ASSIGNMENT FORM (To assign the foregoing Warrant, execute this form and supply required information. Do not use this form to purchase shares.)
Vendor Agreement Signature Form (Part 1)
Contract Form Observe the Contract and confirm the form number on the Contract is on the List of Approved Contract Forms.
Item Agreement As negotiated items are agreed upon, they shall be reduced to writing and initialed by the chief negotiator of each party. Such initialing shall be construed as tentative agreement by both parties on that item or issue, subject to finalization by ratification by the membership of the Association and adoption by the Board.
Certification Regarding Entire TIPS Agreement for Part 1 and Part 2 Contracts 5 This is a two part solicitation. Part 1 is solicited for TIPS sales that are not considered a "public work" construction (1) The TIPS solicitation document resulting in the Agreement; (2) Any addenda or clarifications issued in relation to the corresponding TIPS solicitation; (3) All solicitation information provided to Vendor by TIPS through the TIPS eBid System; (3) Vendor’s entire proposal response to the corresponding TIPS solicitation including all accepted required attachments, acknowledged notices and certifications, accepted negotiated terms, accepted pricing, accepted responses to questions, and accepted written clarifications of Vendor’s proposal, and; any properly included attachments to the TIPS Contract. Does Vendor agree? Yes, Vendor agrees TIPS Members often turn to TIPS Contracts for ease of use and to receive discounted pricing. Vendor must respond with a percentage from 0%-100%. The percentage discount that you input below will be applied to your Part 1 "Catalog Pricing", as defined in the solicitation, for all TIPS Sales made during the life of the contract. You cannot alter this percentage discount once the solicitation legally closes. You will always be required to discount every TIPS Sale by the percentage included below with the exception of limited goods/services specifically identified and excluded from this discount in Vendor’s original proposal. If you add goods or services to your "Catalog Pricing" during the life of the contract, you will be required to sell those new items with this discount applied.
Amendment to Purchase Agreement Section 1.3 of the Purchase Agreement is hereby amended and restated in its entirety to read as follows:
Cooperation Agreement If a Cooperating Institution is appointed, the Fund shall enter into a Cooperation Agreement with the Cooperating Institution setting forth the terms and conditions of its appointment.
Second Amendment to Exhibit A to Services Agreement Exhibit A to the Services Agreement shall be, and here by is, supplemented with the following:
Student Agreement It is important that I work to the best of my ability. Therefore, I shall strive to do the following:
Resume Acknowledgement Form When submitting a response to an RFQ the Contractor shall submit with its response a completed and signed Resume Acknowledgment Form (Contract Exhibit G) to the Customer for each staff augmentation person included in the RFQ response.