use of eavesdropping, closed circuit television, public address or audio systems and similar surveillance devices shall be strictly prohibited. 7. Following the last observation the building principal will notify Under normal circumstances a conference between the teacher in writing, at least 24 hours in advance of a conference. 8. The building principal will hold a verbal post-evaluation conference within ten (10) working days of and the last observation. 9. A duplicate copy of Form E shall be submitted to administrator who conducted the teacher at the time of the formal conference, which observation shall be held within five (5) working days of the verbal conferencetime the observation was performed. A. Teachers may be observed by their supervisors as often as is deemed necessary. B. All monitoring or observation of the work performance of a teacher will be conducted openly. A. Teacher assessment forms for all bargaining unit employees shall be those forms agreed to by both parties as set forth in the IPPAS district-approved plan and/or those forms approved for implementation by the IPPAS Joint Committee and subsequently approved by the Board. B. Teachers will be expected to correct, as soon as possible, areas of unsatisfactory performance which have been noted by the supervisor. C. The LCEA and the School Board agree that the Joint Committee on Evaluation will continue to coordinate and monitor development and implementation of the new assessment process, entitled the Instructional Personnel Performance Appraisal System (IPPAS), which uses evaluation techniques based on modern research findings and which provides for objective validation of instructional competencies and for recognition of commendable performance/service. The joint committee shall utilize recommended guidelines and other information provided by the Florida Department of Education and shall be authorized to explore any areas which directly or indirectly affect the appraisal process and/or influence the professional growth of teachers. All implementation shall be in accordance with Florida law. Section 8. Teachers will be given at least three (3) weeks from the date notified of deficiency(ies) to improve the area(s) noted before they will receive another written evaluation (a classroom observation or a formal assessment) relative to the same area(s) except as noted in Section 9. Section 9. Areas of deficiencies which can be corrected immediately, such as, but not limited to, accuracy and punctuality of submitting reports and reporting to work, may be evaluated at intervals deemed appropriate by the supervisor. Evaluations of this nature are not restricted to the limitations specified in Section 8 of this Article. Section 10. A representative of In the Associationevent that a teacher feels his written evaluation was incomplete or inaccurate, chosen by the teacher, he may attend any evaluation conference. 11. Forms signed by the building principal and the teacher shall indicate only receipt of the evaluation, not necessarily agreement. 12. Teachers have the right to respond to their evaluations, put his objections in writing, writing and have it them attached to their official evaluations the evaluation report to be placed in their his personnel file. 13Section 11. Intent to put objections A teacher may make reasonable requests in writing should be made known to through the building principal within ten (10) working days after receipt of the evaluation. 14for additional classroom observation and written evaluation by other managerial personnel. All evaluations shall be based upon valid criteria for Any written evaluation of professional growth as determined prepared by the District with the recommendation of the Association (Form E – Exhibit 2). B. Tenure teachers shall be evaluated at least once every three (3) years based upon at least two (2) observations during the school year of the evaluation. C. Non-tenure teachers: 1. Shall be observed at least once every semester of probation. The observations must be at least sixty days apart unless a shorter period of time is mutually agreed upon by the administrator and teacher. 2. A pre-announced, informal observation of the performance of each non-tenure teacher shall take place during the first eight (8) weeks of the first semester of employment, followed by a review of this observation. 3. An individualized development plan such managerial personnel will be given to the non-tenure principal of the school with a copy to the teacher. Section 12. Observations of a teacher's class by persons other than district/school administrative/supervisory personnel may occur only after consent has been granted by the building administrator and after conferring with the teacher before involved. Section 13. If a supervisor believes that a teacher's performance of his duties and responsibilities is deficient to the extent that a written report of same is necessary (other than as part of the formal observationclassroom observation procedures), the supervisor shall hold a conference with the teacher prior to writing and filing the report on the appropriate form. Section 14. Any teacher in danger of dismissal because of poor performance shall be afforded the NEAT procedure which includes: N - Notice of alleged deficiencies which, if not corrected, would lead to dismissal E - Explanation to the teacher of alleged deficiencies and suggestions for correction A - Assistance rendered by the administration to correct alleged deficiencies T - Time for alleged deficiencies to be corrected.

Appears in 1 contract

Samples: Collective Bargaining Agreement

TEACHER EVALUATION. A. All teaching staff: 1. Evaluations shall be conducted by the teacher's immediate supervisor. 2. Monday and Friday evaluations will occur by mutual consent only. 3. The teaching performance shall be observed and a written evaluation made on form E (see Exhibit 2). 4. A total of thirty (30) consecutive minutes is required for each observation. 5. All formal monitoring or observation of the work performance of a teacher shall will be conducted openly openly, and with the full knowledge of the teacher. 6. The use of eavesdropping, closed circuit television, public address or audio systems systems, and similar surveillance devices shall be strictly prohibitedprohibited in the formal evaluation process. 7. Following B. After any formal observation or evaluation, the last observation the building principal will notify evaluator and the teacher in writing, at least 24 hours in advance of evaluated will agree on a conferencetime for a conference to be held as soon as possible. 8C. Teachers will be allowed to review a copy of any evaluation report prepared by their evaluators and will have the right to discuss such reports with their evaluators and initial such reports before the reports are placed in the personnel files D. During the evaluative process, all non-tenured teachers will have the benefit of three (3) observations and supervisory conferences before any written evaluations are submitted for permanent filing. Subsequent visitations and evaluations will be reported on evaluation forms designed by the administration. The building principal three (3) observations and conferences will hold a verbal post-evaluation conference within be completed by the immediate supervisor no later than December 15 or ten (10) working days of the last observation. 9weeks after school commences, whichever occurs first. A duplicate copy of Form E shall be submitted to the teacher at the time of the formal conference, which shall be held within five (5) days of the verbal conference. 10. A representative of the Association, chosen by the teacher, may attend any evaluation conference. 11. Forms signed by the building principal and the teacher shall indicate only receipt of the evaluation, not necessarily agreement. 12. Teachers have the right to respond to their evaluations, in writing, and have it attached to their official evaluations to be placed in their personnel file. 13. Intent to put objections in writing should be made known to the building principal within ten (10) working days after receipt of the evaluation. 14. All Performance evaluations shall be based upon valid criteria for evaluation conducted in a fair and equitable manner and in accordance with the procedures established with the RI Model of professional growth as determined Teacher Evaluation developed by the District with RI Department of Education. E. Any complaints regarding a teacher, made to the recommendation of administration by any parent, student, or other person, that are considered in evaluating said teacher's performance, will be promptly called to the teacher's attention. F. No teacher will be disciplined, reprimanded or reduced in compensation without just cause. G. All evaluation forms will be standardized within groups and grades K-4; 5-8; and 9-12. These shall be forms which are mutually approved by the Association (Form E – Exhibit 2)and Superintendent, which approval shall not be unreasonably withheld by either the Association or the Superintendent. B. Tenure teachers H. All evaluation forms shall be evaluated at least once every three (3) years based upon at least two (2) observations during the school year of the evaluation. C. Non-tenure teachers: 1. Shall be observed at least once every semester of probation. The observations must be at least sixty days apart unless a shorter period of time is mutually agreed upon reviewed by the administrator Association and teacher. 2. A pre-announced, informal observation of the performance of each non-tenure teacher shall take place during the first eight (8) weeks of the first semester of employment, followed by a review of this observation. 3. An individualized development plan will be given to the non-tenure teacher before the formal observation.Superintendent every three

Appears in 1 contract

Samples: Contract Agreement

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