Training Location. 16.2.1 The Seller shall provide training at its training center in Blagnac, France, and/or in Hamburg, Germany, or shall designate an affiliated training center in Miami, U.S.A., or Beijing, China (individually a “Seller’s Training Center” and collectively the “Seller’s Training Centers”).
16.2.2 If the unavailability of facilities or scheduling difficulties make training by the Seller at any Seller’s Training Center impractical, the Seller shall ensure that the Buyer is provided with such training at another location designated by the Seller. Upon the Buyer’s request, the Seller may also provide certain training at a location other than the Seller’s Training Centers, including one of the Buyer’s bases, if and when practicable for the Seller, under terms and conditions to be mutually agreed upon. In such event, all additional charges listed in Clauses 16.5.2 and 16.5.3 shall be borne by the Buyer. If the Buyer requests training at a location as indicated in Clause 16.
2.3.1 and requires such training to be an Airbus approved course, the Buyer undertakes that the training facilities shall be approved prior to the performance of such training. The Buyer shall, as necessary and in due time prior to the performance of such training, provide access to the training facilities set forth in Clause 16.2.
3.1 to the Seller’s and the competent Aviation Authority’s representatives for approval of such facilities.
Training Location. 16.2.1 The Seller will provide training at its training center in ***** (individually a “Seller’s Training Center” and collectively the “Seller’s Training Centers”).
16.2.2 If the unavailability of facilities or scheduling difficulties make training by the Seller at any Seller’s Training Center impractical, the Seller will ensure that the Buyer is provided with such training at another location designated by the Seller. Upon the Buyer’s request, the Seller may also provide certain training at a location other than the Seller’s Training Centers, including one of the Buyer’s bases, if and when practicable for the Seller, under terms and conditions to be mutually agreed upon. In such event, all additional charges listed in Clauses 16.5.2 and 16.5.3 will be *****. If the Buyer requests training at a location as indicated in Clause 16.
2.2.1 and requires such training to be an Airbus approved course, the Buyer undertakes that the training facilities will be approved prior to the performance of such training. The Buyer will, as necessary and with adequate time prior to the performance of such training, provide access to the training facilities set forth in Clause 16.2.
2.1 to the Seller’s and the competent Aviation Authority’s representatives for approval of such facilities.
Training Location. Unless arranged otherwise with CFM concurrence, training shall be provided by CFM in English at one or more of the CFM designated facilities identified in the training catalog. If an alternate site is desired, CFM will furnish a quotation with following minimum conditions that must be met in order to deliver “equivalent” training at the alternate site.
1. Airline will be responsible for providing acceptable classroom space and equipment - including engines, special tools, and hand tools required to conduct the training.
2. Airline will pay CFM’s travel and reasonable living charges for each CFM instructor for each day, or fraction thereof, such instructor is away from CFM’s designated facility, including travel time.
3. Airline will reimburse reasonable, round-trip transportation fees for CFM’s instructors and shipment of training materials between the designated facility and such alternate training site. Except as set forth above, there will be no charge to Airline for the training described herein.
Training Location. 16.2.1 The Seller will provide training at its affiliated training center in Miami, U.S.A. or such other of its training centers as agreed upon by the Seller and the Buyer (individually a “Seller’s Training Center” and collectively the “Seller’s Training Centers”).
16.2.2 If the unavailability of facilities or scheduling difficulties make training by the Seller at any Seller’s Training Center impractical, the Seller will ensure that the Buyer is provided with such training at another location designated by the Seller.
Training Location. Unless arranged otherwise with GE concurrence, training shall be provided by GE in English at one or more of the GE designated facilities identified in the training catalog. If an alternate site is desired, GE will furnish a quotation with following minimum conditions that must be met in order to deliver “equivalent” training at the alternate site.
1. Buyer will be responsible for providing acceptable classroom space and equipment including engines, special tools, and hand tools required to conduct the training.
2. Buyer will pay GE’s travel and living charges for each GE instructor for each day, or fraction thereof, such instructor is away from GE’s designated facility, including travel time.
