Work pressures Sample Clauses

Work pressures. Teaching, according to the participants, is a demanding profession and not in vain. Educators are required to teach long hours, multi-task, juggle time, maintain relationships with different stakeholders, and complete an insurmountable load of paperwork often set with deadlines. The daily pressures obviously impact teachers’ attitudes to additional responsibilities, with one being collaboration. Most participants stated that high workload and a lack of time discourage them from collaborating. The following quoted words by Teacher 3 from School B explain the main hindering factors: ‘‘Workload, long working hours. Lack of time, especially during the exam time’’ (Xxxxxxxx, 21.9.2021). The above statement is echoed by Teacher 2 from School B: ‘‘Yes, the decreased teaching workload gives more time for planning collaborative activities‘’ (Xxxx, 18.9.2021). According to him, the school principal decreased his teaching workload to enable him to engage in internal and external collaborations. Having pressure to collaborate from school leaders is another factor that ‘puts off’ several teachers from participating in collaborations. Their response was that they saw no point in collaborating on certain projects; however, they were given no choice but collaborate because, if they did not, there would more likely be some sort of negative consequences, evidently unspoken of. Teacher 1 from School B said this: ‘‘Unnecessary paperwork, pressure from leadership, deadlines of all kinds’’ (Grace, 18.9.2021). It seems that the teacher finds it challenging to cope with the daily demands of her profession, and collaboration is unequivocally the last thing she desires to do, unless it is imposed by the principal. According to Teacher 1, she teaches 25 lessons a week to five different secondary classes in addition to writing lesson plans, marking homework and tests, devising tests and helping the low- achieving students. Hence, the heavy workload probably leaves Grace with limited time to collaborate with colleagues on projects.

Related to Work pressures

  • Workloads The parties agree to the following provisions relating to faculty members' workload. (a) The registration limits for all courses currently offered by the Employer in the academic, career and technology areas are 35 unless established by practice as lower, excepting multiple sections where the limit is the correct multiple of the number of sections involved. (b) The registration limits for English are as follows: (i) Writing and Composition Courses - 25 (ii) Writing Skills -17 (iii) Creative Writing - 22

  • Compressed Work Week The Company and Union recognize the concept of the compressed work week. It is further understood that the compressed work week conditions will apply only to those departments that are on the compressed work week.

  • Workload An employee who believes that her workload is unsafe or consistently excessive shall discuss the problem with her immediate supervisor. If the problem is not resolved in this discussion, the employee may seek a remedy by means of the grievance procedure. If the matter is not resolved in the grievance procedure, it may be referred to troubleshooter who shall: a) investigate the difference; b) define the issue in the difference; and c) make written recommendations to resolve the differences.

  • Work Load The professional obligation of academic employees comprises both scheduled and non-scheduled activities. The Guild and the District recognize that it is part of the professional responsibility of faculty to carry out their duties in an appropriate manner and place. As part of this responsibility faculty are expected to play an important role in the recruitment and retention of students, campus and departmental governance, program review, accreditation, planning and mentoring. Faculty commitment to retention will be demonstrated by informing students that they are to talk with the instructor prior to dropping the course. Faculty are encouraged to include a statement to this effect in their course syllabi. While it is understood that course syllabi content falls within the purview of the individual faculty member’s academic freedom, the parties also understand that items required to be part of syllabi in order to maintain college or continuing education accreditation must also be included. Tenured/tenure-track faculty who have less than a full-time contract are not eligible to work any additional assignments including long-term substitution (day-to-day substitution is allowed provided the limits specified in Section are not exceeded). Faculty assignments shall be made in the following priority order: Tenured/tenure-track, pro- rata, overload, Priority of Assignment (POA) adjunct faculty assignments, then non-POA adjunct faculty.

  • Contractor If COUNTY elects to renegotiate this Agreement due to reduced or terminated 20 funding, CONTRACTOR shall not be obligated to accept the renegotiated terms.

  • Contract Work Contract work means capital project work within existing plant facilities, major maintenance and/or revamp work, plant modifications and/or shutdown work, minor maintenance and/or repair work, breakdown maintenance.

  • Shiftwork 28.1 In this clause Shiftwork means work comprising recurring periods in which different groups of workers do the same jobs in rotation. 28.2 Shiftworker for the purposes of this clause is defined as an Employee who is required by the Employer to work Shiftwork, which commences or finishes outside 6.00 a.m. and 6.00 p.m.

  • Work Location While employed by the Company hereunder, the Executive shall perform his duties (when not traveling or engaged elsewhere in the performance of his duties) at the offices of the Company in Bermuda. The Executive shall travel to such places on the business of the Company in such manner and on such occasions as the Company may from time to time reasonably require.

  • Infrastructure Vulnerability Scanning Supplier will scan its internal environments (e.g., servers, network devices, etc.) related to Deliverables monthly and external environments related to Deliverables weekly. Supplier will have a defined process to address any findings but will ensure that any high-risk vulnerabilities are addressed within 30 days.

  • Work Week The work week will begin at 12:00 a.m. on Sunday and end at 11:59 p.m. the following Saturday.