Penalties Vzorová ustanovení
Penalties. In case of a breach of obligations stipulated in point 3.1. hereof, the Agent shall lose the right to payment of the commission not yet paid. If such breach concerns a particular Interested Person or a particular number of Interested Persons, the Agent loses the right to payment of such part of the commission which corresponds to mediation of the contract with such Interested Person/Interested Persons. Applying of penalty under letter a) shall not affect the right to compensation for damage.
Penalties. 11.1. In case of delay in Buyer´s performance of its financial obligation under Contract, Seller may request the payment of a delay penalty to the value of the outstanding amount as provided by law.
11.2. In case of delay in Seller´s delivery of Goods, Xxxxx is entitled to request that Seller pay the liquidated damages of 0.05% of the VAT- exclusive price of Goods for each pending day of delay in the delivery of Goods.
11.3. On a failure of Seller to provide performance-under-guarantee in due course and in time and/or on a failure of Seller to satisfy Buyer´s claims on defects in Goods in due course and in time, Buyer is entitled to request that Seller pay the liquidated damages of 1% of the VAT- exclusive price of Goods for each pending day of delay and for each and any defect in Goods.
11.4. Upon breach of obligation as committed by Seller and/or Seller´s employees/servants and/or Seller-appointed persons (including the transport contractors) in the course of Contract performance related to the safety, health and/or environmental performance as established by the public statutes, Contract or GTC, Buyer is entitled to request that Seller pay the liquidated damages of EUR 200.00 for each and any occurrence.
11.5. Upon Seller´s breach of any obligation under Article XII of GTC Buyer is entitled to request that Seller pay the liquidated damages of EUR 10,000.00 for each and any occurrence.
11.6. Upon Seller´s breach of obligation under Article XVII (17.5) of GTC Buyer is entitled to request that Seller pay the liquidated damages of 5 % of the total price of Goods.
11.7. The liquidated damages claimed under this Article are without prejudice to Xxxxx´s right to claim compensation of damage, in full settlement, sustained as a result of the failure to perform the obligation secured by means of liquidated damages. The liquidated damages claimed under this Article are without prejudice to Xxxxx´s rights created in respect of the defects in Goods and other rights of Buyer under Contract.
11.8. Kupujúci si môže u Predávajúceho uplatniť aj nárok na náhrady škody, ktorá Kupujúcemu vznikne v súvislosti s uložením sankcie zo strany akéhokoľvek orgánu štátnej správy, územnej samosprávy, alebo iného orgánu v zmysle príslušných právnych predpisov pre porušenie akejkoľvek povinnosti Predávajúceho vyplývajúcej zo Zmluvy a/alebo v súvislosti s dodaním Tovaru.
Penalties. 1. In the case of Lessee's delay with payment of a due rent or any payment for services, the Lessee shall be obliged to pay to the Lessor a contractual default interest in the rate of 0.05% of the outstanding amount for each day of the delay.
2. In the case that the Lessee fails to hand over the Leased Premises to the Lessor within the stipulated period after termination of the lease, the Lessee shall be obliged to pay to the Lessor a contractual penalty in the amount of CZK 500 (in words: five hundred Czech crowns) per each day of the delay with meeting this obligation.
3. If, in the case of termination of the lease, the Lessee fails to carry out all the acts required for registration of change in the seat, place of business or branch address from the Building's address to another address by the relevant Commercial Register and the Trades Licensing Office without any undue delay, the Lessee undertakes to pay to the Lessor a contractual penalty in the amount of CZK 2,000 (in words: two thousand Czech crowns) per each commenced calendar month, during which month the Lessee's seat, place of business or branch address was registered in the Commercial Register or the Trade Register at the address of the Building. The obligation of the Lessee under the previous sentence shall always be considered satisfied if the Lessee files the respective application to the relevant public authority within (7) days after the termination hereof.
4. If the Lessee lets the Leased Premises or a part thereof for use or sublets them to a third person without a written consent of the Lessor, the Lessee shall be obliged to pay to the Lessor a contractual penalty in the amount of CZK 50,000 (in words: fifty thousand Czech crowns) for each individual case.
5. Any provision on contractual penalty contained herein shall not affect the Lessor's possible right to demand compensation for damage or a profit lost.
6. The contractual penalty shall always be payable within thirty (30) days from the date of delivery of a notice to pay such penalty to the account specified in such notice.
Penalties. 9.1. If the Buyer is late with payment of the Purchase Price of any of its part, it shall be obliged to pay to the Seller a contractual penalty amounting to 0.05 % of the outstanding amount for every day of delay.
9.2. The Seller shall be entitled to require compensation for damage caused by violation of the obligation to which the contractual penalty relates and claim compensation for damage exceeding the contractual penalty having been paid.
