England eksempelklausuler

England. ST Skoleinventar A/S Gl. Kongevej 14-20 DK-6880 Tarm T +00 0000 0000 xxxx@xx-xxxxxxxxxxxxx.xx CVR-nr.: 21 63 90 44 Bank: Nordea DKK Account: 2186-0746210167 Iban: XX0000000000000000
England. I England anses medarbejderklausuler ikke som problematiske, og der er derfor ikke sket regulering af området. Dog har man reguleret området for vikaraftaler, som ellers indeholder en analog problematik, jf. kapitel 2.
England. Ahead of the meetings with CSOs, the EESC delegation met with representatives of the EU Delegation to the UK (EU Delegation), led by the Deputy Head of the Delegation. Rebuilding linkages and relationships between the EU and the UK has been the EU Delegation's key objective, which, however, was somewhat hindered by the COVID-19 pandemic. In the recent period, the EU Delegation has continued to engage with stakeholders, including UK MPs, civil society organisations and others. The EESC delegation received an update on issues related to some of the devolved nations, starting with the state of play in Scotland. In power for 15 years, the SNP and their leader in particular are pushing for another independence referendum. Although the SNP had lost the 2014 independence referendum, there was a large Scottish majority in favour of remaining in the EU (62%) in the 2016 Brexit referendum. Following a profound change in context (Scotland was taken out of the EU against its democratic will), the SNP considers this to be the main argument for Scottish independence. The SNP is working on demonstrating how independence would work economically1, as well as on explaining how Scotland could achieve EU membership. The EESC delegation then received an update on Northern Ireland. While the Protocol remains a central outstanding issue, the Retained EU Law Bill2 is becoming a new cause for serious concern. The 25th anniversary of the Belfast/Good Friday Agreement could be a key milestone, with the US President Xxx Xxxxx expected to visit Northern Ireland on this occasion3. In the meantime, it would be good if the parties focused on resolving technical issues with the implementation of the Protocol. The EESC delegation was informed that the EU Delegation has good relations with representatives of all sections of civil society via direct contacts/meetings. The EU Delegation maintains particularly good engagement with citizens' groups on issues around the applications for settled status, as a condition to exercise citizens' rights. There are special concerns about marginalised/vulnerable groups, many of whom did not apply for (pre-)settled status. It was reported that the UK Government appears to have a different interpretation of the Withdrawal Agreement, whereby failure of citizens to comply with deadlines meant loss of rights. This issue has been taken to the courts by the Independent Monitoring Authority4. Some 500 000 people have been refused settled EU status to date; as the...
England. I England nåede retten frem til, at Merils Navigator THV afgivelsessystem krænkede EP 3 494 929, og der blev den 29. september 2020 meddelt forbud (som efterfølgende er blevet en smule begrænset) for at undgå fremtidig krænkelse af patentet. Efterfølgende og efter udveksling af eksperterklæringer i en sag angående kræn- kelse og gyldighed af EP 3 494 930 og EP 2 628 464 tog Xxxxx bekræftede til genmæle over for Xxxxxxx' påstand om krænkelse af disse patenter såvel som de engelske versioner af EP ‘226 og EP ‘762. Xxxxx besluttede ikke at forfølge sagen til selvstæn- dig dom om ugyldighed af de fire patenter. Retten meddelte derfor forbud og afviste sagen til selvstændig dom om ugyldighed samt pålagde Meril at betale Xxxxxxx' omkostninger (bilag 42) [E903].