Title of Event Sample Clauses

Title of Event. The Event shall be known as the “OC Fair” and Xxxxxxx agrees that it shall refer to the Event in all advertising and promotional materials by the Event’s full name.
Title of Event. I. The Lessee may not use the venue for purposes other than the aforementioned exhibition. The Lessee may not lend or sublet the right to rent the venue to others for exhibitions or other activities in any other manner. II. The parties must confirm that each exhibition has no less than 60 booths. If the number of booths is less than 60, it will not be included in the applicant’s renting records. If the applicant wishes to change the exhibition title stated on the renting application, they must file an application 120 days prior to the start of the rental period. Late applications shall not be accepted. If the changed title of the exhibition differs from the industry of the exhibition in the original renting application, it will not be calculated into the applicant’s records under the same exhibition title. Regardless of whether the original applied exhibition is canceled or whether the change of exhibition title has been recognized and accepted by the venue, all exhibitions must have no less than 60 booths. The organizer(s) shall comply with TAITRA’s requests and require exhibitors to submit the Exhibition Application Form as evidence for the number of booths.
Title of Event. Pursuant to the agreement between the USGA and LESSEE, CITY agrees to identify the Championship, whether orally or in writing, as the: 000xx XXXXXX XXXXXX OPEN CHAMPIONSHIP® CONDUCTED BY THE UNITED STATES GOLF ASSOCIATION® Once the foregoing identification has been made, the Championship may thereafter be referred to by CITY as the: U.S. OPEN CHAMPIONSHIP® or the U.S. OPEN® or the or the NATIONAL OPEN®
Title of Event. The Event shall be known as the “Greening of the Campus VIII: Embracing Change” Conference, and Sponsor agrees that it shall refer to the Event in all advertising and promotional materials by the Event’s full name.
Title of Event. The event shall be called “Wikimania 2016” or “Wikimania Esino Lario.” Associazione Amici del Museo delle Grigne Onlus may use a subtitle to be approved in writing by WMF.
Title of Event. Nordic Patient Associations Meeting Date of Event: August 2023 (on a date to be confirmed) Location of Event: Helsingborg, Sweden Name (CAPS): Xxxx Xxxxx Date: 28-Mar-2023 | 09:40 EDT Name (CAPS): Xxxx X. Xxxxxxxxxxx Date: 29-mar-2023 | 09:49 EDT 1927 Frederiksberg C The Nordic countries, i.e. the Nordic countries, are not the only ones. Scandinavia and Iceland would like to continue our good cooperation and relations in order to do more about the differences in the Nordic region in the area of treatment. We have talked about continuing to meet and we have a lot of topics to work on. We believe we have a bigger voice if we join forces than fighting for a cause individually. We would like to request support for the project below, as we - patient associations for blood cancer in the Nordic region - would like to make a difference. The intention is to hold a meeting in one of the Nordic countries together with the other blood cancer-related patient associations. It is popular among patient organisations and organisations to meet at European level, but we in the Nordic region are more directly comparable, which is why in our view it makes perfect sense to hold a joint Nordic meeting. We would like to meet in August 2023 and believe there is to discuss what the future will be with the treatments for blood cancer patients. Our agenda will include the following themes: The patient organisations from Denmark, "XxXx - Patient Association for Lymphoma, Leukemia and MDS" xxxxx://xxxx.xx/ and "Danish Multiple Myeloma Association" xxxxx://xxx.xxxxxxxxxxx.xx/ Sweden, Blood Cancer Association xxxxx://xxx.xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx.xx/ Norway, the "Blood Cancer Society" xxxxx://xxx.xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx.xx/ and the "Lymphoma Society" xxxxx://xxxxxxxxxxxxxxx.xx/om-xxxxx/kreftformer/lymfekreft/ Finland, The Finish Cancer Patient Association: xxxxx://xxx.xxxxxxxxxxxxx.xx/ og Island xxxx://xxx.xxx.xx/Default.aspx?ID=31 will be invited – 2/3 people from each association – and discuss how we can influence decision-makers to create a united front for all Nordic blood cancer patients. The patient organisations met in January 2023 and agreed that we should meet twice a year to continue strategies for how to move forward. In the long term, our ambition is to establish a roundtable discussion with any Nordic politicians, doctors, etc. who can make decisions about the above topics. Due to the corona pandemic, it has not been possible to move forward in this case. The meeting will take place i...
Title of Event. Expected Attendance Room choice: (1) (2) (3) • Will food be served? If yes, who will be catering? • Room set-up style: • Will you require special equipment (computers, audio visual, etc.) for your event? • Will you be advertising and/or posting signage for the event? • Will you be selling merchandise or services and/or charging admission?
Title of Event. Nordic Blood Cancer Council meeting Date of Event: TBD – Autumn 2022 Location of Event: Stockholm, Sweden
Title of Event. Xxxx Annual Meeting 2024 Date of Event: March 2024 Location of Event: Stockholm, Sweden Incyte Biosciences Denmark ApS Xxxx Patientforeningen for lymfekraft In this report, we will provide a detailed overview of the meeting, including key takeaways and initiatives that were discussed. Denmark (DK): Emphasized the importance of conducting a Nordic survey on Equality in Treatment, believing it could enhance the influence of patient associations on politicians. DK also highlighted the need for health economic analysis to determine the purpose and benefits of such a survey. They acknowledged a campaign by Myelomatoseforeningen in Denmark and the significance of novel treatments in optimizing hospital resources. Finland (FIN): Aligned with Denmark on the necessity for a Nordic survey. They emphasized the importance of informing patients about not receiving the best possible treatments and expressed concerns about unprofessional communication from the healthcare system. Finland also mentioned their approval of Car-T for myeloma and the uncertainty of its availability due to price negotiations. Norway (NO): Raised the issue of overtreatment in some cases and stressed the importance of considering the positive side, such as quicker recovery and returning to work, when evaluating treatments. Norway also highlighted that patient involvement is often a protocol Sweden (SE): Mentioned their efforts to inform patients about their sub-types, referencing national guidelines and the role of associations. They stressed the need to educate doctors to inform patients about resources outside the hospital.