WORK RULES AND REGULATIONS. It is recognized that the Sheriff currently has work rules, regulations, policies and procedures governing employment. The parties agree that the Sheriff has the sole and exclusive discretion to formulate, amend, revise and implement such rules, regulations, policies and procedures.
WORK RULES AND REGULATIONS. The Employer shall have the right to make, modify, enforce and rescind rules and regulations relating to employee conduct which, when published or posted, shall be observed by all employees.
WORK RULES AND REGULATIONS. The City may adopt, change or modify work rules. The City agrees to post or make available in the Department a copy of its applicable work rules where such rules exist in writing. Whenever the City changes or issues new rules applicable to employees that are in the form of General Orders, the Chapter will be given at least ten (10) days’ prior notice absent emergency or legal considerations, before the effective date of the work rules in order that the Chapter may discuss such rules with the Chief of Police or the Chief’s designee within that ten (10) day period before they become effective if the Chapter so requests. Work rules shall not conflict with any specific provisions of this Agreement.
WORK RULES AND REGULATIONS. The Plymouth-Canton Board of Education may establish necessary work rules and regulations; however, should the Union object to any rule or regulation, it may resort to the grievance procedure outlined in this Agreement. The Board retains the right to establish and equitably enforce personnel policies relating to the duties and responsibilities of all employees which are not inconsistent with the provisions of this Agreement or violation of law. Every employee of the school district is expected to adhere to Board policies and procedures. Board policies shall be made available for review online and through the building administrator.
WORK RULES AND REGULATIONS. Contractor shall perform the Services at the location indicated on Schedule A. Contractor shall insure that Contractor Personnel comply with TIAA’s Rules of Conduct, Privacy and Security policies, together with any other policies provided to Contractor Personnel by TIAA (collectively “TIAA Policies”) which shall be provided to such Contractor Personnel in writing, as evidenced by an acknowledgement to be signed by each Contractor Personnel.
WORK RULES AND REGULATIONS. It is understood that the City, through its various Departments, has the right to establish reasonable work rules and regulations. The City agrees to enter into discussion with the Federation on additions to or changes in the existing rules and regulations prior to their implementation. The City further agrees that changes shall be effective no sooner than three (3) calendar days after posting.
WORK RULES AND REGULATIONS. Employees shall be required to comply with all reasonable rules and regulations, policies and procedures of the Fire Department. New or revised written rules, regulations, policies, and procedures may be established from time to time. Except in an emergency, the Union will be given fifteen (15) days’ notice of proposed changes before the effective date of the changes and an opportunity to discuss such changes with management before they are finalized if the Union so requests in writing within five days of written notice by the City of its proposed changes. Rules, regulations, policies, and procedures shall not be arbitrarily administered and enforced.
WORK RULES AND REGULATIONS. The Village may adopt, change or modify work rules. The Village agrees to post or make available in the Department a copy of its applicable work rules where such rules exist in writing. Whenever the village changes rules or issues new rules applicable to employees, the Association Chapter will be given at least five (5) days’ prior notice, absent emergency, before the effective date of the work rules in order that the Association Chapter may discuss such rules with the Chief of Police or the Chief’s designee within that five (5) day period before they become effective if the Association Chapter so requests. Work rules shall be equitably applied under similar circumstances and shall not conflict with any specific provision of this Agreement.
WORK RULES AND REGULATIONS. The Employer shall meet with the Union and discuss any changes in the Work Rules and Regulations and shall furnish each employee with a complete copy of the Work Rules and Regulations.
WORK RULES AND REGULATIONS. Employees shall abide by the reasonable rules and regulations established with respect to the conduct of their duties and obligations. The breach of said duties and obligations may be just cause for discipline, up to and including discharge.