Assignment Musterklauseln

Assignment. This Agreement may not be assigned, nor may any of Your obligations under this Agreement be delegated, in whole or in part, by You by operation of law, merger, or any other means without Apple’s express prior written consent and any attempted assignment without such consent will be null and void. You may not issue any press releases or make any other public statements regarding this Agreement, its terms and conditions, or the relationship of the parties without Apple’s express prior written approval, which may be withheld at Apple’s discretion. This Agreement will not be construed as creating any agency relationship, or a partnership, joint venture, fiduciary duty, or any other form of legal association between You and Apple, and You will not represent to the contrary, whether expressly, by implication, appearance or otherwise. This Agreement is not for the benefit of any third parties.
Assignment. The Customer may not assign this Agreement without prior written consent of Questionmark, such consent not to be unreasonably withheld.
Assignment. Customer is not entitled to assign any of the rights and obligations of this Agreement without prior written approval by Service Provider unless the corresponding claim is a monetary claim.
Assignment. The Company is entitled to assign all existing and future claims from the contractual relationship to a factor, in whole or in part and with or without notifying the Customer. The Company is also authorised to collect the claims against the Customer on the account of the factor. The Customer is authorised to dispose of the goods in the scope of ordinary business transactions. The Customer assigns all rights from the resale to the Company. The Customer is also authorised to collect the claims from the resale on the account of the Company. If the Customers are fully-registered traders, the assignment is also effective if the assignment between the parties is excluded pursuant to section 399 BGB (German Civil Code). Goods that are supplied as specimens or samples or items that are lent or leased will be provided to the Customer at the Customer’s risk and shall remain at the Customer’s risk while in the Customer’s possession. The Customer shall be liable for improper use, damage and accidental destruction. Plans and designs that are created by the Company and quotes completed by the Company itself are protected by copyright. These may only be reused with written approval from the Company, unless a contract for planning services subject to a charge has been created beforehand. The Company will subsequently invoice the planning service in the event of unauthorised use. If changes are induced by the Client once the execution planning has been completed or the plans have been approved and released, then the planning changes will be charged in accordance with expenditure of time as follows: Contractor and project manager EUR 200.00 net (Interior) Architect / engineer EUR 120.00 net Designer / technician EUR 120.00 net Installer EUR 65.00 net Textile engineer / room fitter EUR 79.00 net Other employees (Technical designers, secretarial staff) EUR 65.00 net Proof of the time and effort must be provided to the Client in good time for verification (at least monthly). The aforementioned hourly rates shall apply to all hourly work undertaken by the Contractor. Travel costs will be accounted for in accordance with expenditure of time as per the above hourly rates. Unless otherwise agreed, all ancillary costs of the Contractor shall be borne by the Client following prior approval by the Client with original receipts submitted. Unless otherwise agreed, the Contractor’s remuneration shall in all other respects be based on the fee scale in the latest version of the German Fee...
Assignment. Any assignment of these GTCP or individual delivery obligations resulting from them to any third party requires the prior written permission of the other Party. The deliveries to the Ordering Party shall take the most ecological form possible; the Supplier shall put forward proposals to optimise the Situation.
Assignment. 17.1. Der Käufer darf Angebote oder Aufträge ganz oder teil- weise nur mit schriftlicher Zustimmung des Verkäufers abtre- ten oder übertragen. 17.1. The Buyer may assign or transfer offers or orders in whole or in part only with the Seller's written consent. 17.2. Der Verkäufer ist berechtigt, seine Verpflichtungen ganz oder teilweise einem verbundenen Unternehmen, einem Subunternehmen oder einem Geschäftsnachfolger abzutre- ten oder zu übertragen. 17.2. The Seller is entitled to assign or transfer all or part of his obligations to an affiliated company, a sub-company or a business successor. 18.
Assignment. 1 Dermagnostix behält sich vor, den Vertrag oder einzelne Rechte und Pflichten daraus jederzeit ohne Zustimmung des Kunden auf verbundene Unternehmen sowie – insbesondere im Rahmen einer Veräußerung des Unternehmens oder von Teilen desselben – auf sonstige Dritte zu übertragen und der Kunde stimmt dem bereits jetzt ausdrücklich zu und verzichtet auf ein ihm hiergegen allenfalls zustehendes gesetzliches Widerspruchsrecht, sofern wichtige objektive Interessen des Kunden dem nicht entgegenstehen. 2 Der Kunde kann den Vertrag oder einzelne Rechte und Pflichten daraus nur mit vorheriger Zustimmung durch Dermagnostix in Textform auf Dritte übertragen. 1 Dermagnostix reserves the right to transfer the Contract or individual rights and obligations arising thereunder to affiliated companies and – in particular in the context of a sale of the company or parts thereof – to other third parties at any time without the Customer's consent and the Customer hereby expressly agrees to this and waives any statutory right of objection to which it may be entitled, provided that this does not conflict with relevant legitimate interests of the Customer. 2 The Customer may only transfer the Contract or individual rights and obligations arising thereunder to third parties with the prior consent of Dermagnostix in text form. XVI.
Assignment. The supplier's existing claims against MD may only be assigned with valid ef- fect vis-à-vis MD to the extent MD is given prior written notice thereof and MD has given its consent in writing.
Assignment. The Furniture Removal Firm is obligated to transfer any rights it may have under the insurance policy to be taken out by it to the party entitled to damages upon such party's request. Unless otherwise agreed, the agreed remuneration including the claims of the furniture haulier in accordance with Section 2 is due upon delivery and, in the case of international transport, before loading begins.
Assignment. Assignment of any claims against MD on the part of the Supplier shall not be possible unless MD receives a prior written notification of the assignment and agrees to such assignment in writing.