Temporary Change of Work Location. An employee who is required to report to a different work site will be reimbursed for all extra travel connected with the transfer, provided that the transfer is authorized or directed by the employee's supervisor and temporary (1 two-week pay period or less) in nature. This allowance will only be paid for mileage beyond that normally traveled by the employee to the employee's regularly assigned place of work. Travel allowance payments for temporary changes of work location beyond the two week limitation must be specifically approved by the agency head, subject to the review of the Administrative Officer.
Temporary Change of Work Location. Within commuting distance
a) An employee who on any day or from day to day is required to work at a job away from their accustomed work place, will at the direction of ElectraNet, present themselves for work at the usual starting time.
b) ElectraNet will pay: • additional fares reasonably incurred; and • reasonable additional time taken to travel to and from the temporary work location i.e. in excess of the time normally spent in travelling to and from work.
Temporary Change of Work Location. An Employee who on any day or from day to day is required to work at a job away from their accustomed work place, will at the direction of ElectraNet, present themselves for work at the usual starting time.