Annual Work Programs. 1. The Recipient shall, not later than November 30 in each calendar year during Project implementation, prepare and furnish to the Association, a program of activities proposed for inclusion in the Project during the following calendar year (“Annual Work Program”), including: (a) a detailed timetable for the sequencing and implementation of said activities, (b) the types of expenditures required for such activities; and (c) the planned procurement methods for the expenditures.
2. The Recipient shall exchange views with the Association on each such proposed Annual Work Program and, shall thereafter carry out such program of activities for such following year as shall have been agreed between the Recipient and the Association.
3. Only those activities which are included in an Annual Work Program shall be included in the Project. Notwithstanding the foregoing, the Annual Work Program might be amended from time to time to include new activities with the prior and written concurrence of the Association.
Annual Work Programs. 1. The following procedures shall apply and be followed in connection with Annual Work Programs to be prepared for each calendar year commencing in 1995 during which the Participating Regions and Participating Cities shall participate in carrying out Part B of the Project:
(a) by September 15 of each year, the Participating Cities shall prepare proposed Annual Work Programs for the next year which shall contain the terms and conditions set forth in paragraph 2 of Part B of this Schedule 6 and shall submit such proposed Annual Work Programs to the respective Participating Regions;
(b) by September 30 of each year, the Participating Cities and Participating Regions shall agree on the terms and conditions of the proposed Annual Work Program for the next year and shall submit such proposed Annual Work Programs to the Borrower, represented by the PCU;
(c) by October 31 of each year, the PCU shall consolidate the proposed Annual Work Programs and shall submit them to the MOF and the Bank for review and comment; and
(d) by November 30 of each year, the Borrower, following its review of the proposed Annual Work Programs and upon the Bankþs review of and no objection to such proposed Annual Work Programs, and taking into account the performance of the Participating Regions and Participating Cities under the preceding Annual Work Programs, shall formally adopt the Annual Work Programs and shall ensure that the Participating Regions and Participating Cities formally adopt such Annual Work Programs.
2. Each Annual Work Program shall contain such terms and conditions as shall be necessary and appropriate for the implementation of Part B of the Project by the Borrower, Participating Regions and Participating Cities, and shall include terms and conditions regarding, inter alia:
(a) objectives of the Annual Work Program;
(b) activities to be performed under the Annual Work Program to reach such objectives;
(c) assets (numbers and description) to be divested, rehabilitation programs, investment and supplies required, service norms and standards to be followed, and cost recovery measures and targets under the Annual Work Program;
(d) budget, including an estimate of the costs necessary to carry out the Annual Work Program, broken down, for each social facility to be divested, by incremental recurrent costs, non-incremental recurrent costs, rehabilitation and other investment costs, equipment and supplies costs;
(e) financing plan for the activities to be performed under the...
Annual Work Programs. 1. The Project Implementing Entity shall, jointly with the Recipient, not later than November 1 in each calendar year, prepare and furnish to the Bank for its approval, a program of activities proposed for inclusion in the Project during the following calendar year, as applicable, including: (a) a detailed timetable for the sequencing and implementation of such activities; and (b) a proposed financing plan for such activities.
2. The Project Implementing Entity shall exchange views with the Recipient and the Bank on the proposed annual work program and shall thereafter carry out such program of activities during such following year as shall have been endorsed by the Recipient and approved by the Bank pursuant to Section I.D of Schedule 2 to the Grant Agreement (“Annual Work Program”).
3. Only those activities which are included in an Annual Work Program shall be included in the Project and eligible for financing out of the proceeds of the Grant.
4. The Project Implementing Entity shall ensure that in preparing any training or workshops proposed for inclusion in the Project under an Annual Work Program it shall include in the proposed Annual Work Program, as applicable: (a) the objective and content of the training or workshop envisaged; (b) the selection method of the institutions or individuals conducting such training or workshop, and said institutions if already known; (c) the expected duration and an estimate of the cost of said training or workshops; and (d) the selection method of the personnel who will attend the training or the workshop, and said personnel if already known.
