Tier I Air-Quality Monitoring. SNWA, in consultation with the TWG, shall locate, construct and instrument a monitoring station for air quality and meteorological data within one year of the beginning of the Initial Period. This station shall be located in Utah at a site representative of the Snake Valley airshed and operated continuously for at least 5 years prior to and for the duration of the SNWA groundwater withdrawal. Air quality measurements shall consist of particulate matter smaller than 10 micrometers in aerodynamic diameter (PM10) using a continuous monitor. The meteorological parameters measured will include wind direction, wind speed, precipitation, temperature, relative humidity and solar radiation using a 10-meter tower. The Parties, through the TWG, shall work together on the design and location of the site to be constructed to monitor potential changes in atmospheric concentrations of PM10 in the Tier I Monitoring Area. The site shall be located, designed, and constructed to achieve the monitoring goals and requirements of this Agreement.
Tier I Air-Quality Monitoring. SNWA, in consultation with the TWG, shall locate, construct and instrument a monitoring station for air quality and meteorological data within one year of the beginning of the Initial Period. This station shall be located in Utah at a site representative of the Snake Valley airshed and operated continuously from installation through the duration of the SNWA groundwater withdrawal. Air quality measurements shall consist of particulate matter smaller than 10 micrometers in aerodynamic diameter (PM10) using a continuous monitor. The meteorological parameters measured will include wind direction, wind speed, precipitation, temperature, relative humidity and solar radiation using a 10-meter tower. The air quality station shall be capable of measuring all pollutants normally measured by the UDAQ, and the parties agree to cooperate in the collection of such data. The Parties, through the TWG, shall work together on the design and location of the site to be constructed to monitor potential changes in atmospheric concentrations of PM10 and the other pollutants in the Tier I Monitoring Area. The site shall be located, designed, and constructed to achieve the monitoring goals and requirements of this Agreement. The Parties also agree to consider the installation and continuous operation of additional monitoring stations if one station is insufficient to monitor any increase PM10 or other pollutant concentrations caused by SNWA's groundwater withdrawals in the Tier I Monitoring Area.