Union Rights Sample Clauses
Union Rights. 3.1 At least twice a year, meetings shall be held at mutually-convenient dates and times among the President4 of the University and his designated representatives and the President of the Union and no more than five (5) designated representatives from the Union. Proposed tentative agendas shall be exchanged at least two (2) weeks in advance of the meeting. The length of the meeting shall be established by the President following receipt of the proposed agenda from the Union, but shall not be for less than thirty (30) minutes except by mutual agreement.
3.2 The Union will be given exclusive use of one (1) bulletin board at a mutually agreeable location at each campus where adjunct faculty members and/or part-time instructors are currently teaching for the posting of material by the Union. Only material related solely to the Union’s role as the bargaining representative of this unit and not otherwise in violation of University policy may be posted on these bulletin boards. The Union shall be solely responsible for any and all materials posted on the bulletin board. The Union shall indemnify and hold the University harmless from any and all liability resulting from any and all claims, demands, suits or other actions arising from this provision, including attorneys’ fees and the cost of litigation.
3.3 At the Union’s request, and provided space is available, the University will provide meeting space on campus for union membership meetings for the following enumerated purposes: (1) contract ratification votes; (2) group meetings to explain benefits negotiated with the University no more than once a semester; (3) group welcome/orientation meetings for newly 4 All references in this Agreement to individuals’ titles at the University shall be deemed to include the designees of the persons holding those titles, with the exception of the President in Article 3.1. eligible unit members no more than once a semester; and (4) such other purposes as may be approved in advance in writing by the University. The Union’s request for such meeting space must be made by a Union officer on behalf of the Union in writing to the University’s Special Events office on the form(s) provided by that office. The reason for the request for meeting space must be indicated on this form(s). Copies of any form(s) submitted with respect to the request for meeting space must also be sent simultaneously to the Vice President for Human Resources. If it is not possible to make the request for spa...
Union Rights. Section 1 The employees and the Union, as their exclusive bargaining representative, shall have and enjoy all the rights and privileges granted to them by Act 379 of the Michigan Public Acts of 1965 as amended from time to time and by other applicable statutes now or hereafter enacted except as expressly limited by the terms of this Agreement.
Section 2 The Board agrees to furnish the Union in response to reasonable requests from time to time, all available information concerning the financial resources of the District, tentative budgetary requirements and allocations and other such information as will assist the Union in developing intelligent, accurate, informed and constructive programs on behalf of the food service staff and customers, together with information which may be necessary for the Union to process any grievance or complaint. Such requests must be in writing and specifically designate the material requested. For materials not normally mass produced a reasonable cost/charge may be required.
Section 3 The Union and its members shall have the right to use school building facilities at all reasonable hours for meetings, providing such use does not interfere with previous building commitments.
Section 4 Duplicating machinery shall be available for Union use. Materials used solely for the benefit of the Union shall be paid for by the Union. Materials used for preparation of items of mutual and common use shall be provided without cost by the Board.
Section 5 The Union shall appoint stewards and alternate stewards. No xxxxxxx or alternate, regardless of when selected, shall function as such until the Board has been notified in writing by the president of the local Union, chairperson of the unit, or an international Union or council officer of her/his election.
Section 6 Stewards and their alternates and other Union officials shall be permitted to engage in contract negotiations and adjustment of grievances subject to the limitations set forth in this Agreement.
Section 7 Any xxxxxxx or alternate xxxxxxx having an individual grievance in connection with her/his own work may ask that another xxxxxxx or alternate or Union official assist her/him in adjusting the grievance with her/his supervisor.
Section 8 Bulletin boards shall be erected in a conspicuous place for the purpose of posting notices of Union business or activities. In no case shall obscene or scurrilous printed or written matter be placed on any bulletin board. All materials posted on bull...
Union Rights. Section One. Employer representatives shall deal exclusively with Union designated stewards or representatives in the processing of grievances or any other aspect of contract administration.
Union Rights. 5.01 The Board agrees that no Member shall be disciplined, demoted or discharged without just cause. Where the Board deems that a suspension is to be imposed, such suspension must be for a stated, definite reason(s).
5.02 The Board recognizes the right of OSSTF to represent a Member at any meeting when the conduct or competence of the Teacher is being considered.
