Delivery Schedule The Goods specified in the List of Goods are required to be delivered within the acceptable time range (after the earliest and before the final date, both dates inclusive) specified in Section V, Schedule of Requirements. No credit will be given to deliveries before the earliest date, and Tenders offering delivery after the final date shall be treated as non-responsive. Within this acceptable period, an adjustment of [insert the adjustment factor], will be added, for evaluation purposes only, to the Tender price of Tenders offering deliveries later than the “Earliest Delivery Date” specified in Section V, Schedule of Requirements.
Share Delivery Delivery of any shares in connection with settlement of the Award will be by book-entry credit to an account in the Grantee’s name established by the Company with the Company’s transfer agent, or upon written request from the Grantee (or his personal representative, beneficiary or estate, as the case may be), in certificates in the name of the Grantee (or his personal representative, beneficiary or estate).
SERVICE DELIVERABLES You will receive service on the Covered Product as described below: Carry-In: Unless otherwise provided in this Agreement, the Covered Product must be shipped or delivered and retrieved by You at Our authorized service center during normal business hours. In-Home/On-Site: Service will be performed in Your home or on-site as indicated on the Declarations Page of this Agreement, or on Your sales receipt or invoice provided You have fulfilled the following requirements: (1) provide Our authorized technician with accessibility to the Covered Product; (2) provide a non-threatening and safe environment for Our authorized technician; and (3) an adult over the age of 18 must be present for the period of time Our authorized technician is scheduled to provide service and while Our authorized technician is on Your property servicing the Covered Product. In-Home Service will be provided by Our authorized service provider during regular business hours, local time, Monday through Friday, except holidays. Our authorized service center may opt to remove the Covered Product to perform service in-shop. The Covered Product will be returned upon completion. Additional time and mileage charges for in-home repairs outside of twenty-five (25) contiguous land miles or the normal service radius of Our authorized service center are not covered by this Agreement, and are Your responsibility.
Service Delivery Grantee shall: 1. Adhere to the Priority Populations for Treatment Programs as stated in the SUD UM Guidelines. 2. Maintain Daily Capacity Management Report in CMBHS as required in the SUD UM Guidelines. 3. Maintain a Waiting List to track all eligible individuals who have been screened but cannot be admitted to SUD treatment immediately. i. Grantee that has an individual identified as a federal and state priority population on the waiting list shall confirm this in the Daily Capacity Management Report. ii. Grantee shall arrange for appropriate services in another treatment facility or provide access to interim services as indicated within 48 hours when efforts to refer to other appropriate services are exhausted. iii. Grantee shall offer directly or through referral interim services to wait-listed individuals. iv. Establish a wait list that includes priority populations and interim services while awaiting admission to treatment services. v. Develop a mechanism to maintain contact with individuals awaiting admission. 4. If unable to provide admissions to individuals within Priority Populations for Treatment Programs according to SUD UM Guidelines: i. Implement written procedures that address maintaining weekly contact with individuals waiting for admissions as well as what referrals are made when a client cannot be admitted for services immediately. ii. When Grantee cannot admit a client, who is at risk for dangerous for withdrawal, Grantee shall ensure that an emergency medical care provider is notified. iii. Coordinate with an alternate provider for immediate admission. iv. Notify Substance Use Disorder (Xxxxxxxxx_Xxx_Xxxxxxxx@xxxx.xxxxx.xx.xx) so that assistance can be provided that ensures immediate admission to other appropriate services and proper coordination when appropriate. v. Provide pre-admission service coordination to reduce barriers to treatment, enhance motivation, stabilize life situations, and facilitate engagement in treatment. vi. Adhere to Informed Consent Document for Opioid Use Disorder applicable to the individual as stated in the SUD UM Guidelines. vii. When an individual is placed on the Wait List, Grantee shall document interim services as referrals that provides applicable testing, counseling, and treatment for Human Immunodeficiency Virus (HIV), tuberculosis (TB) and sexually transmitted infections (STIs).
Project Delivery Contractor shall construct the Project in accordance with the Contract Documents, and Contractor shall deliver the Project completed in accordance with the Contract Documents, substantially free from defects, and within the Contract Time.
