Traffic Infringements. 8.3.1. Any traffic infringements and fines will be the responsibility of the Employee who incurs them, and Employees must pay all fines that they receive when in charge of the Employer’s vehicles. Examples include, but are not limited to, parking and speeding fines, red light cameras, and any other legislative or statutory authority fines.
8.3.2. Each Employee must provide to the Employer proof of payment of all fines by the due date.
Traffic Infringements a) Any traffic infringements and other fines for unsafe driving will be the responsibility of the employee concerned. Such incidents may incur, in serious cases, termination of employment. The employee concerned must pay all traffic infringements incurred when in charge of Company vehicles, including, but not limited to all parking and speeding infringements.
b) All infringement notices, fines, accidents or incidents must be reported to the Company as soon as practicable after such has occurred or the employee in question has been made aware of such occurring.
c) The employee concerned must provide to the Company proof of payment of all fines by the due date.
Traffic Infringements a) Any traffic infringements and other fines for unsafe driving will be the employee’s responsibility. Such incidents may incur disciplinary action, or in serious cases, termination of employment. The employee must pay all traffic infringements incurred when in charge of company vehicles, including, but not limited to all parking and speeding infringements.
b) All infringement notices, fines, accidents or incidents must be reported to the employee’s supervisor, or another designated person, as soon as practical after such has occurred or the employee has been made aware of the such occurring.
c) In cases where fines are a result the employee performing his normal duties, the company at it’s discretion may pay said fines.
d) The employee must provide to the employer proof of payment of all fines by the due date.
Traffic Infringements. Any traffic infringements and other fines for unsafe working practices will be your responsibility, and may incur penalty under our incentive scheme, disciplinary action, or in serious cases, termination. The employee must pay all traffic infringements incurred when in charge of a company vehicle, including, but not limited to all parking and speeding infringements. • All infringement notices and fines must be reported to the employee’s supervisor as soon as practical after they are incurred. The employee must provide proof of payment of all fines by the due date.
Traffic Infringements. We reserve the right to charge You for any traffic violations, parking fines, speeding tickets or road toll fines against the rented vehicle during Your rental period. An additional $60 processing fee per fine will be incurred by The Renter. If a rented vehicle is confiscated under the Anti-Hoon laws in WA, The Renter is responsible for the costs associated with impounding as well as compensation to Boomerang for any disrupted future bookings as a result of vehicle confiscation and loss of potential income for the duration of the impounding period.
Traffic Infringements. 23.1 Traffic infringements and fines are the responsibility of the employee who incurred it. Employees must pay all traffic fines that they receive when in charge of an Employer vehicle. Examples include overloading, parking and speeding fines. The employee may also receive a penalty under the performance scheme, disciplinary action, or termination of employment.
23.2 An employee must report to their supervisor any infringement notices or fines received while driving an Employer vehicle. This must occur as soon as possible after receiving the fine. The employee must show the Employer proof that the fine has been paid by the due date.
Traffic Infringements. All infringements notices, fines, accidents must be reported to the employee’s Manager or another designated person, as soon as practical after such has occurred or the employee has been made aware of such occurring.
Traffic Infringements. We reserve the right to charge You for any traffic violations, parking fines, speeding tickets or road toll fines against the rented vehicle during Your rental period. An additional $60 processing fee per fine will be incurred by The Renter. If a rented vehicle is confiscated under the Anti-Hoon laws in WA, The Renter is responsible for the costs associated with impounding as well as compensation to Boomerang for any disrupted future bookings as a result of vehicle confiscation and loss of potential income for the duration of the impounding period. Any credit card related transactions (including payments and bond deposits/returns) are subject to a 1.5% transaction fee in addition to the amount of the payment/refund.
Traffic Infringements. 10.1 Speeding, parking or traffic fines of any nature are solely the responsibility of the renter and Trapp Tours will under no circumstances accept responsibility or liability for such fines or infringements.
10.2 You acknowledge that many States and Territories of Australia enforce traffic laws by the use of radar and stationary “automatic” cameras for the detection of speed or traffic offences. The issuing of a fine or infringement notice is also automatic in some cases and it may not be immediately apparent to the renter that such a fine or infringement has been incurred. It is your responsibility at all times to ensure that you drive in accordance with the laws of the relevant State or Territory.
10.3 In the event of a fine or infringement being received by the renter you must inform Trapp Tours as soon as possible.
10.4 You expressly authorise Trapp Tours to charge to your credit card during or after the period of hire the total of any fine incurred by you or noted against the vehicle during the period of your hire.
10.5 You agree to pay to Trapp Tours, on demand, the total of any fine incurred.
Traffic Infringements. 20.1 Traffic infringements and fines are the responsibility of the employee who incurred it. Employees must pay all traffic fines that they receive when in charge of an Employer vehicle. Examples include parking and speeding fines.