UNION REPRESENTATION 8.01 The President of the Bargaining Unit shall notify the Employer of the names of its elected and appointed representatives. 8.02 The Employer will recognize the following Bargaining Unit Committees. (a) The Bargaining Unit Negotiating Committee, consisting of not more than five (5) members of the Bargaining Unit for the purpose of conducting negotiations with the representatives of the Employer, provided that the Bargaining Unit may, from time to time, substitute representatives on the Negotiating Committee. Members of the Bargaining Unit Negotiating Committee who spend work days negotiating shall be treated in all respects as though they are actively at work, covered by all terms and provisions of this agreement. The Employer will compensate three (3) members of the Bargaining Unit Negotiating Committee for regular hours spent in negotiating meetings between the Parties to the extent that they shall suffer no loss of regular earnings. The Bargaining Unit agrees to reimburse the Employer for the full amount of all salary and benefits paid to additional members of the Bargaining Unit Negotiating Committee for days spent in negotiations. Where applicable benefits shall be deemed to equal to seventeen percent (17%) of the employee's salary. Members of the Bargaining Unit's Negotiating Committee shall inform the appropriate supervisor five (5) days in advance of absences owing to negotiations. Where it is not possible to provide five (5) days notice, the appropriate arrangements will be made by the Employer on behalf of the members of the Bargaining Unit’s Negotiating Committee. (b) The Labour-Management Committee, consisting of not more than three