DELIVERY SCHEDULES In accordance with the "Non-State Agencies Participation in Centralized Contracts” and “Extension of Use” clauses herein, this Contract is extended to local governments, political subdivisions and others authorized by law as well as State agencies. The Delivery Schedules (based on Requirement Letter RL182) are available as a guide to indicate proposed delivery points and estimated annual requirements. Delivery Schedules may be revised or clarified as necessary. Any specific questions regarding the site conditions should be directed to the end-user at the telephone number shown on the Delivery Schedule. The Delivery Schedules are available upon request. Contractors shall be obligated to deliver under the Contract to any State agency which places a purchase order under the Contract, whether or not such delivery location is identified in the Delivery Schedules. Any political subdivision or other non-State entity which has not filed a requirement with OGS as of the date of the bid opening shall be eligible to receive deliveries at Contractor's option only, upon placement of a valid purchase order to the Contractor's address as indicated in the award. Contracts created by OGS in response to receipt of Filed Requirements are considered to be binding. At Contractor's request, Contractor will be advised in writing regarding political subdivisions or other Non-State entities which have filed on a timely basis but do not appear on the Delivery Schedule. Where “Standby” is indicated in the Delivery Schedule, this reflects those facilities which normally use a fuel supply (i.e. natural gas) other than fuel oil and will only use fuel oil when alternate fuel is unavailable.
Project Deliverables The Contractor shall provide each of the following deliverables in writing to the City for review and approval to achieve the project objectives. C.1. <Title> Deliverable 1
Service Delivery Requirements The following sections describe in detail the work activity required by this program. All CONTRACTORS will be expected to fulfill the work activity requirements in these areas. A. Staff Requirements & Policies CONTRACTOR shall provide the necessary management and administrative personnel whose expertise will ensure efficient operation of SNEMT services. OoA recognizes that a high quality operation begins with key personnel. Therefore, a minimum level of required staffing is described for the positions and functions described below. 1. Program Manager/Director The program manager/director will be in charge of all management and day- to-day operations of the CONTRACTOR’s SNEMT program. The position will maintain consistent and sufficient contact and communication with the OoA and be responsible for all CONTRACT obligations.
Contract Deliverables The Contractor shall provide information technology staff augmentation services, including comprehensive management of staff, as set forth in this Contract. The term “staff” refers to the temporary staff provided by the Contractor to render information technology services identified by Customers, but that staff shall not be deemed an employee of the State or deemed to be entitled to any benefits associated with such employment. Contracts resulting from this solicitation should not be structured as fixed-price agreements or used for any services requiring authorization for payment of milestone tasks. Contractor shall only provide information technology staff augmentation services for those Job Titles awarded to the Contractor and shall be paid on an hourly basis. The Department’s intent is for Contractor’s information technology staff to provide services closely related to those described in the Job Family Descriptions document. Detailed scopes of work, specific requirements of the work to be performed, and any requirements of staff shall be provided by the Customer in a Request for Quote. The Contractor shall possess the professional and technical staff necessary to allocate, outsource, and manage qualified information technology staff to perform the services requested by the Customer. The Contractor shall provide Customers with staff who must have sufficient skill and experience to perform the services assigned to them. All of the information technology staff augmentation services to be furnished by the Contractor under the Contract shall meet the professional standards and quality that prevails among information technology professionals in the same discipline and of similar knowledge and skill engaged in related work throughout Florida under the same or similar circumstances. The Contractor shall provide, at its own expense, training necessary for keeping Contractor’s staff abreast of industry advances and for maintaining proficiency in equipment and systems that are available on the commercial market. The Contractor shall be responsible for the administration and maintenance of all employment and payroll records, payroll processing, remittance of payroll and taxes, and all administrative tasks required by state and federal law associated with payment of staff. The Contractor shall, at its own expense, be responsible for adhering to the Contract background screening requirements, testing, evaluations, advertising, recruitment, and disciplinary actions of Contractor’s information technology staff. The Contractor shall maintain during the term of the Contract all licenses, permits, qualifications, insurance and approvals of whatever nature that are legally required to perform the information technology staff augmentation services.
Delivery Terms All products sent to Customer shall be sent EX Works (EXW) or FCA the Company’s facility in El Cajon, CA, and in domestic packing. Customer will bear and pay for all taxes of any nature imposed prior to, at the time of, or after delivery to, the carrier at the EXW or FCA point. Customer shall also bear and pay for all charges for freight, shipping, consular fees, customs duties, and all costs and charges.