VACANCIES, PROMOTIONS AND ASSIGNMENTS. A. 1. All vacancies in promotional positions, as defined in Paragraph B of this article, will be posted in every school, clearly setting forth a description of and the qualifications for the position, including the duties and salary.
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VACANCIES, PROMOTIONS AND ASSIGNMENTS. A. When a vacancy occurs the following factors will be used to help determine placement, assignment, and transfer.
VACANCIES, PROMOTIONS AND ASSIGNMENTS. A. POSTING OF VACANCIES When a professional staff vacancy occurs in the District (excluding the positions of Superintendent, Assistant Superintendent, and Director) notice of such vacancy shall be posted on the bulletin boards with a copy to the Local Association President. Vacancies shall be posted two (2) calendar weeks prior to the filling of the vacancy except in emergency situations. When an assignment becomes open within a specific discipline, any staff member that requests said assignment will be given the opportunity to discuss said assignment with the supervisor. The supervisor will notify all eligible PSMs of the opening.


  • QUALIFICATIONS AND ASSIGNMENTS A. All teachers shall be given written notice not later than June 30 of their tentative subject and/or assignment for the succeeding school year. In the event that changes in such schedule are proposed, all teachers affected shall be notified promptly. Upon request, the teacher shall have the opportunity to discuss such changes with the administrator prior to its implementation. Such request must be made prior to the first day of school for students.

  • Delegation and Assignment In the performance of this Agreement, CONTRACTOR may neither 18 delegate its duties or obligations nor assign its rights, either in whole or 19 in part, without the prior written consent of COUNTY. Any attempted 20 delegation or assignment without prior written consent shall be void. The

  • Variation and Assignment No variation of this agreement shall be valid or effective unless it is in writing. We may amend this TOBA by sending you either a notice of amendment in writing or a revised TOBA. We are entitled to assign this TOBA to any other Affiliate for so long as such company remains an Affiliate.

  • Succession and Assignment This Agreement shall be binding upon and inure to the benefit of the Parties named herein and their respective successors and permitted assigns. No Party may assign either this Agreement or any of its rights, interests, or obligations hereunder without the prior written approval of the other Party.

  • Transfers and Assignments You cannot assign or transfer any interest in your account unless we agree in writing.

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