Unilateral. Either party may terminate this Contract upon providing 60 days’ written notice to the other party.
Unilateral. A unilateral modifica- tion is a contract modification that is signed only by the contracting officer. Unilateral modifications are used, for example, to—
(1) Make administrative changes;
(2) Issue change orders;
(3) Make changes authorized by clauses other than a changes clause (e.g., Property clause, Options clause, or Suspension of Work clause); and
Unilateral. A unilateral amendment is signed only by the AO. Unilateral amendments are used, for example, to make administrative changes; i.e. funding, accounting data changes, change in Government personnel.
Unilateral. The Executive may unilaterally terminate his employment hereunder (and the Employment Period) during the Contract Term other than for Good Reason, and without the Company's consent, upon not less than 60 days' written notice to the Company.
Unilateral. Each party shall have the opportunity to remove a total of three arbitrators during the term of the Agreement, but no more than one in any period of 12 months. A party exercising a unilateral removal shall inform the other party, in writing, of its removal.
i. The arbitrator shall be considered removed as of the date of the notice of removal, provided, however, that a System Board for which an appeal has been filed shall continue to retain jurisdiction over the dispute(s).
ii. If the removed arbitrator originally appeared on both parties’ list, then his replacement shall be accomplished as provided in Section 21.E.5.a.i., and ii.
iii. If the removed arbitrator originally appeared only on one party’s list, then, within 30 days following the removal, that party shall submit a list of 7 arbitrators. Within 15 days following receipt of the list, the parties shall determine whether there is a mutually acceptable arbitrator. If not, then the parties shall use the process described in Section 21.E.2.c.iii.(a)-(c) to fill the vacancy.
Unilateral. A unilateral modification is a contract modification that is signed only by the
(1) Make administrative changes;
(2) Issue change orders;
(3) Make changes authorized by clauses other than a changes clause (e.g., Property clause, Options clause, or Suspension of Work clause); and
(4) Issue termination notices.
Unilateral. This Agreement may be terminated by either Party at any time, upon giving a minimum of 90 days’ advance written notice of termination to the other Party. Termination shall be effective at the end of the calendar month in which the 90-day notice requirement expires, or at the end of any subsequent calendar month specified in the notice. When such notice is given, both Parties may endeavor to reach a mutually satisfactory basis for continuing their contractual relationship. If, during the course of such negotiations, either Party determines that there is not a mutually satisfactory basis for continuing the contractual relationship, then such Party shall give the other Party written notice of final termination by certified mail, and this Agreement shall terminate as of the date specified in such notice, or 90 days from the date of the initial notice, whichever is later.
a. Corporation may suspend, deny, refuse to renew or terminate this Agreement in accordance with the terms of the MMCSA and applicable statutes and regulations.
b. HCA reserves the right to direct Corporation to terminate or modify this Agreement when HCA determines it to be in the best interest of the State.
Unilateral. A planning obligation can be entered into unilaterally by a developer where only the developer needs to be bound by the undertaking. With such undertakings there is no specific obligation on the LPA and therefore they will not be party to signing the undertakings. These undertakings will be entered into before the granting of planning permission and, where possible, the LPA will encourage such undertakings to speed up the planning process.
Unilateral. A un il a t e ra x x odific a- t io n is a co n t ra c t m odific a t io n t ha t is sig n ed o n l y b y t h e co n t ra c t i n g office r . U n il a t e ra x x odific a t io n s ar e u sed, fo r ex a m ple, t o—
(1) M a k e a d m i n is t ra t ive c han ges;
(2) Iss u e c xxx xx o r de r s;
(3) M x x x x xxx ges au t h o r ized b y cl au ses o t h e r t han x x xxx ges cl au se (e.g., P r ope r t y cl au se, Op t io n s cl au se, o r Su spe n sio n of Wo r k cl au se); an d
Unilateral. A unilateral modification is a contract modification that is signed only by the contracting officer.