WATER INTRUSION. Water intrusion is defined as any source of moisture. The following are some of the possible sources of water intrusion in the unit that can be controlled by the RESIDENT: steam from the bath or shower, steam from cooking, a humidifier, constant running of water, house plants that are watered, wet or damp clothing, towels, etc. As noted above, the LANDLORD must be notified of any source of water not under the control of the RESIDENT, i.e. water leaks, toilet running, roof leak, etc. Water intrusions can be a precursor of mold. Mold is a microscopic organism that is found virtually everywhere indoors and outdoors. To prevent mold, water intrusion must be prevented and treated immediately. Therefore, the RESIDENT agrees to make sure they use their best effort to prevent any conditions in the unit that could create an environment conducive to mold growth: a) Always use the exhaust fan when showering or bathing. It is best to leave it on for 30 minutes after you finish. b) Always use the range hood fan while cooking. c) Periodically allow air movement in your unit. d) Do not overwater plants and watch for spores growing near the plants. It is recommended that you periodically move plants in the unit e) Immediately remove a visible moisture accumulation in your unit, including on the walls, windows, floors, ceilings, and bathroom fixtures; mop up spills and thoroughly dry affected areas as soon as possible; and keep the unit, particularly the kitchen and bathroom, clean. f) Immediately report in writing to the LANDLORD any water leaks, excessive moisture, any malfunction of the HVAC (heating, ventilation or air conditioning) including any dampness near the inside unit or standing water in any of the common areas near your unit.
WATER INTRUSION. Consultant shall perform its work in a manner designed to prevent water intrusion at the Project.
WATER INTRUSION. Contractor acknowledges that the nature of the Work requires appropriate protection and procedures to avoid the intrusion of water in the area where the Work is performed. In this regard, Contractor shall develop and implement appropriate moisture intrusion prevention procedures in connection with the Work, which shall stay in effect until Final Completion. These moisture intrusion procedures shall include measures to prevent and manage the intrusion of water and vapor caused by Contractor’s performance of the Work so that such conditions do not cause mold or other damage to the Work and shall include procedures for responding and remediating actual water intrusion or mold conditions caused by Contractor’s performance of the Work or its failure to protect the Work. Contractor shall employ reasonable methods to discover the presence of leaks. If Contractor discovers water intrusion or mold before, during or after construction of the Work, Contractor shall notify Owner in writing of such condition within forty-eight (48) hours of its discovery and shall provide Owner all inspection reports, testing data, photographs, samples or other materials associated with the investigation or remediation of the water intrusion incident or mold condition. Contractor shall cause any such water intrusion incident or mold condition encountered to be remediated (by separate specialized remedial contractors, in accordance with applicable governmental requirements and standards, including all OSHA requirements concerning the required remediation). Except to the extent any water intrusion or mold remediation costs are excluded from the Cost of the Work under any applicable provisions of Article 7 and/or Article 8 of the Agreement, Contractor’s costs of performing such remediation shall be reimbursed as a Cost of the Work subject to the Guaranteed Maximum Price. The remediation shall be fully documented with respect to the conditions prior to remediation, the activities involved in the remediation and the conditions at the conclusion of remediation, with appropriate field reports, photographs, samples and other information that can be used to confirm and verify appropriate and effective remediation. Contractor shall notify Owner in writing when the remediation is complete, so that Owner can review the affected area and verify completion.
WATER INTRUSION. Do you know of any previous or current water leakage, water accumulation, excess moisture or other defects to the property, including but not limited to any area below grade, basement or crawl space? Yes No
WATER INTRUSION a. Are you aware of any past or present water intrusion, accumulation of water or dampness affecting the interior or exterior of any part of the improvements or the land Property, including [A10]any crawl spaces? Yes No b. Are you aware of any attempts to control any water or dampness problems, including in any crawl Yes No spaces? c. Are you aware of any insurance claims filed for water intrusion? Yes No If yes, please indicate when _ If yes, has the claim been completely settled with your insurance company? Yes No If yes, was the full amount of the claim proceeds used to repair the water intrusion? Yes No
WATER INTRUSION. Do you know of any previous or current water leakage, water accumulation, excess moisture or other defects to the property, including but not limited to any area below grade, basement or crawl space? Yes No If “Yes”, please describe and indicate any repairs completed: Owner’s Initials Date Purchaser’s Initials Date Owner’s Initials Date Purchaser’s Initials Date Do you know of any water or moisture related damage to floors, walls or ceilings as a result of flooding; moisture seepage; moisture condensation; ice damming; sewer overflow/backup; or leaking pipes, plumbing fixtures, or appliances? Yes No If “Yes”, please describe and indicate any repairs completed: Have you ever had the property inspected for mold by a qualified inspector? Yes No If “Yes”, please describe and indicate whether you have an inspection report and any remediation undertaken:


  • Drainage Systems (1) Clear culvert inlets, outlets, and sediment catching basins. (2) Maintain waterbars, drainage dips, and other water diversion measures. (3) During active use, patrol and maintain functional drainage. (4) Repair damaged culvert ends.