3. Buyer will pay for round-trip transportation for GE’s instructors and shipment of training materials between the designated facility and such alternate training site.
Training Location. 16.2.1 The Seller shall provide training at its training center in Blagnac, France, and/or in Hamburg, Germany, or shall designate an affiliated training center in Miami, U.S.A., or Beijing, China (individually a “Seller’s Training Center” and collectively the “Seller’s Training Centers”).
16.2.2 If the unavailability of facilities or scheduling difficulties make training by the Seller at any Seller’s Training Center impractical, the Seller shall ensure that the Buyer or its Operator’s is provided with such training at another location designated by the Seller. Upon the Buyer’s or its Operator’s request, the Seller may also provide certain training at a location other than the Seller’s Training Centers, including one of the Buyer’s or its Operator’s bases, if and when practicable for the Seller, under terms and conditions to be mutually agreed upon. In such event, all additional charges listed in Clauses 16.5.2 and 16.5.3 shall be borne by the Buyer or its Operator. If the Buyer or its Operator requests training at a location as indicated in Clause and requires such training to be an Airbus approved course, the Buyer or its Operator undertakes that the training facilities shall be approved prior to the performance of such training. The Buyer or its Operator shall, as necessary and in due time prior to the performance of such training, provide access to the training facilities set forth in Clause 16.2.
3.1 to the Seller’s and the competent Aviation Authority’s representatives for approval of such facilities.
Training Location. 16.2.1 The Seller will provide training at ***** (the “Seller’s Training Center”).
16.2.2 If the unavailability of facilities or scheduling difficulties make training by the Seller at any Seller’s Training Center impractical, the Seller will ensure that the Buyer is provided with such training at another location in the United States designated by the Seller. Upon the Buyer’s request, the Seller may also provide certain training at a location other than the Seller’s Training Centers, including one of the Buyer’s bases, if and when practicable for the Seller, under terms and conditions to be mutually agreed upon. In such event, all additional charges listed in Clauses 16.5.2 and 16.5.3 will be *****. If the Buyer requests training at a location as indicated in Clause 16.
2.2.1 and requires such training to be an Airbus approved course, the Buyer undertakes that the training facilities will be approved by an Aviation Authority prior to the performance of such training. The Buyer will, as necessary and with adequate time prior to the performance of such training, provide access to the training facilities set forth in Clause 16.2.
2.1 to the Seller’s and the competent Aviation Authority’s representatives for approval of such facilities.
Training Location. CFM provides the current maintenance training at CFM’s training facility in Springdale, Ohio, or in Melun-Montereau, France. These facilities are fully equipped to handle product training requirements. If requested prior to the conclusion of the maintenance training planning conference call or visit, CFM will conduct the classroom training described in “Standard Maintenance Training” at a mutually acceptable alternate training site, subject to the following conditions.
1. Purchaser will be responsible for providing acceptable classroom space and training equipment required to present the CFM courseware.
2. Purchaser will pay CFM’s travel and living charges for each CFM instructor for each day, or fraction thereof, such instructor is away from Springdale, Ohio, or Melun Montereau, France, including travel time.
3. Purchaser will reimburse CFM for round-trip transportation (coach fare) for CFM’s instructors and training materials between Springdale, Ohio or Melun Montereau, France, and such alternate training site.
4. Those portions of the training that require the use of CFM’s training devices shall be conducted at CFM designated facilities.
5. Purchaser shall bear all per diem, travel and lodging costs for it’s personnel to be trained.
Training Location. Unless arranged otherwise with CFM concurrence, training shall be provided by CFM at one or more of the CFM designated facilities identified in the training catalog. CFM shall use its best efforts to arrange training at its facilities in Cincinnati, Ohio. CFM looks forward to discussing Airline training requirements to design the best approach, and work to provide certain agreed to training in Colombia and Brazil.
Training Location. The Course shall only be conducted entirely in Singapore, unless otherwise approved by IMDA.