Liability for damages Vzorová ustanovení

Liability for damages. 1. It is the Subtenant” duty to bring the risk of damage to the subject of the sublease to the Tenant” attention (even if the Subtenant was not responsible for it), so as to allow the Tenant to remove imminent damage and damage that has already occurred from the subject of the sublease. If the Subtenant fails to meet this duty, they must reimburse the Tenant for the expenses made towards the removal of damage caused by this breach.
Liability for damages. If, in connection with the performance of the obligations under this contract, the Seller incurs damage to the Buyer or third parties due to omission, negligence, failure to comply with obligations arising from the relevant legal regulations, technical or other standards, this contract or other reasons, the Seller is obliged to compensate for this damage without undue delay by restoring the previous state, and if this is not possible, to compensate in money. All costs associated with this shall be borne by the seller. The Seller shall also be liable for damages caused by the activities of those who perform obligations for it under this Agreement as its employees, subcontractors or otherwise. The item is handed over to the buyer by demonstration of fitness. The Seller shall notify the Buyer's contact person in writing that it has fulfilled all obligations under Article III(3)(a) through (g) of this Agreement and shall also invite the Buyer in writing to attend the demonstration of competence and to cooperate in the handover. The invitation according to the previous sentence must be delivered to the Buyer at least 3 (three) working days before the date of the demonstration. If the seller fails to comply with this obligation, the buyer is entitled to refuse the demonstration of competence on the proposed date. The buyer is entitled to invite other persons whose participation is deemed necessary, in particular future users of the item, to demonstrate their competence. The seller shall hand over the item to the buyer within 6 months of the contract coming into force. The Contract shall become effective on the date of publication in the Register of Contracts. The item will be handed over to the buyer at CEITEC Nano, VUT Brno, Purkyňova 656/123, 612 00 Brno - Medlánky, building 4, room A1.15. The Seller shall be given access to the place of handover no later than 3 (in words: three) working days from the date of delivery of his written request to the Buyer's contact person, unless otherwise agreed. The Seller will be granted access to the place of handover every working day between 8:00 a.m. and 4:00 p.m. The Buyer shall be entitled to adjust the time during which the Seller is granted access to the place of delivery by written instruction to the Seller in the event of his operational needs. Acceptance of the item takes place at the same time as its handover. The buyer is not obliged to take over a thing that has defects, even if these defects, alone or in combin...
Liability for damages. 1. Pursuant to the generally binding legal regulations, the Commission Agent shall be liable to the Principal for damage caused by his breaching of his obligations under the Contract and the Terms and Conditions.
Liability for damages. The accommodation provider is responsible for damage of the client’s property in accordance with the valid regulations. The client is obliged to put valuables with a value above 20,000 CZK into the hotel deposit box that is situated at the reception (we recommend also putting valuables with the value below the above mentioned amount of 20,000 CZK there). The client receives a document on the basis of which the valuables will be returned; otherwise the hotel cannot be responsible for damage. The receptionist is authorised to put valuables worth up to the amount of 100,000 CZK in the deposit box.