5.02.1 A Member will be informed of the right to request representation prior to any meeting which involves or may lead to disciplinary action.
5.03 The Board recognizes that the Teachers in its employ have right of access to their personnel file in the Board’s Human Resources Department during regular working hours to examine the contents of their file in the presence of a Human Resources staff person.
5.03.1 A Member will be provided a copy of any written appraisal put in the Teacher’s file and will be allowed to add comments prior to filing.
5.03.2 If there is a dispute as to the accuracy of any material on file, said dispute may be the subject of a grievance.
5.03.3 Documents contained in a Member’s file that are of a disciplinary nature will be destroyed by shredding after two (2) years provided that there has been no subsequent disciplinary action of the same kind.
5.04 The Board shall provide a bulletin board for the use of the Bargaining Unit at an appropriate location in each work site upon which the Bargaining Unit shall have the right to post notices relating to matters of interest to the Bargaining Unit, Members and/or Occasional Teachers.
5.05 The Board shall make every effort to provide a confidential meeting area in each work location for Union business.
5.06 The Board agrees to acquaint new Members with the fact that a Collective Agreement is in effect so that these Members can be advised of the terms and conditions set out in the Agreement.
5.07 Any information regarding the status of a Member which can be made available, any information which is public information because it has been part of a Board report in public session, and any information regarding teacher salaries and insured benefits will be provided to the Bargaining Unit upon written request.
5.08 The Board shall assign or reassign duties to Members elected or appointed as Bargaining Unit delegates or representatives to permit attendance at a Bargaining Unit meeting. The Bargaining Unit shall reimburse the Board for the cost of a supply teacher, if a supply teacher is required and assigned.
5.09 Teacher Application and ...
Union Rights. The Union shall have the following rights:
Union Rights. Section 1: Shop Stewards - For each department of the City, the Union may designate and the City will recognize shop stewards to serve as the Union's agent in the representation of employees up to the Department Director level after which all dealings will be turned over to the Chief Shop Xxxxxxx or Union Business Agent for resolution. The City shall not be required to recognize any employee as a shop xxxxxxx unless the Union has informed the City, in writing, of the employee's name and the department for which the employee has been designated as shop xxxxxxx.
A. Labor Relations Liaison/Chief Shop Xxxxxxx ("CSS") - With an interest in efficient, collaborative labor relations' interaction between the City and the Union, the Parties are equally committed to the successful utilization of this resource. Future vacancies for this position will be posted per the provisions of Article 7 of this Agreement, and the results and supporting documentation provided by interested candidates will be forwarded to Local 14. The Executive Board of Local 14 will review and assess the skills and abilities of interested individuals. The Secretary/Treasurer of the Teamsters Local 14, or his designee, will meet and confer with the City Manager and discuss the finalist being considered for the CSS position assignment. The assignment to the CSS position will be at the sole discretion of the Secretary/Treasurer of Teamsters Local 14 and the CSS will be classified as an exempt employee within the Administrative Agreement. The CSS will be responsible to manage their schedule and daily activities, and will continue to follow vacation and sick leave requests, approval, usage policies and complete job responsibilities detailed in the job description that has been created consistent with the provisions of Article 7 Section 1 and previously approved by the City and Union.
B. The City and Teamsters agree to the following terms regarding the position of Labor Relations Liaison/Chief Shop Xxxxxxx ("LRL/CSS"):
1. The City agrees to continue to provide the LRL/CSS appropriate office space and computer equipment, access to the City's email system and a dedicated email address to facilitate the overall effectiveness of this position.
2. Should the CSS assignment end for the incumbent, they will be returned to their former classification at the Grade and Step they would be if they had not left that position. If the specific position is not available, the employee would be placed in a position of e...
Union Rights. 2.1 The Union shall have the right to use school buildings and other work sites at reasonable hours for business meetings when approved by the facility's manager and/or Superintendent. The Board may charge for necessary custodial and utility services to the extent that other non-school groups are charged. All required forms for use of school and district facilities must be completed and proof of proper insurance must be presented.
2.2 The Union shall have the right to post notices of activities and matters of Union concern on a specifically assigned bulletin board in each work site and shall be responsible for policing the assigned bulletin board. The location of the bulletin board is to be designated by mutual agreement of the facility manager and Union representative.
