UNION RIGHTS CLAUSE. A. UNION ACCESS TO UNIVERSITY PREMISES Duly certified representatives of the Union shall be permitted on University premises at all reasonable hours for the purpose of conducting official Union business such as assisting in the resolution of Faculty complaints and grievances, and the maintenance and monitoring of this Agreement.
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UNION RIGHTS CLAUSE. The Town recognizes the rights of the public employees to be represented by the Union for the purpose of negotiating collectively with the Town in the determination of wages, hours and working conditions and the administration of grievances arising there under.


  • MANAGEMENT RIGHTS CLAUSE SECTION 1. The Employer retains full and exclusive authority for the management of its operation subject to the provisions of this Agreement. The Employer shall direct his working forces at his sole prerogative including, but not limited to, hiring, promotion, transfer, layoff or discharge for just cause as traditionally practiced within the Construction Industry. The Employer shall utilize the most efficient methods or techniques of construction, tools or labor saving devices. There shall be no limitations upon the choice of materials or design except those imposed by safety and health considerations.

  • Union Rights Section One. Employer representatives shall deal exclusively with Union designated stewards or representatives in the processing of grievances or any other aspect of contract administration.

  • Reversion Rights An employee serving a trial service period may voluntarily revert at any time or the Employer, with one (1) working day’s written notice, may revert an employee who does not successfully complete their trial service period. The Employer will provide seven (7) calendar days’ written notice if the employee is reverted to a different institution or regional office. Reversion will be to a funded permanent position within the Agency that is:

  • FEDERATION RIGHTS Section 1. In the event the Federation designates a member employee to act in the capacity as official spokesperson for the Federation on any matter, such a designation shall be made in writing and shall specify the period covered by the designation.

  • Termination Rights This Agreement may be terminated at any time prior to the Closing:

  • Representation Rights At all grievance meetings under this Article, the grievant shall be entitled to be accompanied and/or represented by a Union representative. A grievant may also represent himself or herself, or be represented by any other person, so long as that person is not a representative of another employee organization. The administrator shall have the right to be accompanied by another administrator or District representative. The grievant must be present at each step of the grievance procedures, unless excused by the District. By mutual agreement other persons such as witnesses to the facts upon which the grievance is based may also attend grievance meetings.

  • Entirety of Contract The Contract is the entire agreement between the parties with respect to its subject matter, and supersedes all prior agreements, bids, offers, counteroffers and understandings of the parties, whether written or oral. The Contract has been entered into after full investigation, neither party relying upon any statement or representation by the other unless such statement or representation is specifically embodied in the Contract.

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