Xxxxx Xxxxxxxxxx Secondary Contact Title Secondary Contact Email Secondary Contact Phone 5 Secondary Contact Fax Secondary Contact Mobile 1 Administration Fee Contact Name
Xxxxxxx Xxxxxxxxx This Lot may contain Bundles which include Hardware and/or Software in combination with Cloud Services. All components of the Bundle must be within the overall scope of this Contract. The Hardware or Software Products included in the Bundle cannot be listed as stand-alone items for this Lot. Third Party Products are allowed as part of a Bundle only if they are required to facilitate the provision of the Cloud solution. Contractor is responsible for providing physical and logical security for all Data, infrastructure (e.g. hardware, networking components, physical devices), and software related to the services the Contractor is providing under the Authorized User Agreement. All Data security provisions agreed to by the Authorized User and Contractor within the Authorized User Agreement may not be diminished for the duration of the Authorized User Agreement. No reduction in these conditions in any fashion may occur at any time without prior written agreement by the parties amending the Authorized User Agreement.