When Agreement takes Effect. The Agreement between us is created when we accept your order, either by sending a written confirmation, or by shipping the product or otherwise initiating action to provide what you have ordered.
When Agreement takes Effect. The Agreement between us is created when you receive email confirmation that we have accepted your order.
When Agreement takes Effect. This Agreement is dated as of the Agreement Date and takes effect when (i) the County and Developer have each executed the Agreement, and (ii) the Developer has delivered to the County Administrator clocked-in copies, with book and page numbers, of the recorded deeds conveying the Property to Developer. If the County Administrator has not received clocked-in copies of the deeds conveying the Property to Developer by 5:00 p.m., April 14, 2023, then this Agreement is automatically terminated without further action of either the County or Developer. The obligation of the Developer pursuant to Section 4.02 is effective on the date the last Party to sign this Agreement executes this Agreement and the obligations imposed on Developer pursuant to Section 4.02 survives the termination of this Agreement pursuant to this Section.
When Agreement takes Effect. This Legal Services Agreement does not take effect, and Firm has no obligation whatsoever to provide legal services to Client, until Client and Firm sign a copy of this Legal Service Agreement.
When Agreement takes Effect. The Agreement between Seller and Buyer is created when Buyer receives email confirmation that Seller has accepted Buyer’s order.
When Agreement takes Effect. This Agreement is dated as of the Agreement Date and takes effect when (i) the County and the Owner have each executed the Agreement, and (ii) the Owner has delivered to the County Administrator clocked-in copies of the recorded Agreement. If the County Administrator has not received clocked-in copies of the Agreement within ten (10) business days after recording the Agreement with the Jasper County Clerk of Court, then this Agreement is automatically terminated without further action of either the County or the Owner. The obligation of the Owner pursuant to section 4.02 hereof is effective on the date the last Party to sign this Agreement executes this Agreement and the obligations imposed on the Owner pursuant to Section 4.02 hereof survives the termination of this Agreement pursuant to this Section 5.19.