Termination of Services 6.2. To promote a non-discriminatory work environment based on the principle of equality, employers and the trade union should adopt appropriate measures to ensure that employees with HIV and AIDS are not unfairly discriminated against and are protected from victimisation through positive measures such as: (i) preventing unfair discrimination and stigmatisation of people living with HIV or AIDS through the development of HIV/AIDS policies and programmes for the workplace; (ii) awareness, education and training on the rights of all persons with regard to HIV and AIDS; (iii) mechanisms to promote acceptance and openness around HIV/AIDS in the workplace; (iv) providing support for all employees infected or affected by HIV and AIDS; and (v) grievance procedures and disciplinary measures to deal with HIV-related complaints in the workplace. 7. HIV TESTING, CONFIDENTIALITY AND DISCLOSURE
Termination for fault 19.3.1 The Commonwealth may terminate this Agreement by notice where the Grantee has: (a) failed to comply with an obligation under this Agreement and the Commonwealth believes that the non‐compliance is incapable of remedy or where clause 19.2.2(b) applies; (b) provided false or misleading statements in relation to the Grant; or (c) become bankrupt or insolvent, entered into a scheme of arrangement with creditors, or come under any form of external administration. 19.3.2 The Grantee agrees, on receipt of the notice of termination, to: (a) stop the performance of the Grantee’s obligations; (b) take all available steps to minimise loss resulting from the termination; and (c) report on, and return any part of the Grant to the Commonwealth, or otherwise deal with the Grant, as directed by the Commonwealth.
Complete Disposal Upon Termination of Service Agreement Upon Termination of the Service Agreement Provider shall dispose or delete all Student Data obtained under the Service Agreement. Prior to disposition of the data, Provider shall notify LEA in writing of its option to transfer data to a separate account, pursuant to Article II, section 3, above. In no event shall Provider dispose of data pursuant to this provision unless and until Provider has received affirmative written confirmation from LEA that data will not be transferred to a separate account.
Termination of Service for Cause Upon a termination of the Participant’s Service by the Company for Cause the Option, including the Vested Portion, shall immediately terminate and be forfeited without consideration.
Termination of Stopped Work If a stop work order is not canceled and the work covered by such order is terminated for default or convenience, the reasonable costs resulting from the stop work order shall be allowed by adjustment or otherwise.
Compensation for Damage or Loss 1. Investors of one Contracting Party whose investments in the territory of the other Contracting Party suffer losses owing to war or other armed conflict, revolution, a state of national emergency, revolt, insurrection or riot or other similar events in the territory of the latter Contracting Party, shall be accorded by the later Contracting Party to treatment, as regards restitution, indemnification, compensation or other settlement, not less favourable than that which the latter Contracting Party accords to its own investors or to investors of any third Party whichever is the most favourable. 2. Without prejudice to paragraph 1 of this Article, investors of one Contracting Party who in any of the events referred to in that paragraph suffer damage or loss in the territory of the other Contracting Party resulting from: a) Requisition of their investment or property by its forces or authorities, b) Destruction of their investment or property by its forces or authorities which was not caused by combat action or was not required by the necessity of the situation, Shall be accorded prompt and adequate compensation for the damage or loss sustained during the period of requisitioning or as a result of the destruction of the property. Resulting payments shall be freely transferable in freely convertible currency without undue delay.
Termination of Use These terms and Your access to Our Website may be terminated by Us (at Our sole discretion) at any time without notice or any requirement to give You a reason why. In the event of termination under this clause We shall have no liability to You whatsoever (including for any consequential or direct loss You may suffer).
Delivery of Materials upon Termination of Employment As requested by the Company, from time to time and upon the termination of the Executive's employment with (or services for) the Company for any reason, the Executive will promptly deliver to the Company all property of the Company in the Executive's possession or within his control, including, without limitation, all copies and embodiments, in whatever form or medium, of all Confidential Information or Intellectual Property (including written records, notes, photographs, manuals, notebooks, documentation, program listings, flow charts, magnetic media, disks, diskettes, tapes and all other materials containing any Confidential Information or Intellectual Property), irrespective of the location or form of such property and, if requested by the Company, will provide the Company with written confirmation that all such property has been delivered to the Company and/or deleted from computers, as applicable.
Early Termination of Services Termination at any time upon 90 days’ prior written notice. Following the written notice period and coinciding with the early termination by the Recipient of any Service(s) in this Schedule, Early Termination Fees equal to 75% of the monthly cost of such terminated Services shall be charged to Recipient monthly until the earlier of (i) three (3) months after termination or (ii) the expiration of the Term of this Schedule. Recipient: Mead Johnson Nutrition (France) S.A.S. Provider: Bristol-Myers Squibb SARL Point of Contact, Recipient: Leanne Metz Point of Contact, Provider: Alison Hughes Payment Terms: All payments due within thirty (30) days of receipt of invoice by Recipient.
Termination for Nonpayment In the event of the nonpayment of fees owed to DSI, DSI shall provide written notice of delinquency to all parties to this Agreement. Any party to this Agreement shall have the right to make the payment to DSI to cure the default. If the past due payment is not received in full by DSI within one month of the date of such notice, then DSI shall have the right to terminate this Agreement at any time thereafter by sending written notice of termination to all parties. DSI shall have no obligation to take any action under this Agreement so long as any payment due to DSI remains unpaid.