Name of Xxxxx(s) The named person's role in the firm, and
xxx/Xxxxxx/XXXXX- 19_School_Manual_FINAL pdf -page 101-102 We will continue to use the guidelines reflected in the COVID-19 school manual.
VOETSTOOTS The PROPERTY is sold: 8.1. Voetstoots in accordance with the Sectional Plan and the participation quota endorsed thereon with the opening of the Sectional Title Register, or as they are endorsed already, and any amendments or adjustments thereto from time to time in accordance with the terms of the Act and without any warranties express or implied, the SELLER shall not be liable for any patent or latent defects. Should the extent of the Section or of the PROPERTY differ from that which is contained in the title deed or sectional plan or any amendment thereto, the SELLER shall not be liable for any shortfall or be entitled to any compensation for any surplus. 8.2. Subject to all the conditions and Regulations of the Act. 8.3. The PURCHASER acknowledges that this is not a construction contract and that he is purchasing a completed unit. The PURCHASER shall not have the right to interfere in any way with the building operations of the SELLER’S employees. He shall also have no right to retention. This Clause is also applicable in the case of the bank holding back any retention amount out of its own accord or on request of the PURCHASER. 8.4. The SELLER undertakes to erect the unit according to the general building standards as set by Financial Institutions. The unit is be registered with the NHBRC. 8.5. Should a dispute arise or be declared, such dispute shall be resolved by an Arbitrator appointed by the Developer. The costs in respect thereof shall be borne by the unsuccessful party. Pending the outcome of the dispute, the PURCHASER shall be obliged to pay the outstanding amount to the Conveyancers who shall hold it in trust.
Platby In consideration for the proper performance of the Study by Site in compliance with the terms and conditions of this Agreement, payments shall be made in accordance with the provisions set forth in Attachment A, with the last payment being made after the Site completes all its obligations hereunder, and IQVIA has received all properly completed CRFs and, if IQVIA requests, all other Confidential Information (as defined below). V souvislosti s řádným plněním Studie Místem provádění klinického hodnocení, a to v souladu s podmínkami a ustanoveními této Smlouvy, budou poskytovány platby dle podmínek a ustanovení definovaných v Příloze A, přičemž poslední platba bude uskutečněna poté, co Místo provádění klinického hodnocení splní a dokončí veškeré závazky, jež mu vyplývají z této Smlouvy, a IQVIA obdrží veškeré řádně vyplněné CRF a, bude-li tak IQVIA vyžadovat, veškeré další Důvěrné informace The estimated value of financial payment under this Agreement shall be approximately CZK 903.042,-. DrugDev will receive Site invoices and process payments unless otherwise agreed. Any queries regarding Site invoices or payments should be directed to XxxxXxx at the contact details outlined in Attachment A. All payments will be made in favor of the Institution. (ve smyslu níže uvedené definice). Předpokládaná hodnota finančního plnění dle této Smlouvy činí přibližně 903.042,- Kč. Nebude-li ujednáno jinak, faktury od Místa provádění klinického hodnocení obdrží a platby bude zpracovávat společnost DrugDev. Veškeré dotazy ohledně faktur Místa provádění klinického hodnocení nebo plateb mají být adresovány společnosti DrugDev, jejíž kontaktní údaje jsou uvedeny v Příloze A. Veškeré platby budou uskutečněny ve prospěch Poskytovatele...
AT&T 9STATE shall be defined as the States of Alabama, Florida, Georgia, Kentucky, Louisiana, Mississippi, North Carolina, South Carolina and Tennessee.
Rozhodné právo This Agreement shall be interpreted and enforced under the laws of Czech Republic. All disputes arising out of this Agreement will be resolved by the court of the Czech Republic of competent jurisdiction. Tato Smlouva bude vykládána a vymáhána v souladu s právním řádem České republiky. Veškeré spory z této Smlouvy budou řešeny před příslušnými soudy České republiky.
Xxx Xxxxxxxxx At the end of this document is a list of United States Code citations for the FCRA. Other information about user duties is also available at the Bureau’s website. Users must consult the relevant provisions of the FCRA for details about their obligations under the FCRA. The first section of this summary sets forth the responsibilities imposed by the FCRA on all users of consumer reports. The subsequent sections discuss the duties of users of reports that contain specific types of information, or that are used for certain purposes, and the legal consequences of violations. If you are a furnisher of information to a consumer reporting agency (CRA), you have additional obligations and will receive a separate notice from the CRA describing your duties as a furnisher.
XX XXXXXXX XXXXXXX the parties hereof have caused this Agreement to be executed in duplicate on the day and year first above written.
Attn Board Chair.
Xxx Xxxxxxxx I certify that I am a legal United States citizen, or possess legal residency, or visitor status to be in the United States, and that I shall provide proof of said legal status if requested prior to or during any American Legion national-level ALB participation. I further understand that I shall be denied participation in any American Legion national-level youth programs if I refuse to comply with providing proof of said legal status, or are not legally in the United States. Player’s signature Player’s printed name Date I am a parent with legal custody or legal guardian of the above player and hereby consent and agree to the foregoing terms and provisions on the above player’s behalf. Parent’s or legal guardian’s signature Parent's or legal guardian's printed name Player’s name (first, middle, last) Parent’s home address (street address, city, state, ZIP) Parent’s telephone number Emergency contact person & phone number Medical Insurance Policy # Family physician & phone number High school attended Year of graduation School enrollment (grades 10, 11, 12) Player’s email address Player’s Birth Date (Month/Year) Primary position Player’s height Player’s weight