2.3 A mailbox will be provided for each full-time Educational Support employee (excluding Administrative Building). The Union shall have the right to use employee mailboxes for communications to employees. The Union shall also have the right to use the school system courier services for ratification votes, sick leave pool communications and for other mutually agreed upon interests of both parties. The Union will be provided a mailbox at the school nearest its central office. All correspondence shall include a return address and sender's name.
2.4 The Union will be allowed use of the Public Address System before and/or after the student day for announcements. Announcements affecting bus drivers may be aired over bus radios. Such announcements will be made by the facility manager or his/her designee.
2.5 Employees required at the direction of the Superintendent or the Board, in writing, to attend Board Meetings during regular working hours shall be granted temporary duty leave with pay. The Union will be placed on the agenda of each regular Board meeting. Written requests for official Board action must be presented to the Superintendent at least two (2) working days prior to the agenda meeting. The Union shall be placed on the agenda of any special Board meeting provided that the Union makes written request to the Superintendent within one (1) day after announcement of such meeting.
2.6 Any employee who is a member of the Union, or who has applied for membership, may sign and cause to be delivered to the Board an assignment authorizing deduction of membership dues in the Union. The Union will be responsible for determining the appropriate tier to be in effect for the employee. This will be in...
Union Rights. A. The Union and University agree that the Union has the right and duty to represent the interest of bargaining unit members in the bargaining unit, regardless of membership, so long as that representation does not interfere with the operation of the University. The Union has rights as set forth in the Public Employee Bargaining Act. In exercising those rights, the following provisions shall apply:
1. The Union shall not use the University’s interoffice mail services for the dissemination of Union material, literature, or correspondence.
2. The Union shall not use University time, equipment, website, or materials for Union business. Meetings may occur and facilities may be used for the purpose of conducting meetings with the represented bargaining unit members in accordance with law and University policies.
3. The University shall make available to the Union upon its request any public information in accordance with applicable law.
4. The Union may meet with bargaining unit employees, visit worksites, and use University email as provided by law. The Union will be provided thirty (30) minutes during graduate assistant orientation.
B. Membership or non-membership in the Union is strictly voluntary. The Union and University recognize that the exercise of these rights shall not interfere with the instruction of students or the delivery of services.
1. Bargaining unit members may join and be a member of the Union or may choose not to join or be a member of the Union without interference, restraint, or coercion. Bargaining unit members may voluntarily pay Union membership dues through payroll deduction on a form authorized by the Union. Such authorization forms must be signed and dated by the bargaining unit member, include the amount authorized for withholding, and the bargaining unit member’s Aggie ID.
2. A bargaining unit member may commence or terminate payroll membership dues deductions by written notice to the University’s payroll office and the Union, which shall take effect no later than the second full pay period after receipt of notice by the payroll office. Notice to terminate dues deductions may be filed between March 1 - 5, July 1 – 5, or October 1 – 5. The University will remit the dues deducted to the Union Financial Secretary of UE Local 1498 within thirty (30) days after the payday covering the pay period of deduction along with a list of the names from whom deductions were made and amounts deducted.
3. The University’s payroll office will be no...
Union Rights. A. The administration shall permit representatives of the UNION to transact official business on College/University campuses provided that this shall not interfere with or interrupt normal College/University operations.
Union Rights. The Union shall have the following rights in addition to others that may be agreed to in other sections of this Agreement.
A. The right of access at reasonable times to areas in which the employee works; reasonable times are lunch hours and break time. Nothing in this section authorizes employees to engage in union work during working time. Work hours should not be used unless approved in advance.
B. The right to use, without charge, Board bulletin boards, mail boxes and school mail system and any other means of communication for the transmission of information or notices concerning Union matters. Long distance phone calls are not included. Political purposes are not allowed.
C. The right to use without charge, institutional equipment, facilities and buildings at reasonable times with the principal or supervisor’s approval.
D. The President of Local 153 will be supplied annually with a complete list of all bargaining unit employees. The list will contain the following information: Employee’s Name, Date of Hire in the Bargaining Unit, Classification – and Job Site Location and effective dates in all classifications worked.
E. The District’s Budget and Appropriations documentation will be available on-line and, upon request, a copy will be provided to the Local President.
F. The official Board Agenda all addendum items, and minutes will be available on- line and, upon request, a copy shall be provided to the Local President.