Miscellaneous Musterklauseln

Miscellaneous. No animals are permitted on the exhibition grounds. Water required for use in connec- tion with foodstuffs or for the cleaning of utensils coming into immediate contact with foodstuffs may only be obtained from taps supplying hygienic water. Water for such purposes may not be obtained from toilet facilities.
Miscellaneous a. The organizer reserves the right to transfer the rights and obligations resulting from the event visit agreement to a third party; The organizer will inform the visitor about this. In such a case, the visitor is entitled to an extraordinary right of termination within one month of receiving the contract.
Miscellaneous. 19.1. Assignments and delegations of rights and duties of the Supplier under the contract made with LEONI shall be valid only with XXXXX’x written consent. If, contrary to the first sentence hereof, the Supplier assigns a receivable against LEONI to a third party without XXXXX’x consent, such assignment shall be nevertheless valid. However, LEONI may, at its option, make pay- ment with debt-discharging effect either to the Supplier or the third party.
Miscellaneous. No variations or amendments to these GTC shall be binding unless agreed by written notice by Mondi. This written form requirement shall in particular apply to any variation or amendment of this clause. Any of Mondi’s contractual obligations may be fulfilled by any of its Affiliates and auxiliary persons. The Customer must not assign any of its rights or obligations without Mondi’s prior consent by written notice. Mondi may assign its rights or obligations to an entity of the Mondi Group; Customer hereby grants approval for such assignment. If any part of any provision of these GTC is deemed illegal, void or unenforceable, it shall be deemed severed from the remainder of these GTC which shall remain in force. No waiver of any provision by Mondi shall be deemed a waiver of any subsequent breach by the Customer. All written notices to be given or delivered by a party to the other party shall be signed by persons duly authorised to sign on behalf of the party, and shall be deemed to have been given to such other party (i) by wet signature and only when mailed to such other party by registered mail, return receipt requested and postage prepaid, or (ii) by using secure and advanced electronic signature. The German version of this GTC or any Contract related to them shall prevail over the English version.
Miscellaneous. 14.1 Any waiver by either party of a breach by the other of any condition shall be limited to the particular breach and shall not operate in respect of any future breach by that party and no delay on the part of either party to act upon a breach shall be deemed a waiver of that breach.
Miscellaneous. 18.1 Unless otherwise specified in the above provisions, any limited period shall commence with delivery of the document specifying that deadline to the Party required to meet the deadline. When determining a deadline in terms of days, the day of the point in time or event referred to as the start of the period shall not be included. Limited periods determined in weeks or months shall refer to the day of the week or month that corresponds in name or number to the day starting from which the period is to be counted. If the relevant month lacks such a day, the last day of such month shall be used.
Miscellaneous. No variations or amendments to these GTC shall be binding unless agreed by written notice by Mondi. This written form requirement shall in particular apply to any variation or amendment of this clause. Any of Mondi’s contractual obligations may be fulfilled by any of its Affiliates and auxiliary persons. The Customer must not assign any of its rights or obligations without Mondi’s prior consent by written notice. Mondi may assign its rights or obligations to an entity of the Mondi Group; Customer hereby grants approval for such assignment. If any part of any provision of these GTC is deemed illegal, void or unenforceable, it shall be deemed severed from the remainder of these GTC which shall remain in force. No waiver of any provision by Mondi shall be deemed a waiver of any subsequent breach by the Customer. Ein Verzicht von Mondi auf eine Bestimmung gilt nicht als Verzicht auf eine spätere Verletzung durch den Kunden. Alle schriftlichen Mitteilungen, die von einer Partei an die andere Partei zu geben oder zuzustellen sind, müssen von Personen unterzeichnet werden, die ordnungsgemäß befugt sind, im Namen der Partei zu unterzeichnen, und gelten als der anderen Partei gegeben (i) durch eigenhändige Unterschrift und nur dann als zugestellt, wenn sie per Einschreiben mit Rückschein und vorausbezahltem Porto an die andere Partei geschickt werden, oder (ii) durch Verwendung einer sicheren und fortgeschrittenen elektronischen Signatur. Die deutsche Version dieser AVB oder eines mit diesen verbundenen Vertrages hat Vorrang vor der englischen Version. All written notices to be given or delivered by a party to the other party shall be signed by persons duly authorised to sign on behalf of the party, and shall be deemed to have been given to such other party (i) by wet signature and only when mailed to such other party by registered mail, return receipt requested and postage prepaid, or (ii) by using secure and advanced electronic signature.
Miscellaneous. The parties will comply with all applicable laws and regulations. We may suspend performance of the contract if the customer violates any applicable laws or regulations. All terms and conditions of delivery of the buyer which are not expressly accepted by us in writing shall not be binding on us, even if they form the basis of an order and we do not expressly object to their content again. The rights of the buyer arising from a contract are not transferable without our express written consent. If we take back goods, these can only be credited with 75% of the invoice amount, insofar as they are standard devices, systems or goods. In the case of custom-made products, return is excluded in any case. Insofar as agreements deviate from the above conditions, they must be in writing in order to be valid. We are in any case entitled to make partial deliveries.
Miscellaneous. 24 Gründungsaufwand § 24 Formation expenses
Miscellaneous. The Buyer may only offset against undisputed or legally confirmed receivables or in case the Seller has ack- nowledged expressly. The Buyer is entitled to retain only a reasonable part of the payments due even in case of legally justified reclamations. The seller is entitled to store, communicate, process and delete personal data relating to the Buyer in the context of business dealings.