THE DEMISE Sample Clauses

THE DEMISEIn consideration of the rents reserved by this Underlease and the covenants on the part of the Tenant the Landlord demises unto the Tenant all those the demised premises together with the easements and rights for the Tenant (in common with the Landlord and all other persons similarly entitled and so far as necessary for the enjoyment of the demised premises) (a) specified in the Third Schedule to the Lease and (b) set out in Part II of the First Schedule hereto except and reserved to the Landlord and all persons authorised by the Landlord or otherwise entitled the easements and rights specified in the Fourth Schedule to the Lease and subject to the covenants and other matters set out in the Eighth Schedule Back to Contents to the Lease and subject to and with the benefit of the Licences for Alterations details of which appear in the Fifth Schedule hereto to the extent that they affect the demised premises to hold the demised premises unto the Tenant for the term of ten years commencing on and including the Term Start Date and ending on the 21st day of November Two thousand and six yielding and paying during the term first from the date hereof until the Rent Commencement Date the rent of a peppercorn (if demanded) and thereafter the principal yearly rent by equal quarterly payments in advance on the usual quarter days in every year such payments to be made by banker’s order or credit transfer to such account as the Landlord may reasonably require subject to review in accordance with the provisions of the Fourth Schedule and secondly by way of additional rent 82.71% of the sums referred to as Service Charge in the Lease and thirdly as additional rent 82.71 % of the sums referred to in the Lease as the Insurance Charge
THE DEMISEIn consideration of the Rents hereby reserved and the covenants and agreement on the part of the Tenant hereinafter contained the Landlord hereby demises unto the Tenant ALL THOSE the Premises TOGETHER WITH the Tenant’s Rights and EXCEPTING AND RESERVING unto the Landlord the Landlord’s Rights TO HOLD the same UNTO the Tenant for the Term YIELDING AND PAYING the Rents in the specified manner without deduction
THE DEMISE. In consideration of the rent and the covenants reserved by and contained in this Lease: 3.1 the Landlord DEMISES to the Tenant: 3.1.1 ALL the Demised Premises 3.1.2 TOGETHER WITH so far as the landlord can grant the same the rights set out in Schedule 2 and
THE DEMISE. 2.1.1. The Lessor leases to the Lessee, and the Lessee leases from the Lessor, the Lands to have and to hold the Lands during the Term, paying Rent to the Lessor during the Term and subject to the terms, conditions, provisos, exceptions and reservations contained in this Lease.
THE DEMISEIn consideration of the rents herein reserved and the covenants on the part of the Tenant and the Guarantor and the conditions hereinafter contained the Landlord as registered owner HEREBY DEMISES unto the Tenant the Premises TOGETHER WITH the Rights EXCEPT and RESERVING unto the Landlord the Exceptions TO HOLD the same unto the Tenant for the Term PAYING therefor unto the Landlord the Rent without any deduction each by quarterly payments in advance on the 1st day of April, 1st day of July, 1st day of October and 1st day of January in every year and so in proportion for any period less than a year the first such payment being a proportionate sum in respect of the period from the date hereof to the quarter day next hereafter to be paid on the execution hereof.
THE DEMISE. City, for and in consideration of the rents, covenants and agreements hereinafter reserved, on the part of Tenant, its successors and assigns, to be observed and performed, has leased and demised, and by these presents does lease and demise unto Tenant, and Tenant, does hereby take and hire upon and subject to the conditions and limitations hereinafter expressed, the real estate described on Schedule A (the “Land”, which includes such portions of the Ohio River as therein described), together with any buildings and other improvements that may from time to time be erected or located thereon; said Land, buildings and other improvements being referred to hereinafter as the “Leased Premises”. TOGETHER with all riparian rights, easements and other appurtenances thereunto belonging, to have and to hold the same, subject as aforesaid, unto Tenant, and, subject to the terms, covenants, agreements, provisions, conditions and limitations hereof, its successors and assigns, for an original term together with the options to extend the term as described in Article.
THE DEMISE. The Commission does hereby demise and lease to Lessee, and Lessee does hereby lease from the Commission, that certain real estate consisting of approximately 118 acres, more or less, located at the Port of Indiana – Mount Vxxxxx, a port managed and operated by the Commission in Pxxxx County, Indiana; said real estate being more particularly described as Parcel # 0, Xxxxxx # 0, Xxxxxx # 0X, Xxxxxx # 0, Xxxxxx # 0X, Xxxxxx # 0, Xxxxxx # 4A, easement Parcel # 5 and easement Parcel # 6 on Exhibit A attached hereto and incorporated herein by this reference and depicted on Exhibit A-1 attached hereto and incorporated herein by this reference (the “Real Estate”; the buildings, structures fixtures and other improvements now or hereafter located on the Real Estate being herein referred to as the “Improvements”; and the Real Estate and Improvements being herein referred to as the “Leased Premises”). The Real Estate is located within the Port more particularly described on Exhibit A-2 attached hereto and incorporated herein by this reference. The demise further grants to Lessee: The remainder of Section 1.01, commencing with clause (i), is not amended.
