TENANT AND LEASEHOLDER INVOLVEMENT. 4.1 The Council has a partnership with its tenants and leaseholders and to further this relationship the Organisation will honour the Council’s Tenant Compact so as to support and encourage tenant involvement. The initial form of the Council’s Tenant Compact forms Annex 4 and the Delivery Plan will include sufficient resources to ensure that the objectives of the Council’s Tenant Compact are met.
4.2 The Council and the Organisation will work together so as to ensure that the Council’s Tenant Compact is amended from time to time so far as necessary to comply with all statutory requirements and other official guidance issued from time to time and follow best professional practice.
4.3 The Tenant Compact objectives will be reviewed and consulted upon from time to time and sufficient resources will be provided for in the Delivery Plan to deliver these objectives.
4.4 The Tenant Compact will include strategies for involving ‘difficult to reach’ groups and those tenants who do not normally get involved in the management of their homes.
4.5 A summary of the Annual Performance Plan will be provided to the Council Representative for approval and on receipt of approval will be forwarded to every household affected.
TENANT AND LEASEHOLDER INVOLVEMENT. 5.1 The Organisation will maintain a Community Engagement Strategy to support and encourage involvement by the Council’s tenants and leaseholders and the Business Plan will include sufficient resources to ensure that the objectives of the Organisation’s Community Engagement Strategy are met.
5.2 The Community Engagement Strategy will be reviewed and consulted upon from time to time and sufficient resources will be provided for in the Business Plan to implement any changes resulting from the review.
TENANT AND LEASEHOLDER INVOLVEMENT. 4.1 The Council has a partnership with its tenants and leaseholders and to further this relationship SHP shall maintain a Resident Compact so as to support and encourage tenant and leaseholder involvement. The Delivery Plan shall include sufficient resources to ensure that the objectives of SHP’s Resident Compact are met.
4.2 SHP’s Resident Compact shall be amended from time to time so far as necessary to comply with all statutory requirements and other official guidance issued from time to time and follow best professional practice.
4.3 SHP’s Involvement Action Plan shall be updated annually and sufficient resources shall be provided for in the Delivery Plan to deliver these objectives.
4.4 SHP’s Resident Compact shall include strategies for involving ‘difficult to reach’ groups and those tenants who do not normally get involved in the management of their homes.
TENANT AND LEASEHOLDER INVOLVEMENT. 4.1 The Council has a working relationship with tenants and leaseholders and to further this relationship the Organisation will honour the Council's Tenant Compact so as to support and encourage tenant involvement, including without limitation liaising with the Area Board as appropriate in accordance with the Area Board Terms of Reference. The current forms of the Council's Tenant Compact forms Annex 3 and the Delivery Plan will include sufficient resources to ensure that the objectives of the Council's Tenant Compact (as varied from time to time) are met.
4.2 The Organisation shall make such arrangements as it deems appropriate (acting reasonably) to consult the Area Board regularly regarding matters considered by the Area Board and shall give all due consideration to matters raised by or on behalf of the Area Board in the performance of the Services.
4.3 The Council and the Organisation will work together so as to ensure that the Council's Tenant Compact is amended from time to time so far as necessary to comply with all statutory requirements and other official guidance issued from time to time and follow best professional practice, and shall in doing so consult with the Area Board to the extent that the Council and the Organisation deem necessary.
4.4 The Tenant Compact objectives will be reviewed and consulted upon from time to time and sufficient resources will be provided for in the Delivery Plan to deliver these objectives.
4.5 The Tenant Compact will include strategies for involving 'difficult to reach' groups and those tenants who do not normally get involved in the management of their homes.
4.6 A summary of each Annual Performance Report will be provided to the Council's Representative for approval and on receipt of approval will be forwarded to every household which in the opinion of the Council is likely to be substantially affected by the matters described in the Annual Performance Report.
TENANT AND LEASEHOLDER INVOLVEMENT. 5.1 The Council has a partnership with its tenants and leaseholders and to further this relationship SHP shall maintain a Resident Compact so as to support and encourage tenant and leaseholder involvement. The Delivery Plan shall include sufficient resources to deliver on its objectives.
5.2 SHP shall amend the Resident Compact periodically so far as necessary to comply with all statutory requirements and other official guidance issued from time to time and follow best professional practice.
5.3 The Resident Compact signatories will be asked to confirm that they are meeting their obligations and responsibilities as detailed within the Resident Compact on an annual basis.
5.4 The Resident Compact shall include strategies for involving ‘under represented’ groups and those tenants who do not normally get involved in the management of their homes.