  • Wetlands When disposing of excess, soil, or other construction materials on public or private property, Contractor shall not fill in or otherwise convert wetlands.

  • Emergency Situation In the event of an emergency situation beyond our reasonable control, such as an "act of God," war, fire, or natural disaster, services involving your account could be available only in a modified or reduced form or could be entirely unavailable. Unless expressly prohibited by applicable law, you agree that we will have no liability to you for such modification, reduction, or unavailability of services caused by an emergency situation.

  • Irrigation An irrigation reduced pressure zone (hereinafter referred to as “RPZ”) is required for any irrigation systems and must be installed by the Developer and/or eventual lot owner and tested in accordance with the Minnesota Department of Health Guidelines for Designing Backflow Prevention Assembly Installations (hereinafter referred to as “Guidelines”). The initial test results and certification shall be submitted to the City of Maple Grove Public Works Department. Subsequently, the RPZ must be tested, per the Guidelines, at least annually by a certified tester with the results reported to the City of Maple Grove Building Department and the RPZ must be rebuilt as needed in accordance with the Guidelines. Test/rebuilt reports shall be mailed or faxed to the City of Maple Grove Building Department at (000) 000-0000. The irrigation system shall be designed and the Plans shall be modified accordingly, prior to the issuance of any permits for the development of the Property, to accommodate a 1-inch water meter and a maximum flow of 50 gallons per minute.

  • Waste Borrower shall not commit or suffer any waste of the Property or make any change in the use of the Property which will in any way materially increase the risk of fire or other hazard arising out of the operation of the Property, or take any action that might invalidate or give cause for cancellation of any Policy, or do or permit to be done thereon anything that may in any way impair the value of the Property or the security of this Security Instrument. Borrower will not, without the prior written consent of Lender, permit any drilling or exploration for or extraction, removal, or production of any minerals from the surface or the subsurface of the Land, regardless of the depth thereof or the method of mining or extraction thereof.

  • Wildlife Do not feed any of the wildlife ever. Animals of any size are potentially dangerous. Feeding even small animals attracts predators. Supervise children at all times. Keep garage doors closed at all times except when entering or leaving the Rental Home.

  • Drainage ▪ Prevent silt bearing road surface and ditch runoff from delivering sediment to any streams or wetlands. ▪ Maintain rolling dips and drivable waterbars as needed to keep them functioning as intended. ▪ Maintain headwalls to the road shoulder level with material that will resist erosion. ▪ Maintain energy dissipaters at culvert outlets with non-erodible material or rock. ▪ Keep ditches, culverts, and other drainage structures clear of obstructions and functioning as intended. ▪ Inspect and clean culverts at least monthly, with additional inspections during storms and periods of high runoff. This shall be done even during periods of inactivity. ▪ Perform preventative maintenance work to safeguard against storm damage, such as blading to ensure correct runoff, ditch and culvert cleaning, and waterbar maintenance.

  • Emergency Service If you are unable to reach Administrator at 877.634.0964 and you require emergency repair, you may contact any manufacturer authorized service repair facility listed in Your phone book or online. Mail Administrator Your original repair bill along with the technician’s report and a copy of the Agreement to the address at the top of this Agreement for reimbursement. All coverage and exclusions in this Agreement will apply.

  • Emergency Situations If the condition is an emergency, this will be communicated to the Contractor with the request that corrections are to be accomplished immediately. The Contractor shall respond to the notice in emergency situations within twenty-four hours. If the Contractor fails to respond within this time limit, the Owner may correct the defect and charge the Contractor for the Work. If it is determined the complaint is not the responsibility of the Contractor, the Contractor shall be promptly paid for the cost of the corrective work. The Contractor shall give notice in writing to the Owner when corrections have been completed.

  • Water Provide hot water for lavatory purposes and cold water for drinking, lavatory and toilet purposes.