Employment Relations Education Leave Employment Relations Education Leave will be allowed in accordance with the Employment Relations Act.
EMPLOYMENT RELATIONSHIPS The ORGANIZATION, its employees, volunteers or agents performing under this Agreement are not deemed to be employees of the COUNTY, nor volunteers or agents of the COUNTY in any manner whatsoever. No officer, employee, volunteer or agent of the ORGANIZATION will hold themselves out as, or claim to be, an officer, employee, volunteer or agent of the COUNTY by reason hereof, nor will they make any claim, demand or application to or for any right or privilege applicable to an officer, employee volunteer or agent of the COUNTY. The parties agree that the COUNTY will not be responsible for the payment of any industrial insurance premiums or related claims or other benefits that may arise during the performance of services under this Agreement for any ORGANIZATION employee or volunteer, or for any consultant’s, contractor’s or subcontractor’s employee(s) or agent(s) that has been retained by the ORGANIZATION.