Annual Work Programs. No later than May 15, 2009, and no later than December 15 each year thereafter, the Recipient shall cause the BEN to prepare, and furnish to the Association, for review and approval, an annual work program and budget for the next Fiscal Year, including investments, incremental Operating Costs, and amounts needed for the Cash Transfers, and subject to comments by the Association, shall proceed with the implementation of the agreed annual work program.
Annual Work Programs. 1. The Recipient shall, not later than December 15 in each Fiscal Year, prepare and furnish to the World Bank, an annual program of activities proposed for inclusion in the Project during the following Fiscal Year, including the types of expenditures required for such activities, and a proposed financing plan for such expenditures.
2. The Recipient shall exchange views with the World Bank on each such proposed annual work program, and shall thereafter adopt and carry out such program of activities for such following Fiscal Year as shall have been agreed with the World Bank.
Annual Work Programs. The Borrower shall:
(a) not later than November 15 in each year, furnish to the Association for its review and comments, a draft annual work program and supporting draft budget for the next Project Year including the particular works, goods, and services within the Project which the Borrower wishes to be financed from the Credit during the said following Project Year and the estimated expenditures for the current year;
(b) not later than December 15 in each Project Year: (i) review and approve with the Association the documents referred to in paragraphs 8 (a) and 9 (a) above;
Annual Work Programs. Not later than (2) months after the Effective Date, the Contractor shall prepare and submit to the Ministry for approval an Annual Work Program, detailed item by item, including therein the corresponding Annual Budget for all of the Exploration Perimeter, specifying the Petroleum Operations relating to the period running from the Effective Date to the following 31 December. Thereafter, not later than (3) months prior to the start of each Calendar Year, the Contractor shall prepare and submit to the Ministry for approval an Annual Work Program, detailed item by item, including therein the corresponding Annual Budget for all of the Exploration Perimeter, then, if applicable, for the Exploitation Perimeter(s), in specifying the Petroleum Operations which he proposes to carry out over the course of the following Calendar Year. Each Annual Work Program and corresponding Annual Budget shall be itemized between the different activities of exploration, and if applicable, of appraisal for each discovery, of development and of production for each commercial deposit.
Annual Work Programs. 1. The Recipient shall, not later than December 15 in each Fiscal Year, prepare and furnish to the Association and Co-financiers, an annual program of activities proposed for inclusion in each Part of the Project during the following Fiscal Year, including the types of expenditures required for such activities, and a proposed financing plan for such expenditures.
2. The Recipient shall exchange views with the Association on each such proposed annual work program, and shall thereafter adopt and carry out such program of activities for such following Fiscal Year as shall have been agreed with the Association and Co-financiers (“Annual Work Program”).
3. The Association shall, on the basis of the Annual Work Program, determine and promptly notify the Recipient of: (a) its approval of the Annual Work Program;
Annual Work Programs. (a) Each year, the Recipient shall develop an Annual Work Program for the implementation of the Project, which shall include a budget and a procurement plan for its implementation, in accordance with the procedures described in the Project Implementation Manual and in the Project Monitoring and Evaluation Manual. Each such Annual Work Program shall indicate which activities shall be financed from the proceeds of the Financing for the corresponding year, and submitted to the Association for its prior approval in writing.
(b) Each National Institution whose proposed activities under Part A (2) of the Project have been included in whole or in part in the Annual Work Program shall enter into a Performance Agreement with the Recipient (represented by the National Coordination Unit), drafted on the basis of the model agreement attached to the Project Implementation Manual, pursuant to which it will commit to carry out its activities under the Annual Work Program, and monitor and evaluate such activities, pursuant to the terms and conditions (including the performance indicators) described in the Performance Agreement.
(c) Except as the Association shall otherwise agree, the Recipient shall not assign, amend, abrogate or waive any provision of any Performance Agreement, which, in the opinion of the Association, may materially and adversely affect the implementation of the activities of the Project.
Annual Work Programs. No later than April 30, 2009, and no later than April 30 each year thereafter, the Recipient shall cause the Central Program Unit to prepare, and furnish to the Association, for the review and approval, a Program annual work program and budget for the next Fiscal Year, including investments, incremental Operating Costs, and amounts needed for the Cash Transfers and Training.