9.3. If the Seller is late with the goods delivery, it shall be obliged to pay to the Buyer a contractual penalty amounting to 0.05 % of the price of the goods to which the delivery delay relates for every day of delay, however, in the maximum total amount of EUR 1,000.
9.4. The contracting parties agree that any contractual penalties, compensation for damage or any other sanction performance of one party to the other one shall be limited with an amount of 10 % of the amount paid by the Buyer for the goods in question individually and with a total amount of EUR 300,000 for all contracts concluded between the Seller and the Buyer (the lower one of those two amounts shall apply).
Penalties. In case that the Holder violates the duty to ensure the assignment of the Agreement following the transfer of the marketing authorization of the Medicinal Product to a third party as per Article V., Paragraph 1, Subsection f. of this Agreement, the Contractual Parties agree to a one-time contractual penalty in the amount of CZK 500,000.
Penalties. 5.1 In the case TUKE breaches any of the obligations stipulated in the Art. 2, 3 or 4 hereof,
Penalties. 7.1. It is agreed and understood that on delayed hand-over of Works as a whole or on completion of Works that is behind schedule (incl. partial deadlines/milestones) by an act of Contractor Employer shall become entitled to claim from Contractor the liquidated damages of 0.05 % of the total VAT-exclusive price of Works for each pending day of delay in the hand-over of Works.
7.2. In case of delay in the performance of Employer´s financial obligation under Contract Contractor may request the payment of annual interest on late payment equal to 3 percentage points in excess of the ECB rate.
7.3. Employer is entitled to claim from Contractor the liquidated damages in case of delay in Contractor´s remedying defects and completion of outstanding work, as rendered in writing in the minutes of the hand-over and take-over procedure, or under warranty claim, as scheduled, in the amount of EUR 1,000.00 for each pending day of delay and defect.
7.4. Should Contractor fail to clear the site, including the removal of remaining material, waste, equipment and the like, Employer is entitled to the liquidated damages of EUR 500.00 for each pending day of delay.
7.5. Contractor must not provide without prior written consent of Employer any statement to the mass media, press releases, reports, etc. nor communicate with the mass media about Works or in relation to the execution of Works or work executed. Upon breach Contractor is required to pay Employer the liquidated damages of EUR 1,000.00 for each and any occurrence.
7.6. No negotiations and meetings held by and between Contractor and Client in the absence of Employer are allowed. Failing this provision Contractor is due to pay Employer the liquidated damages of EUR 1,000.00 for each breach.
7.7. Contractor understands and expressly agrees to the following arrangements: where Contract Agreement stipulates that Contractor´s breach of duty under Contract takes higher amount of liquidated damages to claim, Employer is entitled to claim the same amount of liquidated damages from Contractor subject to the liquidated damages being claimed by Client.
7.8. The liquidated damages shall fall due and payable within three days of after the notice is received by the penalised Party. Employer is entitled to setoff unilaterally the liquidated damages of against any invoice and/or account receivable from Contractor.
7.9. Contractor is obligated to make the performance secured by means of liquidated damages, even after the payment of liqui...
Penalties. Sankční ujednání 1. The Parties agree as follows:
1. Smluvní strany se dohodly, že pokud: a. Držitel na základě písemné žádosti Pojišťovny dle předchozího článku neumožní nahlédnout pověřeným pracovníkům Pojišťovny do dokladů, které se vztahují k plnění předmětu této Smlouvy, přičemž těmito doklady se pro účely této Smlouvy rozumí faktury a dodací listy prokazující účtované ceny za Přípravek v České republice, je Pojišťovna oprávněna požadovat zaplacení smluvní pokuty ve výši 50 000 Kč (slovy: padesát tisíc korun českých), a to za každé jednotlivé porušení takové povinnosti. Nárok Pojišťovny na tuto smluvní pokutu vzniká prvním dnem prodlení Držitele se splněním výše uvedené povinnosti;
Penalties. 5.1. The relevant provisions of the Purchase Contract shall apply on penalties against the Consignee or the Consignor.
Penalties. 49. If the Seller violates its obligation to duly deliver the Subject of Purchase to the Buyer within the agreed timeframe, the Seller is obliged to pay the Buyer a contractual penalty of 0.5% of the Purchase Price for each day of delay.
50. If the Seller violates its obligation to remedy the defects of the Subject of Purchase within the stipulated period of time, the Seller is obliged to pay the Buyer a contractual penalty of 0.1% of the Purchase Price for each day of delay. Payment of the contractual penalty shall be without prejudice to the Buyer's rights arising from the Seller's defective performance.
51. Payment of a contractual penalty does not release the Seller from the obligation to fulfil the debt secured by the contractual penalty. The Buyer may enforce the contractual penalty in addition to and independently of claims for damages.
52. The contractual penalties under the Contract shall fall due 15 days after a written demand for payment of the contractual penalty has been delivered to the obliged party.
53. The Parties expressly exclude the application of Section 2050 of Act No. 89/2012 Coll.