Processing Grievances The Association Representative involved and the grieving supervisor shall not leave work or disrupt departmental routine to discuss grievances without first requesting permission from his/her immediate superior, which shall not be unreasonably withheld. The Association Representative and the grieving supervisor shall be allowed a reasonable amount of time during working hours while on the Appointing Authority's premises when a grievance is investigated or presented in Steps 1 and 2.
Group Grievances No more than five (5) grievants will be permitted to attend grievance meetings.
Settlement of Grievances The applicable procedures of this Agreement shall be followed for the settlement of all grievances. All grievances shall be considered carefully and processed promptly.
Settling of Grievances An xxxxxxx effort shall be made to process and settle grievances fairly and promptly in the following manner: It is agreed that an Employee has no grievance until he/she has first given his/her immediate Supervisor an opportunity to adjust his/her complaint within fourteen (14) calendar days of its occurrence or when they ought to have become aware of it. The Employee may request to meet with their Supervisor and is permitted to have a co-worker from their department present at the meeting. Prior approval is required to attend the meeting. The Employee has the option of making a written submission as an alternative to the meeting. The Employer will provide a written response to the complaint and if no satisfactory answer is received within seven (7) calendar days from the time it was first discussed with the Employee’s immediate Supervisor, the Employee may proceed to Step 1 of the grievance procedure. Step 1 Failing satisfactory settlement at the complaint stage the Union may present the grievance to the appropriate Supervisor within seven (7) calendar days following the decision at the complaint stage. The grievance shall be in writing on a mutually approved form and shall include the nature of the grievance, the redress sought and the section or sections of the agreement that are alleged to have been violated. The Supervisor shall deliver his/her decision in writing within seven (7) calendar days following the presentation of the grievance to him/her. Step 2 Failing satisfactory settlement at Step 1, the Union may present the grievance to the Administrator, or designate, in writing within seven (7) calendar days following receipt of the decision at Step 1. A meeting will be held within seven (7) calendar days from receipt of the grievance between the Administrator, or designate, and the Union. The decision of the Administrator, or designate, shall be delivered in writing within seven (7) calendar days of the meeting. Step 3 Failing satisfactory settlement at Step 2, either party may refer the grievance to arbitration within thirty (30) calendar days following receipt of the decision at Step 2.
MANAGEMENT GRIEVANCES 14.01 It is understood that the Management may bring forward at any meeting held with the Union Representative any complaint with respect to the conduct of the Union, or Stewards, and that if such complaint by Management is not settled to the mutual satisfaction of the conferring Parties, it may be treated as a grievance and referred to arbitration in the same way as the grievance of any employee.
Types of Grievances (A) An Individual Grievance is a grievance initiated by the Union on behalf of an individual employee. (B) A Group Grievance is a grievance initiated by the Union on behalf of a group of employees similarly affected by the Employer’s actions. (C) A Policy Grievance is a grievance by the Union which may involve a matter of general policy or general application of the Collective Agreement. (D) A Union Grievance is a grievance which directly affects the Union. (E) An Employer Grievance is a grievance initiated by the Employer.
Technical Objections to Grievances It is the intent of both Parties of this Agreement that no grievance shall be defeated merely because of a technical error, other than time limitations in processing the grievance through the grievance procedure. To this end, an arbitration board shall have the power to allow all necessary amendments to the grievance and the power to waive formal procedural irregularities in the processing of a grievance, in order to determine the real matter in dispute and to render a decision according to equitable principles and the justice of the case.
Policy Grievances Where either party to this agreement disputes the general application, interpretation or alleged violation of an article of this agreement, the dispute shall be discussed initially with the Executive Director or designate or the President of the Union within 14 calendar days of the occurrence. Where no satisfactory agreement is reached, either party, within a further 14 calendar days, may submit the dispute to arbitration.
Union Grievances 4/8/1 Union officers and grievance representatives who are members of the bargaining unit shall have the right to file and process a grievance when any provision of this Agreement has been violated or when the Employer interpretation of the terms and provisions of this Agreement lead to a controversy with the Union over application of the terms or provisions of this Agreement. Such grievances must be designated as Union grievances at the initial step and must comply with the time limits previously set forth in this Article.
Time Limits to Present Initial Grievance An employee who wishes to present a grievance at Step 2 of the grievance procedure, in the manner prescribed in Clause 8.4, must do so no later than 30 days after the date: (a) on which they were notified orally or in writing, of the action or circumstances giving rise to the grievance; (b) on which they first became aware of the action or circumstances giving rise to the grievance.