Dimensional Requirements. Confirms that the Property is in compliance with all dimensional requirements of the zoning code, including minimum lot area, maximum building height, maximum floor area ratio and setback or buffer requirements.
Dimensional Requirements i. Table 20.50.020(3) is modified as follows: Base Height shall be 80 feet.
Dimensional Requirements. The Property shall be subject to the following dimensional requirements:
A. Maximum Building Height: 45 feet
B. Perimeter Setbacks: 25 feet C. Internal Property Line Setbacks: 10 feet D. Maximum number of building lots: 2 lots
E. Minimum Lot Size: .75 acre
F. Minimum Lot Width: 150 feet G. Maximum Building Coverage: .20 FAR
H. Minimum Open Space: 30%
I. All other dimensional criteria shall be as set forth on the Conceptual Development Plan attached as Exhibit “B”. Any dimensional standard not set forth on Exhibit “B” shall conform to the requirements set forth in the CC zoning district.
Dimensional Requirements. The following dimensional requirements shall apply to the PROPERTY as a whole, and not additionally to individual lots (if any) within the PROPERTY:
a. Maximum impervious surface ratio: Eighty (80) percent;
b. Maximum building height: Ninety (90) feet;
c. Minimum front yard landscaped buffer: Twenty
Dimensional Requirements. Confirms that the Borrowing Base Properties are in compliance with all dimensional requirements of the zoning code, including minimum lot area, maximum building height, maximum floor area ratio and setback or buffer requirements.
Dimensional Requirements. The Property shall be permitted to be developed in accordance with the criteria with respect to minimum parcel sizes, open space, population densities, building intensities, setbacks, height, parking, buffers, fencing, signage, impervious coverage, and other dimensional requirements or building development standards as applicable to the Medium Density Residential (MDR) District and the Cluster Subdivision Overlay as set forth in the UDO.
Dimensional Requirements. Lot dimensions and configuration within the Property are generally depicted on the CDP. The lot sizes and configurations shall comply with the minimum dimensional requirements described below. The lot dimensions and areas shown on Exhibit “B” may be adjusted during the final subdivision process. Setbacks: Front: 20 feet Rear: 15 feet Side: n/a Side Corner: n/a Minimum Lot Size: Width: 22 feet Depth: 85 feet Area: 1,650 square feet Maximum Building Height: 35 feet (as measured form the grade to the mid-point of the trusses) Minimum Building Separation: 25 feet Minimum Open Space: 20% Maximum Impervious Area: 80% Maximum Building Coverage: 60% Site Development Requirements for Overall Property Maximum Building Coverage: 40% Minimum Open Space: 60% (20% of which shall be common open space)
Dimensional Requirements i. The subject premises shall follow the Medium Density Residential District dimensional requirements for minimum lot area, minimum lot width, and minimum setbacks; except that no part of the principal structure to be used for the office will be within 50 feet of the rear property line.
ii. The maximum building height shall be no more than 45 feet in the portion of the lot outside of the shoreland area and 35 feet in any portion of the lot within the shoreland area.
iii. The maximum building footprint shall be 15,000 square feet.
iv. No more than 3,000 square feet of building footprint shall be located within the shoreland area of the parcel.
v. Structures located on the subject premises shall not cover more than one-third of the lot.
Dimensional Requirements. Lot dimensions and configurations within the Property are generally depicted on the CDP. The lot sizes and configurations shall comply with the minimum dimensional requirements described below. The lot dimensions and areas shown on Exhibit “B” may be adjusted during the final subdivision process. The total number of residential units in the development shall not exceed 254 dwelling units or a gross project density of 7.34 dwelling units per acre.
1. Single Family Lot Development Requirements
a. Setbacks
i. Front: 20 feet ii. Rear: 15 feet iii. Side: 5 feet iv. Side Corner: 10 feet b. Minimum Lot Size i. Width: 40 feet ii. Depth: 110 feet
c. Maximum Building Height: 35 feet (measured from the grade to the mid-point of the trusses)
d. Minimum Open Space: 32%
e. Maximum Impervious Area: 68%
f. Maximum Building Coverage: 55%
2. Townhome Lot Development Requirements i. Front: 20 feet ii. Rear: 15 feet iii. Side: n/a iv. Side Corner: n/a g. Minimum Lot Size i. Width: 20 feet ii. Depth: 85 feet