THE DEMISEIn consideration of the rents, covenants, conditions, and agreements hereinafter respectively reserved and contained, the Landlord hereby leases to the Tenant the Premises, subject to the easements and rights-of-way now registered against the title to the Land and any future easements and rights-of-way which may be registered against title to the Land in accordance with clause 7.2.
THE DEMISEIN consideration of the rents and covenants on the part of the Tenant and the conditions reserved and contained in this lease THE LANDLORD DEMISES to the Tenant the Demised Premises 2.1 TOGETHER WITH the following rights in common with the Landlord and its other tenants and occupiers at Kembrey Park and all others authorised by the Landlord____ 2.1.1 the right to park 19 cars in accordance with the conditions contained in the Third Schedule____ 2.1.2 the right for the Tenant and those authorised by it to pass at all times and for all purposes connected with the use from time to time authorised of the Demised Premises___ with or without vehicles over such of the existing estate roads as the Landlord (acting reasonably) may from time to time specify and on foot only over such of the existing estate footpaths as the Landlord (acting reasonably) may from time to time specify____ or (in each case) such substituted roads and footpaths giving adequate access to the Demised Premises as the Landlord may from time to time reasonably direct____ 2.1.3 the free and uninterrupted passage and running of gas water soil and electricity and other things to and from the Demised Premises through such Service Media as are intended to serve the Demised Premises and which are now or may subsequently during the Term be placed in under or about other parts of Kembrey Park and adjoining or neighbouring property belonging to the Landlord or in respect of which it is entitled to grant this right PROVIDED that: the Landlord may at its discretion reroute any such Service Media (but not so as permanently to curtail the supply or passage of any service to the Demised Premises) and neither this sub-clause nor any other provision of this lease shall be interpreted as granting to the Tenant a right to pass or receive electromagnetic or laser or intensified light transmissions or signals across any property outside the Demised Premises____ 2.1.4 the right as often as necessary on reasonable written notice to enter the units adjoining the Demised Premises and adjoining property belonging to the Landlord for the purpose of inspecting cleaning emptying repairing and renewing any of the Service Media mentioned in sub-clause 2.
THE DEMISE. 1.1 Landlord hereby demises and leases to Tenant the real property located in Cxxx County, Illinois known and described as follows: That part of the Northwest quarter of the Northeast quarter of Section 14, Township 40 North, Range 12 East of the Third Principal Meridian, described as follows: Commencing at a point on the North line of said Northeast quarter, said point being 427.35 feet (as measured along said North line) East of the Northwest corner of said Northeast quarter; thence South along a line drawn perpendicularly to said North line, 50.00 feet to the point of intersection with the South line of Lxxxxxxx Avenue as condemned per Court Case No. 63512848 and recorded as Document No. 20426204, said point of intersection being the point of beginning of the herein described parcel of land; thence continuing along said perpendicular line, South 96.00 feet; thence East along a line drawn parallel with the North line of said Northeast quarter, a distance of 329.009 feet to the Westerly line of Txxxxxxx Avenue, being a line 33.00 feet Westerly of and parallel with the center line thereof; thence North 2 degrees 37 minutes 30 seconds West, along said Westerly line, 96.10 feet to the aforesaid South line of Lxxxxxxx Avenue, being a line 50.00 feet South of and parallel with the North line of said Northeast quarter; thence West, along said South line, 324.608 feet to the hereinabove designated point of beginning, all in Cxxx County, Illinois. Together with Landlord’s right, title and interest in and to all easements, rights and appurtenances pertaining or related thereto. (hereinafter referred to as the “Leased Land”). It is the intention of the parties that the above described parcel will extend to and be bounded on the west by the easterly line of the driveway presently existing giving access to Lxxxxxxx Avenue. In the event a survey would disclose that the above description for any reason does not extend to such driveway, the Leased Land shall be deemed to extend to the said driveway. TO HAVE AND TO HOLD the Leased Land for a term of ten (10) years commencing on May 6, 1976 and ending on the 5th day of May, 1986.