Time and Place of Hearing. Pursuant to Government Code Section 11508, a hearing shall be conducted at City Hall or another location designated by the City Council, at a time to be determined by the City Council.
Time and Place of Hearing. The hearing officer shall fix the date, time and place of the hearing. The American Arbitration Association will notify the parties by telephone, 7 days in advance of the hearing date. Formal notice of hearing will be sent by the American Arbitration Association to the parties.
Time and Place of Hearing. The parties will set a time and date for a hearing 41 which is mutually convenient. Arrangement for the hearing will be mutually 42 agreed upon and confirmed with all parties involved at least 48 hours prior to 43 the hearing. 44
Time and Place of Hearing. Hearings and conferences under this procedure shall be conducted at a time and place which will afford a fair and reasonable opportunity for all persons, including witnesses entitled to be present to attend; and will be held, insofar as possible, after regular school hours or during non-teaching time of personnel involved. When such hearings and conferences are held at the option of the administration during school days, all Certified Staff whose presence is required shall be excused with pay for that purpose.
Time and Place of Hearing. Pursuant to Government Code § 11508, a hearing shall be conducted at a time and a place to be determined by the administrative law judge, as agreed upon by the parties.
Time and Place of Hearing. The arbitrator shall fix the time and place for each hearing. At least five (5) days prior thereto, the arbitrator shall mail notice of the time and place of hearing to each party, unless the parties have agreed otherwise.
Time and Place of Hearing. The arbitrator shall determine the time and place of the hearing. The arbitrator shall schedule the hearing within a reasonable period of time after the arbitration request, and attempt to schedule a date, time and place that is mutually convenient to all parties. The arbitrator shall notify the employee and Company of the date, time and place of the hearing at least fourteen days prior to the hearing date.
Time and Place of Hearing. Pursuant to Government Code section 11508, the Personnel Officer will consult with the Office of Administrative Hearings and will select a time and location for the hearing.
Time and Place of Hearing. T h e h e a r i n g office r s h a ll fix t h e d a t e, t i m e a n d pl a ce of t h e h e a r i n g. T h e A m e r ic a n A r bi t r a t io n Associ a t io n will n o t ify t h e p a r t ies b y t elep h o n e, 7 d a y s i n a dv a n ce of t h e h e a r i n g d a t e. F o r m a l n o t ice of h e a r i n g will be se n t b y t h e A m e r ic a n A r bi t r a t io n Associ a t io n t o t h e p a r t ies. ( e) T he hearing. Ge n e r a ll y , t h e h e a r - i n g s h a ll be co m ple t ed wi t h i n 1 d a y . T h e h e a r i n g office r , fo r good c a u se s h ow n , m a y sc h ed u le x x x ddi t io n a l h e a r i n g t o be h eld wi t h i n 5 d a y s.
Time and Place of Hearing. The Panel shall meet as scheduled by the Coordinator. The Hearing shall be held at a mutually agreed upon location. A Docket of cases to be heard including the Notice of Hearing will be typed and distributed by the Coordinator. The Panel will begin at a mutually agreed upon time and all parties docketed that day should be present at that time.