Work Programs. SUBGRANTEE agrees not to discriminate against individuals who have or are participating in any work program administered by any county department of Job and Family Services under ORC Chapter 5101 or 5107.
Work Programs. SCORE may assign Contract Agency Inmates to work programs such as inside and outside work crews, kitchen and facility duties, and other appropriate duties pursuant to SCORE’s policies and procedures and within the sole discretion and judgment of SCORE.
Work Programs. The Company has not entered into any joint venture, work program or made any other commitment or undertaking of any nature for which the Company will be required to pay greater than US$100,000 over the next three (3) months that has not been disclosed in the Company Budget or the Company Disclosure Letter.
Work Programs. The Contractor shall submit to CNH for approval annual Work Programs for each of the Petroleum Activities including Abandonment. CNH will decide on the proposed Work Program in a period not to exceed thirty (30) Days following its receipt of the necessary information The Work Programs shall contain a detailed list of the individual activities it plans to conduct and the estimated time for each of such activities. During the Exploration Period, the Work Programs shall comply with the Minimum Work Program, Minimum Program Increase and the Exploration Plan, and during any Development Period, the Work Programs shall comply with the relevant Development Plan. All Work Programs shall comply with Industry Best Practices, the Applicable Laws, the Management System and the other terms and conditions under this Contract. The approval of the first Work Program for the Exploration Period or Development Period will be granted simultaneously with the approval of the Exploration Plan or the Development Plan as corresponds, in accordance with Article 4.1 and 6.2. CNH may deny approval of the Work Program if the Contractor. (i) does not comply with the Minimum Work Program, the Minimum Program Increase, or the additional commitments made for the Additional Exploration Period, as applicable; (ii) the Work Program submitted during the Development Period modify the Development Plan or the Exploration Plan approved, or (iii) the Work Program does not comply with Industry Best Practices.
Work Programs. Except as set forth in Section 3.1(w) of the Exeter Disclosure Letter, the Company has not entered into any joint venture, work program or made any other commitment or undertaking of any nature for which the Company will be required to pay an aggregate of not more than approximately $500,000 over the next three months that has not be disclosed in the Public Disclosure Record.
Work Programs. The Company has not entered into any joint venture, work program or made any other commitment or undertaking of any nature.
Work Programs. 8.1 The Contractor shall carry out Production operations in accordance with the Work Program approved by the Subsoil Research and Use Authorized Agency.
8.2 The Work Program shall be prepared based on the feasibility studies and calculations, expert assessment of reserves of the Field and other materials taking into account the Good Oilfield Practice.
8.3 The Work Program under this Contract should contain the following:
Work Programs. No bargaining unit work shall be done under the auspices of an “Ontario Works” (Workfare) or similar program.
Work Programs. The Contractor shall submit to CNH for approval annual Work Programs for each of the Petroleum Activities (including Abandonment), containing a detailed list of the individual activities it plans to conduct and the estimated time for each of such activities. During the Exploration Period, the Work Programs shall comply with the Minimum Work Program and the Exploration Plan, and during any Development Period, the Work Programs shall comply with the relevant Development Plan. All Work Programs shall comply with Industry Best Practices, the Applicable Laws, the Management System and the other terms and conditions of this Contract.
Work Programs. The Contractor shall submit to CNH for its approval the annual Work Programs for each of the Petroleum Activities, including Abandonment. CNH will decide on the proposed Work Programs in a period no longer than thirty (30) Days following its receipt of the necessary information. The Work Programs shall contain a detailed list of the individual activities that should be conducted and the estimated time for each. During the Appraisal Period, the Work Programs shall comply with the Minimum Work Program, the Minimum Program Increase and the Appraisal Plan, while during any Development Period; the Work Programs shall comply with the relevant Development Plan. All Work Programs shall comply with Industry Best Practices, the Applicable Laws, the Management System and the other terms and conditions in this Contract.